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  • 2 weeks later...

I, like every other motherfucker's read Illuminati- Again, it's the mutt's nuts. Also got 100 Bullets #70 or somethin'. Last arc was fuckin' brilliant, really set up some real shit

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The question I have now isn't so much who but how? I really gotta get to that map...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wolverine Origins #1 Yeah it's arright. We're apparently following some super-secret organisation that pulls the strings of Hydra, POTUS AND Weapon X. And they have robot samurais. Jeezus these rpicks aren't even trying.


Daredevil #84 Bloody good read. Still haven't read past the first ish of The Murdoch Papers & this is Bru's 1st ish I've caught but it's pretty solid. Nothing especially original since this is pretty much a combo of Bendis' Post-breakdown & Miller's Man Without Fear Murdoch(hardcore vigilante wearing a rag on his head to protect a dual-identity that doesn't exist) but IT'S SET IN PRISON!! OMFG!! Brubaker's the man!!!


Ultimate FF #28 Sucks that Millar & Land are leaving this title soon, 'cause they're a pretty hot combo. On the Bizarro premise that Reed goes back in time & stops the unfortunate accident that gave them(more esp Ben) their powers, Thor becomes president(and there's no mention of a bloody coup?), Reed is his VP, & the Skrulls come bearing a serum that will cure all human sickness by unlocking their meta-potential. So now everyone in the world is Meta & it's a new utopia(still, with Thor. As President. Of the United States.) with Ben Grimm Being like, the only person to not take it. So can anyone else smell what's cookin'? 'Cause sure enough those dirty Skrulls weren't to be trusted & the serum is actually breaking down everyone's immunity after about a week & they're all dying. Meanwhile Thor is in the Whitehouse. And he's President. And since he's an Asgardian God I don't see he should be taking Skrull miracle-cures(I thought you hadda be at least born american to be senator let alone president?) but apparently it's gonna be the one punt human left in the known universe who's gonna save the day... Now sports.


i agree with Skeet on all of em, but im a bit more excited bout Wolveinre: Origins. Its not gonna be deep like Rucka's run, but at least it looks like the highlights from vol 1 so far...though i too was surprised by Shiva.

Im expecting it to pick up, by the way.

  • 2 weeks later...

Im way behind on this thread, here's what matters:


Wolverine: Origins # 2 - This book is gonna be fun, you can tell....odd that Dillon drew a young Preacher as a fed agent, but then again, he draws like 3 faces.

This issue shows an even darker side of :pinch: than weve seen in a while, and i was a bit impressed - it stayed in character by having him accept responisbility for the things he did even when others were in control.


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Good work, Way, keep it coming man.


Moon Knight # 2 - I was actually excited to see this book show up. That alone sas a lot.

I dont know his backtory, i dont know these characters yet, but so far, thsi creative team - what's-his-name and Finch, who's great despite being able to draw like 2 more faces than Dillon - has proven that those Marvel Knight icons, you know the ones, the ones that look cool but you dont really know or care about them, like this guy, Ghost Rider, Blade, etc, are good for at least one arc.

So far, ive got a new take on a character i dont remember seeing in another marvel one, ive got a brutal fight with an unknown archnemesis (in flashbacks), and a new villian at the end. Im also excited about seeing the rest of this arc, and curious to see if it sustains my interest, or wanes out later on, like Black Panther did.


I havent read DMZ, Ex Machina or 100 Bullets yet, which im sure will be amazing, but here's what i recall from weeks past:


Ex Machina Speical # 1 - This was great, cause were like 20 issues in and this special introduced an interesting new potential arch-nemesis, while shedding more light on Hundred's powers. Its 1 of 2 and i cant wait for 2.


American Virgin #'s 1-3 - Im quiet on this new Vertigo one cause the idea is fun - a teen who's made his name as an abistenence-preaching christian celebrity, just found out his financee got her head cut during missionary work in africa - its not even one arc in. Its fun, but i wanna get more of a feel for it before i say.


Y the Last Man # ? (current issue) - Like Ex and 100 Bullets, this is the kinda quality title youre either reading with me at this point, or you prolly wont till its over and in trade. If you are, and yorue behind somehow? Catch up, cause this current arc advances the plot more than the book has in a while, and hints at even more so.

Quite frankly, if Vaughn, lesbians, monkeys and ninjas dont do it, im not sure what will.


