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"Can the best of Star Wars Survive the Worst of it's Fans?"

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Can the Best of Star Wars Survive the Worst of Its Fans?

Before Star Wars can have another successful show, some vocal parts of fandom have to reckon with what they really want out of the franchise.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah that's a fair take. Star Wars as a franchise is being gate kept by these sweaty shitheads who conflate nostalgia with preserving a creative space. It's probably a tired analogy but it's the comic book store where the proprietor chases off new readers because they don't conform to some vague notion of an acceptable fan. The books won't sell so the stories will die on the vine.


That being said the Acolyte got a lot of shit but I thought it was the coolest expanded universe story I've seen to date that didn't rely on being tethered to the OG 3. 

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i slept on that the same as i did the latter clone wars series, so as a filthy casual that loved KOTOR 1 & 2 and what we've had of mandolorian (last season was weaker, but still) i'd long since accepted i loved the fringe stories of the universe better than the main ones


but fuck if i can't deny rogue one is a great example of something the prequels & latter sequels couldn't touch.  i'd been rewatching the OG trilogy recently with teri & realized lucas' adoration for kourosawa was key, sure, but his love for pulp was what specifically i'd missed in the later movies. 


i'm gonna get back to andor one day soon because it spoke to me, and i'd heard acolyte was worthwhile on its own too....so of course it got shitcanned.  but to cross forums here: on a roadtrip earlier this summer, i finally took newtype's advice & read much of the jason aaron/cassady star wars book, and - there it was!  some of the bits i'd loved from the OG series, in something not named shadow of the empire!  it's like, i'd better either look for stuff in that vein or let it go if i'm gonna enjoy more of what's being offered from the bigger budget side of this franchise, i guess

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5 hours ago, The NZA said:

i slept on that the same as i did the latter clone wars series, so as a filthy casual that loved KOTOR 1 & 2 and what we've had of mandolorian (last season was weaker, but still) i'd long since accepted i loved the fringe stories of the universe better than the main ones


but fuck if i can't deny rogue one is a great example of something the prequels & latter sequels couldn't touch.  i'd been rewatching the OG trilogy recently with teri & realized lucas' adoration for kourosawa was key, sure, but his love for pulp was what specifically i'd missed in the later movies. 


i'm gonna get back to andor one day soon because it spoke to me, and i'd heard acolyte was worthwhile on its own too....so of course it got shitcanned.  but to cross forums here: on a roadtrip earlier this summer, i finally took newtype's advice & read much of the jason aaron/cassady star wars book, and - there it was!  some of the bits i'd loved from the OG series, in something not named shadow of the empire!  it's like, i'd better either look for stuff in that vein or let it go if i'm gonna enjoy more of what's being offered from the bigger budget side of this franchise, i guess


Historically I've read some dull shit, just for John Cassady's art, but this might be worth checking out! How did you feel about Solo? Cause that was wall-to-wall 90's expanded-Universe nostalgia for me.


Poorly executed, but references to Teras Kasi, sabbacc, and Lando's odd couple relationship with his social justice Mech were enough to make it fun for me. 


Without spoiling, The Acolyte explores something that's always bugged me about Star Wars since a new hope- the radicalisation of it all.

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