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Red Dragon

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Saw it last night. Very very good. In a few ways, better than Hannibal. Extremely suspensful and very well done.


*possible spoilers*


I know I'm going to take heat for this from certain Ed Norton lovers, but oh well. IMHO - I think Ed physically acted well, but there's something about the tone of his voice that doesn't communicate urgency. I think he did an overall very good job, but there's something about him that doesn't necessarily fit in to terribly well, but that's just me.

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Well, I haven't seen Red Dragon yet, but due to my older sister's request, I saw Manhunter. She said I had to see Manhunter first before seeing Red Dragon. For those of you who don't know. Red Dragon was the first book in the Hannibal series and it was written before silence of the lambs as well as taking place before it to. They mad a low budget movie based on it and, for soem reason, called it Manhunter instead of Reg Dragon. It didn't have Anthony Hopkins. Now with Hannibal scoring big at the box office, they decide they want a nice big budget Red Dragon movie with Hopkins as Lector. Red Dragon uses the same script, so the two movie are very similar. I recognized lots of the dialogue from the Red Dragon trailers I saw. I recommend this movie as a way of seeing how two different budgets can set apart two movies with the same script.


One question for anyone whose seen Red Dragon (please highlight for spoiler): Do they use "In a Gadda Da Vida" in the scene towards the end where the killer has the blind woman kidnapped? They did in Manhunter and I thought it worked really well.

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Yeah, this one was cool. I didn't liek it as much as Lambs or Hannibal though. This one seemed very standard. Few chances taken, sort of a basic detective thriller. I liked Hannibal more because it took a chance, it was stylish and funny as hell. Hannibal was almost like, a really dark comedy, I though. This one was good, but it tried nothing new. I never really understood the killer's issues much. In Silence of the Lambs Buffalo Bill's reasons for killing made sense and were clear, as fucked up as they were, but I didn't get this guy as much. Performances were cool of course, it had fucking every actor on earth in it. They didn't have much to work with though, even Lector sorta seemed to be going through the motions sometimes. Best performance I thought was from Emily Watson, the blind girl. It would have been cool if the story would have focused more on Graham's ability to think like killers and the psychological implications of it rather than the life of the killer. I liked it though, very good thriller, cool detective stuff in there too. I'm definately gonna go check out manhunter. Hope it's not a direct remake just with a cooler cast, I mean, I understand that the only reason Red Dragon was made was to have hopkins play lector again, but I hope they at least focused on different stuff or something.

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Saw it a few days ago. Pretty good. I haven't seen Hannibal and it's been years since I've seen Silence of the Lambs and I don't remember it much. Manhunter didn't have the intro seen like Red Dragon did (pre-Hannibal's capture). I like certain things about Red Dragon more and certain things about Manhunter more.

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