Marvel Civil War # 1 (best of week/month so far!) - Are you one of the ones tired of crossovers? Thought the last one was House of Meh? This is it, its all been building to this. Go read Illuminati, then the last 3 issues of Amazing Spidey if you can, and check this out - its like, you cant wait to see who's on what side, and how it plays out, and this one hit the ground running. The New Warriors, fucking shit up! X-Men and Avengers aruing! Captain America vs fucking S.H.I.E.L.D! Im having a blast, and if you like Marvel at all, you really cant miss this shit.

Im gonna host the scanned issue # 1 this weekend for a few of you (chief, bishop) to check out, ill PM you guys or post the link here if anyone else is unsure about this series.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm finally back onna bandwagon...


Wolverine: Origins #3: I missed #2 so if anyone can fill me in that'd be great. Origin story of Nuke as Wolvy brings the ruckus & his part in said origin is shown. Nice suprise at the end too which I'm pretty sure everyone's seen the solicitations for anyways.


100 Bullets #73: Another I'm a little behind on, but the those seven little letters pop up you know it means we might just be about to find the last Minuteman, the mysterious vaquero known only throughout the series as 'The Saint'.


Astonishing Xmen #14: Fucking awesome as the new Hellfire club consisting of Cassandra Nova, Sebastion Shaw, some hooded he/she, some goth chick goes by Nagasaki Nightmare and Emma (maybe) Frost take down the current roster. Way it's done has to be seen to be believed, and remember Ord? Alien looking for the mutant 'Destroyer of Worlds'? He's cooling his jets in a S.W.O.R.D custody, but looks like he's a new ally, as well as his whole fucking race coming to finish his mission.

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Origins 2 as i recall was good...wait, you said 3 had the origin of Nuke? cause if not, its either 1 or 2 that has :boink: and the department of defense and shiva-bots...it wasnt a strong issue, Nuke shit is way better.


Lotta good books this week, but theyre all shit comparted to Daredevil. That's my review.


#1 chad shiva-bots and shit. You call it weak? Thankyou. I posted my less-than-enthusiastic review a little while ago and you started on about me & my hatorade again. Like Way can't do wrong or some shit. :)


Nah, ist not that Way's proven himself as a great writer yet, i think he works good with Dillon and he's had a few moments where i think he's got the potential for some great shit (i didnt read some of his earlier Tsunami work), but it was a weak issue considering the direction he took after that - i really liked him using Logan to setup Nuke's origin, like a gov't animal training another one, was a lower point for :) even if he wasnt in control.

Im not enitrely sure what im expecting of his run on this 2nd volume here, outside of "teach me some shit about wolvy that i didnt know, now that he's got his memoreis back". Knowing that, plus he once had a wife that the Winter Soldier killed, that's something. Its not the deep introspective shit i enjoyed with Rucka, but its somethin.


Astonishing X-Men 15 - Wedon's in like 5 directions with this, but i got faith its comin back together. Hellfire Club's back, Cassandra Nova's fucking shit up, and the X-Men are more fucked tahn theyve been for a bit, but dont worry, Kitty Pryde's on her way.


New Avengers 20 - This collective arc....im still a little lost on how it ended. It was alright, but this book hasnt been "gotta have it in trade" material for the last run or so. Im hopeful now that 21's here, more Civil War shit gets me happy.


Forthcoming: Moon Knight # 3 (read this series!) and all things Civil War.

  • 3 weeks later...

Civil War #3 Holy shit, this issue was something else. While anti-rego is yet to come up with a single logical argument, they sure do pull at the heart-strings. Fucking book near-broke my heart it was so horrible. It's kinda cool to see Spidey commanding SHIELD officers though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Massive catch-up review batch for July '06


We'll look at Marvel's Civil War event, and a few other books.


Local # 5 - One of the best this month, i thought, but then again im openly a fan of Wood's writing. Megan (series protagonist) is basically travelling the world, and these are just small stories, one issue in someplace different, with her trying out a different life each place she goes.

"The last lonely days of the Oxford Theatre" is another quiet tale, this one in Nova Scotia, about trying to be other people. There's not much to say about these stories, theyre not sweeping epics or even action-oriented, just solid reads that i really enjoy: youve got Wood's dialogue, Ryank Kelly's art - which, fortunately, the writer & editors know enough to let him get a few silent splash pages of the city & bays around it and such - and a lotta work going in, including a fan mail section where both writer & artist suggest a soundtrack for every few pages, something i havent seen since Scud, but i always thought was a cool idea - even if i only know of about a third of the tracks.


