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Kill Bill


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I've been pretty hyped about this one too. It's pretty much looking to be the ultimate in "Cool" It's about a female assasin that gets attacked by her group leader "bill" and the other assasins in their group. She wakes up from a coma and seeks revenge.

Yuen Woo Ping (Matrix, crouching tiger, fist of legend, drunken master, damn near every other great kung foo movie) is choreographing the fights, and Uma Therman is starring as "The Bride"

I can't wait to see Tarantino direct a cool, stylish action movie. Should be a hell of a ride.

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  • 11 months later...

Hee hee, i got here first...


...whatta badass movie. Lived up & surpassed its hype, just a blast overall. Pulled no punches either; if you thought Tarentino was gratoitous (sp) before..hah. Ill leave the real review for Junker, but for me: damn fine. Wish Sony Chiba did a bit more but overall, it was really cool.

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Never in my life has a movie made me say "Holy shit!" as many times are this movie did. Not The Matrix, not Fight Club, not even close. Like Nick said, this surpassed the expectations. This was the ultimate is just plain cool. I'll see this one in theaters at least two more times. I'm so psyched to see the second one.

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I'm on the same page as you guys. Every now and then, a movie comes out that just makes you watch with your jaw dropped open and say "woah." For me, this movie was the best thing I've seen, probobly since the first Matrix. This movie was just another reason for me to say that Quinton is one hell of a director and I don't know how I'll hold off until the second Chapter. I guess we've got movies like LOTR 3 and Matrix 3 to hold the fort down until then.

Simply jaw dropping...

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Holy fucking shit. This is the best movie I've seen in theaters for a looooooooonbg fuckin time. Jaw dropping is exactly how I'd describe it. I don't think a smile left my face for the entire last hour. Whatever random journalists are asking if Tarantiono is just a flash in the pan one hit wonder can just shut the fuck up. This is just fuckin Style! (yes, with a capital S) The perfect throwbacks to old exploitation kung foo flicks, the music, the story structure, just the funnest goddamned movie you'll see. I could watch Tarantino's camera just follow characters around for two hours for christ's sake. And the fights? DAAAAMN. This is what happens when you let Yuen wo ping choreograph fights without inserting CG all over the place and have a true fuckin master filming it all. These are some of the best fights I've ever seen too. All framed within a badass story and shot perfectly. Oh yeah, and like IC said, the gore was nuts. Makes you wonder why there's never any blood in all those other kung foo movies with sword s in em... You hit a guy with a sword, he makes a mess. In this movie, he makes a REAL fuckin mess. I just can't express how cool it all was. You've got a genius director who is a HUGE fan of kung foo flicks writing and shooting badass fight scenes for the best fight choreographer ever to create. This is the perfect popcorn action movie. I WANT THE SECOND ONE NOW.

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I just saw it again tonight. I pretty much agree with Jack's. Not as shockingly amazing the second time around, but I was still fuckin blown away. The only thing that's gonna piss me off about this one is the splitting of it. I hope the second one flows well. And the DVD set had better be fuckin cheap.

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I don't know guys, I love Pulp Fiction and True Romance has been my favorite movie since the first time I saw it (I realize he didn't direct, but he wrote it) but I just thought every aspect of Kill Bill rocked. Between the story, the set, the fight scenes, the anime, the sound, the sound track, and the shots!!! The cinematography in this movie was AMAZING! And all the elements of a Tarantino film are there, just like in Pulp Fiction only more fine tuned. He's just getting better. I think we can expect good things from Volume 2.

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