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Last month at San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Comics announced that UNCANNY X-MEN would return this fall. Today, the creative team was officially announced as well as an official release date for UNCANNY X-MEN #1 -- Wednesday, November 14. The new ongoing series is jam-packed with X-talent -- all the writers and artists have previously worked on X-Men characters and stories and will be teaming up for more mutant mayhem!

UNCANNY X-MEN will launch with a 10-part weekly epic called "Disassembled." Where the series goes from there depends on who is left standing! In this "epic tale of mystery and tragic disappearance," every remaining mutant on the planet will come together in "an adventure so Earth-shattering, it could very well be the X-Men’s FINAL mission!" With stakes this high, it will take an extraordinary team to tell this story.

Writers Ed Brisson (EXTERMINATION), Kelly Thompson (MR. AND MRS. X), and Matthew Rosenberg (PHOENIX RESURRECTION, ASTONISHING X-MEN) will join the equally X-perienced artistic team of Mahmud Asrar (X-MEN RED), R.B. Silva (X-MEN BLUE), Yildiray Cinar (WEAPON X), and Pere Perez (ROGUE AND GAMBIT). Leinil Frances Yu will provide artwork for the covers.




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...ill just leave this here.

Rob Liefeld Returns to Marvel Comics with 'Major X'

The legendary creator introduces an original character with the six-part limited series this April!

As revealed today by Entertainment Weekly, this April, Rob Liefeld reenters Mighty Marvel Mutantdom with the six-issue limited series, MAJOR X. 

The creator of Deadpool, Cable, Domino, and some of the most storied X-Men comics in recent memory returns to the House of Ideas with a character that he's had in mind for over 25 years. And now it's ready to be unleashed.

Writing and illustrating issue #1, Liefeld introduces this mysterious new player into the Marvel Universe. And the X-Men are his first targets.

"This has been a very long time coming," says Liefeld. "I did two-and-a-half years on NEW MUTANTS and X-FORCE, and we had a great time, but like anybody you have stories that you didn't get to tell... This is a pretty big one. MAJOR X is a pretty giant undertaking."

"My whole thing was always to throw a pretty big wrench in the works—'the works' being the X-Men Universe," he teases. "Major X arrives from a different plane of existence—which is called the X-Istence, a safe-haven for mutants—and suddenly it's threatened and terrorized. And his home is taken from him.

"He makes the jump, in a last-ditch effort to try and save his home, and arrives in our Marvel X-Men continuity. But the first jump didn't quite land him where he needed to go, so it was pretty exciting to put him in 1991, somewhere between NEW MUTANTS #98 and X-FORCE #1," he says. "I'm literally writing the Cable and the Deadpool and the Shatterstar of my youth."

So why now? Why is 2019 the year to finally unleash a character that he's had in mind for so long? "I think everyone's seen in the last few months that the spotlight has returned to the X-Men family of books," he explains. "I can tell as a fan of Marvel Comics that the X-Men have a renewed vigor. It feels like a renaissance of ideas and energy in the X-Men office.

"And I'm putting it all out there with this one."

Issue #2 will have art by Brent Peebles, as the tale of MAJOR X continues to unravel, before legendary X-Men artist Wilce Portacio joins the creative team.



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  • 1 month later...

so, age of x-man is likely to be a mixed bag, my 90s love of AOA/x-man means ill read at least the core book


but holy hell, just caught up on uncanny # 11 & 12 and this is rje best the book has been in like a solid decade - the weight of even the lesser stories is being felt, and the looming threat of days of future past isn't looming anymore. really hope they can keep this going, scott alone hasn't been this interesting since...whedon?

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16 hours ago, The NZA said:

so, age of x-man is likely to be a mixed bag, my 90s love of AOA/x-man means ill read at least the core book


but holy hell, just caught up on uncanny # 11 & 12 and this is rje best the book has been in like a solid decade - the weight of even the lesser stories is being felt, and the looming threat of days of future past isn't looming anymore. really hope they can keep this going, scott alone hasn't been this interesting since...whedon?


