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On the drive to work a massive oversight re Bhuddism occured to me in the form of the focus on interconnectivity of all living things. Pardon that, but I still like meat way too much to think on the fickle nature of consuming living creatures(my short answer has always been to put humans on the butcher's block too) longer than it takes to grill a steak. If It gets me down I just start singing the Ciiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiife...

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Given the assumption that someone is going to hold a non-theist belief system, do you think its more useful or fulfilling to hold a spiritualized one such as Taoism or Buddhism or something completely secular such Rational Atheism?

I wish I got question like that in my question thread. That said, the robot's answer was pretty good.

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Have you ever seen "I'm a Cyborg, but that's OK" and is it really ok? Really?


Coming back to this I'ma check it out. It looks like something I'll either love or hate.


@ Loggins & Jax- I'm getting mixed signals from you chaps. Are you saying you prefer me to read up a little on the things I pass judgement on as opposed to just swearing a bunch and calling you all wankers? I wait for the day Bindi comes in to call me on my shit for these long fucking posts where I sound out every squeek the hamster wheel makes inside my head as I rationalise what probably comes as second nature to anyone who's read a book since 2001. And have the balls to tell him his posts are too long.

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I think you and DoJ are the only cunts in such a hurry that they actually bitch about that sort of thing. It might be one of the most self righteous things you can do on a message board.

"Your thoughts are not convenient for me to assimilate in a timely fashion. Rather than ignore or skim them, I'm going to tell you how unpleasant I find it, with the secret hope that you will change in order to make my reading experience smoother. The only other possible outcome would be that your feelings are hurt and no positive change comes from my outburst, but I'm unable to factor that into the equation, or indeed even pretend to give a shit. Me. Me. MEEEEEEE!"


Also, what the fuck could possibly give a mixed signal? Were their backhanded compliments peppered into those succinct posts that I somehow missed? Jesus, your brain is really broken man.

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@Jax & Loggins- I was being facetious, gents. And this next bit I say without judgement so much as patented robot observation: When asked a direct question in RL, you generally won't list through every factor bringing you to a conclusion, therefore doing so just because you have a captive audience on a messageboard waiting for a 'yes' or a 'no' is IMO pretty narcissistic and just a little arrogant to the extent that you believe this mental journey is worth chronicling. I've been wanting to attach an apology for doing this to any of the previous posts, but everyone's been so nice and you guys have more or less confirmed that i guess it is the done thing.


@Panch- because your wish is my command

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