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Rurouni Kenshin / Samuri X


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Well First off this a very well know TV ( Kenshin) And Ova (Samuria X) it totally rocks :wasabi:...So the point Who is your favorite charater? And why? What did you tink of the show/Ova?

**Note: you are welcome :smile:to ask any questions about the series or Ova....:wasabi:

**Note: If you don't know about this series you are more than welcome to ask what it is about....

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There you go Sango!! Problem fixed :D

I haven't seen too much of the series yet to say who is my favorite character. But so far I think I would have to say... Sanske( I forget how to spell and pronounce his name) :D


And I bought the movie of Samurai X. It really rocks. Mulan and I were watching it one night. I fell a sleep but I saw it again by myself :p

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:D  I love the little kid that steels!!  :D


Leave it to me to always like the little boys...

:plain:  and no I am not a cradle robber...


I haven't seen all of it... I was watching the first two DVDs at alita's house and never finished the second. The guy with the big sword thing is cool, too. (sorry for not knowing any of the names) Sango, I know for sure, has a bunch of the next ones cause I took her to buy them. So, Sango, when are you gonna lend them to me?? :D

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::Sings:: Here's to you Misses Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know  oh oh oh  :D



anyways...I like Kenshin and my fav character is the girl I can't remember her name but she reminds me of me...always knocking someone on the head and defending people that sorta thing ohh yeah and not to mention her clumsyness..cause I can cook... :D

oohh yeah and I like the whole plot behind it its really well thought out....

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Guest Yahve

one of my fav anime series... the only one im working on collecting right now.. i have about 12 dvds under my wing. and im no where close to finishing hte collection hehe..



my fav char hmm..... the soujiros i believe..... both soujiro zeta and soujiro hiko.     i really like zeta more i think.  his potential is limitless and is an all around fun guy.  :werd:

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Hmmmm....Well alita, p-chan, eeyore you guyz must learn to pay attention to your anime... :plain: First off the guy with the big sword his name is SANOSUKE....second the girl that doesn't know how to cook is KAORU...(I least i think thats how you spell it) lastly the little boy craddle robber its YAHIKO... :D

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  • 5 months later...

Anyone else seen this? I got the first 15 episodes last night (I love broadband) and from the first few it seems pretty good. It's a Japanese samurai swordsman affair - Kenshin was a warrior who helped overthrow the old dynasty and bring about a more peaceful age, and has now vowed never to kill again, but instead uses his legendary skills to protect people.


The tone is really lighthearted - there are some dramatic moments and nice swordfighting, but there is a lot of silly humour and joking around. The animation qualilty is nice, and the music is really well done. If you like your cool samurai stuff (I know you do, IC!) it's worth a shot.

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My favourite anime, I have almost all the eps on realmedia quality, and about the 1st 13 DVDs ( cause realmedia can be painful at times) Great series, a bit more was said about it here.

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Yeah, good call Lizard.

I took to this one a bit - saw part of the OAV Samurai X first so it confused me - but the group stopped watching it at our old dorm, and it started to feel episodic so i left it be. Turns out to be my mistake, as many have told me it really picked up where i left off, so I intend to rewatch it soon - i think i have a great deal of it taped now, courtesy of Mr Spiffytee.

Ill post more when i catch up on it, but what i saw was pretty good.

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Yeah, the first series is full of light-hearted fun. I really enjoyed it more than most people. The second season is most people's favourite because of the excellent action scenes it gives the audience. Not just your regular hack and slash, but filled with meaningful history, commentary and logic. Very well done on an aspect most anime tend to leave as meaningless violence. Not that its violent.... hmm ok maybe it is, but hell even anti-testosterone chicks like Athena :kat: like it :D


Again, as if i werent being redundant allready.


Kenshin kicks ass. :approve:

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Yeah, but..Yahve, correct me if im wrong here.... *

isnt there some timeline thing to it? If i recall, the OAV is far more vicious, and its Kenshin's earlier days in the war...

tho its a prequel, i think youre supposed to watch it after the series, i forget.

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  • 2 weeks later...

aack... the movie can be watched anytime, but it is good to have seen the series. I quote chichan after i got her started... (note: she went through gundam wing series 49 episodes in three days)


(after watching 5 hours straight)


"i found it. i'm gonna watch a kenshin tommorow."


"kenshin is good boyfriend. he is strong, he cook, and do laundry."


what have i done?

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  • 2 months later...

This series is shaping up pretty damn good so far...i initially stopped watching 'cause i thought it was episodic & not going anywhere, seems I'm wrong. I'm really enjoying this one now...more on it when I'm further in.

Spiffy, get back to work on this series!



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Ok, Chi-chan's right, ive offically reached the "shit hitting the fan" part..this series goes from pretty cool to one of the best I've seen rather quickly when it gets its momentum building.

Characterization's gotten stronger, use of Japanese histroy's keepin it interestin as well...the plot tho, man did it pick up. Just wish i had another day off to catch up on the series...I'd write more but im off to see what i can.

Meantime, yeah this one cant be recommended enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

winding down the series.... the whole way through, you have a rollercoaster ride through the historical events of japan's edo and tokagawan era. um, nick could back me up -- you japanese history freak... anyway, it would be nice if they had some tv show like this when i was younger, and had to study american history.

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Haha...that's cause anytime we enfuse education to it we lame-ify it. We dont usually do that well. 'sides, our history's short and convoluted, we lie to enough kids about it as it is. Now, a fiction done like this might be interestin...

Japanese history freak? Maybe but your ass better learn some before we hit Kyoto. I dont want you all bitching there about "where's the otaku shotps..."

I was wondering how it went later in the series tho....check out Amazon.com's reviews of the last few DVD's of the series (very fucking carefully of course, as they might spoil)...theyre all giving it weak marks. Then again its only a few people but had me wondering if the series truly drags at the end like some said. I dunno, where im stuck at now ( :D ) its cool as fuck and i damn well better see more soon.

Dyin to watch them OAV's tho - you really think i should wait till the series' end to do so?

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Dyin to see Samurai X but im told i should see more Kenshin first....








This series has its run of likeable characters, more than many i think.

Mr Spiffytee goes for the wolf of the Shinsen Gumi (Kenshin's old rival from Kyoto), i dont recall the character's name in the series...he's a good call tho, that guy's a badass and just such a prick its amazing.


(To Sanouske) "Youve become more powerful...but youre still an idiot."


Sano's hard not to like, he's up there too. I dont have anythin against most characters, but id say my favorites beyond them are Kenshin's master (pretty boy, but damn he's good, and knows it...hah) and my favorite's gotta be Kenshin himself. At the point im at in the series, he knows its not realistic to keep his beliefs about violence & such, but he still tries to stand by them.

Scenes like when he leaves for Kyoto or becomes Battosai...he's just such a badass. If it keeps this pace i see this series takin my favorite anime spot pretty easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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