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Baytor and Panch at the (Zombie) Movies!

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Passion of the Christ isn't a zombie movie. He just dies, he doesn't come back. I'm not sure what to classify Weekend at Bernie's as, he doesn't really re-animate his body just moves when he listens to music.


I'm gonna have to watch that again, I guess. And maybe read the book.


Yes, yes, and yes. The movie is a truly unsettling scary movie and the book even moreso. King makes a few weird writing choices (indicating how people die long before said event occurs) but it's right up there with Herbert West Re-Animator on the list of disturbing stories that tackle concepts like death, human mortality, and the existence (or not) of the human soul. That book gave me chills.

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Passion of the Christ isn't a zombie movie. He just dies, he doesn't come back.

You and saw two VERY different movies.






I'm not sure what to classify Weekend at Bernie's as, he doesn't really re-animate his body just moves when he listens to music.


If that ain't a zombie... I don't know what is.

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Yes, Jason Voorehees is too, but only after Friday the 13th part 6.


You and saw two VERY different movies.



If that ain't a zombie... I don't know what is.


The resurrection doesn't happen in the movie. But I hear it's going to be in the upcoming sequel "The Payback of The Christ"


And Bernie never really re-animates, he's still dead he just dances to music which is more of a trick of nerves that only makes sense via 80s logic.

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At the end of the Passion of the Christ Jesus Christ does come back... watch again. And the Bernie thing is just a joke, but closer to the definition of a zombie, TO ME, than the Evil Dead. Possession is what goes on in that movie. If anything it's closer to the Exorcist than anything else.

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Ah, but traditionally zombies are dead bodies returned to life by a supernatural (usually evil) force. While there were a few instances of living possession in the Evil Dead films, mostly they were re-animated corpses. It's kind of half zombie/half demon movie in much the same way the Black Sheep is a zombie/werewolfsheep/animals attack movie. Multi-genre but it still counts.

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Ah, but traditionally zombies are dead bodies returned to life by a supernatural (usually evil) force. While there were a few instances of living possession in the Evil Dead films, mostly they were re-animated corpses. It's kind of half zombie/half demon movie in much the same way the Black Sheep is a zombie/werewolfsheep/animals attack movie. Multi-genre but it still counts.


No... TRADITIONAL zombies all involve voodoo. And while some might say that voodoo is 'a supernatural (usually evil) force' it technically not... it's science. Voodoo priests are just chemists. They concoct a thing to give the impression of death and when the individual is 'gone' from society they become the priest's slave. STILL ALIVE, by-the-way, but drugged. The dead coming back to life to eat the flesh of the living was a Hollywood invention. All with science as a basis (radioactivity or disease).


In the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness trilogy you see hands come back to life. Full skeletons come back to life. Also, like you said, dead bodies, BUT by possession NOT voodoo or science.

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It doesn't matter the means, I can assure you that all the pre-Romero zombie movies didn't rely on blowfish powder. Dead-Alive was passed by a magical cursed animal, Phantasm by some sort of extra-dimensional chemical, [REC] by a demon possessed victim, The Beyond by some sort of crazy voodoo spirits from Hell, all that's required is a corpse to come back to life. Skeletons came back in Return of the Living Dead and that was "science" too.

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I fucking loved Crossed*, you monster. I never thought of them as zombies though until I heard other people use the word (I suspect we've already had this conversation).

But for some reason I initially thought of the people in 28 Days Later as zombies, and all of my arguments against the use of the term for Crossed should apply there as well. Maybe it's the tone of the film?


Anyway, I have very few criteria for what makes a zombie. Just that they should be dead. "Rape Zombies" does have a nice ring to it though.


*Disclaimer: I haven't read anything past the initial 10 issues

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Don't be, I love other things Lapham did but Crossed: Family Values is the shitiest of shit and utterly pointless to boot. Psycho wasn't bad though. Apparently in addition to getting an ongoing series Avatar is doing a free webcomic in-universe to drum up business (a business model I would like to see used more often.)


My favorite comment on it was on comics alliance by someone who said they didn't read more than an issue of the comic because "I don't care for rape." Fucking escapism, how does it work?

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So Pancho, how was Juan of the Dead.


I saw [REC] 3 and was entertained, though it added nothing to the story at all really that we hadn't seen before. I watched Monster Brawl which deals pretty heavily with zombies and it was good for what it was: a wrestling event that just happened to feature monsters and paid some of Dave Foley's child support payments.

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