Update: Just read Uncanny 11 and 12 over lunch. God damn. 

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i feel like we were in the shadow of morrisons creative run for years there, and the last stuff i really dug was around when messiah war tied up 10+ years or so back


now this current arc hits and it's finally like there's continuity from the cleremont days/90s stuff watching it all fall apart (again, but in a new & interesting way)


which is saying something, because 1) "the x-men are gone!" was done after inferno and again after onslaught and 2) the cure was whedons bag & we've been off and on stuck on that plot point since

so these pieces are far from new but after seeing cyclops royally painted into such a corner that he almost had to stay dead...it's something to be excited about all this again 

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I've got a great idea for an X-men book.


What if... every single fucking X-man isn't in it and the world isn't about to end from an omega level threat?  What if the mansion doesn't get destroyed and there's not some massive new world order that has to be contended with?  Is it impossible to tell a small serialized story with the X-men anymore because I have been reading every X-men book dutifully since Secret Wars and holy fuck it's just a bunch'a white noise.  Those Cyclops and Gambit books were fun and the X-23 book has been mostly enjoyable but most everything else is like Bendis-era Avengers where it's just a rotating conveyer belt of every writer's favorite characters dealing with every major bad guy of their childhood (sometimes simultaneously across separate books) and it just feels like nothing matters.

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i mean yeah, that's most of their cycle

I'm digging the world hating but not fearing now that magneto and the heavy hitters are gone, and they're finally being wiped out by sterilization rather than inhuman fart clouds (god, wolverine as headmaster aside i haven't enjoyed much since AvX/schism stunk up the joint & we literally had to lose bendis to resolve his dumb x-kids plotline)


not gonna lie though, if were gonna go back to the old status quo again one day i want more baseball games at the mansion, those were some of my favorite one issue stories 

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Hey, at least the X-Kids had a narrative going, they even brought Jimmy Hudson and Bloodstorm into the 616 (both to be unceremoniously killed, but whatevs) and they managed to make Scott and Jean interesting and likeable for the first time in decades (not to mention Iceman, whose solo book I neglected to mention above, though it got bogged down in bullshit when Dakken showed up)


I don't even necessarily want a return to status quo.  No mansion, no baseball games, just something other than a greatest hits compilation paraded out for 20 issues.

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yeah this isn't doing that, but there's finally weight to things again - there's reasons for what's happening, continuity & consequences, at least for the moment.  


we're coming off years of a dumb war with the inhumans (oops! cyk was dead for that, emma was just havin' a laff), mutant terrorist scott running around with magneto & not enough of a plan, and finally, magick (ugh) transporting the mansion of kids to the center of limbo, because why not - it's either that or central park (they did that one right after).  


the bar's through the floor, but we shoehorned wolverine and cyk both back in, and moved right past the mess that schism/etc left.  it's refreshing.


i know you said the jimmy hudson stuff wasn't terrible but i want him and dakken dead forever.  x-23 can do whatever she pleases, it's clear old man logan is still on his way out, and now there's a fucking hulkverines book. shit's worse than the nova corps these days

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Yeah we'll see if any of this shit matters in a year (prediction: it won't)


Jimmy Hudson was the only non-Miles Morales element of the Ultimate Universe I mourned when that brand died.  I wouldn't mind Dakken if they'd find a consistent read on what kind of character he is, is he a murderous queer-baiting sociopath or just a lovable murderous bastard?  Sabretooth gets more consistent characterization than that.

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12 hours ago, The NZA said:

not gonna lie though, if were gonna go back to the old status quo again one day i want more baseball games at the mansion, those were some of my favorite one issue stories 


We did that...in the same issue we printed anti-Semitic stuff about Kitty Pride. It was a great issue for everyone. 

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