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Spielberg, Nolan Among Directors Who Have Serious Concerns About LED Screens in Movie Theaters

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On 4/27/2018 at 5:12 PM, Axels said:

I mean... They are just projecting it from a computer now anyways.

Not all theaters are at this point yet though..or are they? Nah. Can't be. Can it? *googles*


Okay, I found this very cool article about the history of film, as in cinema and physical film,;it even has a size chart comparing all the different film sizes! (Nerd alert!) 

Anyway, the short answer is most big chain theaters show films with digital projectors. Some theaters still have non-digital projectors and these are mainly the smaller, local cinemas. But you still have special "70MM" showings that are popping up from film die-hard supporters like Tarantino, Nolan, & PT Anderson.


I'd have to honestly see a comparison in person to know if there is a difference in seeing a projection versus an LED screen at that size. Personally, I like the look of film, but when I saw Hateful 8 in 70mm at a special screening I didn't catch any noticeable differences between that and a digital projector other than it was a bit grainier than what I was used to seeing. 


Honestly, if the look on the giant LED screen isn't different than a projector I'm not sure I'd care one way or the other what type of screen it was on. The size of the screen along with the whole social and communal aspect of going to the cinema should keep people coming in to theaters.

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