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Welsh farmer creates world's hottest chili: might kill if eaten


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The previous record-holder for hottest chili in the world, the ominous-sounding Carolina Reaper, has had to officially move aside to make way for the aptly monikered Dragon’s Breath chili – a chili so hot no one has actually eaten it yet, for fear it could kill you. How? By literally burning your airways, as if you were breathing fire.


The chili was, however, grown in collaboration with scientists from Nottingham Trent University, who are interested in the medicinal use of chilis as an anesthetic. It was they who verified that the Dragon’s Breath scored the highest rating ever recorded on the Scoville heat scale, 2.48 million, beating the rival Reaper, which measures 2.2 million.


The scientists believe that if you tried to actually eat this chili, your airways would likely close up from the burn and you’d go into anaphylactic shock and die. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a force for good, not evil.


The capsaicin oil from it is so potent it numbs the skin, giving it excellent potential as an anesthetic, especially for those allergic to painkillers, or even for use in developing countries where access to and funding for anesthetics is limited.







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I can't stand 'spicy' foods... I'm apparently chemically sensitive to Capsaicin to the point I get chemical burns when exposed. It does not trigger anaphylaxis in me so it technically isn't an allergy, but still I can't stand even the mild stuff without being ready for it. I can eat raw onions and garlic like apples and I have survived the cinnamon challenge but if I bite a peppercorn in my soup I'm looking for the milk. Ask Bishop for the story about the tip of a chopstick and Joe's special Hot Sauce.


In the end, I just don't get it. 'Burning Sensation' is not a flavor.


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Edited by Drifter
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Mmm, there's a flavor to certain spicy things that's incomparable. But yeah, if you're sensitive to spice, you wouldn't notice that. I mean, pickled jalapenos aren't typically too spicy. And bell peppers? Pffffttt. But there is a point where the spice overrides the flavor even for those of us that enjoy spice. Ryan's tolerance is far higher than mine. Habanero is about as much as I can handle. You know, a lot of the times, it's the seeds and the membranes with the largest amount of the chemical.


Can you even eat Taco Bell? I don't find their stuff spicy, but sometimes I notice my nose runs which tells me there's some kind of pepper in their food.

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