Supermarket # 3 - Speaking of Wood, here's his more action-oriented Yakuza story, which has a more west-coast feel to it, and actually has me caring about a spoiled-rich protagonist chick on the run, which isnt an easy task, but again, Wood's great with inner dialogue, i think.


Walking Dead # 29 (i think?) - Man, were nearing 28 Days Later territory here: what if you find more humans are alive in this post-apocalyptic society, but theyre bigger douches than the zombies...? Kirkman continues pushing the envelope with this series, getting darker each issue, i swear....Panch and i have a small wager on a big character not seeing the end of this arc, and man i hope i win.

One of the best books this month, like usual.


100 Bullets # 74 - The messy conclusion to "A Wake", and the last of the 7 Minutemen is tapped - an event that's huge to the book and Skeeter both. Graves' war with The Trust is really starting, with sides gearing up, and Houses dissolving one another.

You really cant often read this book without Wikipedia, to be honest.


American Virgin # 5 - Well, the first arc of Seagle's new Vertigo book tied up, and the next one's just started - its enough to keep me reading, but its one of those titles im gonna expect more of in the future to stay on board. The shock value of a super born-again christian teeenager, leading church groups & evangelical TV vieweres to chose abstinence and "save themselves", and all the innuendo that follows that, its not that its wearing stale already, i just dont know how far the concept can go and keep interesting. There's only so many "holy christ on a (blank)!" metaphors i can take before it feels routine.


Captain America # 20 - The only Marvel title that's not yet knee-deep in the current event; Brubaker's really having fun with this, between a rekindling of Steve & Sharon Carter, Union Jack, Master Men, Red Skull, Winter Soldier, everyone's in the mix, and Epting's art is great along with it all...the title's nearing its greatness when Waid & Garney were first on it, before Heroes Reborn.


DMZ # 9 - "Body of a Journalist" nears its conclusion, and its gotten pretty political, finally flashing back to a bit more of the origins of the Free States of America and how the civil war really happened. With the US gov't basically using Matty as an excuse to launch its military campaign, im pretty excited to see this arc's ending.


Ex Machina # 21 - I was gonna call cop-out on Journal, what with the replacement, but...

Vaughn is the master of telling little stories while youre waiting to hear about the big, bad plot going on in the background - 1 issue in to "Smoke, Smoke" and rouge, killer FDNY members already got me interested.


I was a few pages into Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but with Amazing Spidey being so good, i just dont care about Goblins, Gwen Stacy etc...sorry panch.


Amazing Spider-Man # 534 or so? i forget - The big one: Spidey's fight with Captain America! I must say, JMS is really hit-or-miss with me on this title, has been for years. You start off with Morlun, several other new villians (like Digger, thanks panch), then he thinks he's writing Dr Strange and its all totem spirits, spider-dimensions, and fucking Stacy clone kids or whatever.

But since this event's start, this book has been the most solid of the crossover, setting it up, and now just taing great directions with it. I thought the fight here delivered way more than the old marvel would (confused heroes "fight" for 3 panels, unite against villian), and it made the book feel like the 90's fun i had with it, with Bagley & Michelline, and i really dug that.


Incredible Hulk # 96 - Again, i cant believe the simple concept of Hulk as a gladiator on an alien world is working so well...hasnt Peter David done this like 3 times before? But here it is, Hulk with a whole new cast, barely a mention of anybody from the old universe (outside that cool fight with Silver Surfer!), and im enjoying this book more than i have since the first 6 months or so with Bruce Jones.


Girls # 15 - I have no idea how long the Luna brothers expect this title to run for. The concept is so inane and porn-like (hot chick alien invaders fence off town, seduce ment to breed, kill women, and uh, protect the Giant Sperm), but the characters keep me at least entertained, and i do want to see where theyre going with this. Not highly recommended, unless you enjoyed Ultra like i did.


Green Lantern # 12 - This is pretty much the only DC book im down to, cause "One Year Later" didnt do it for me. Aquaman might actually get interesting, the WW relaunch ive yet to try, Supes lost my interest in record time, and I already forgot which bat-book was readable (i just know it wasnt Frank Miller's). But im finally making my peace with a) They're ret-conning everything Marz did with Jordan out of existence, even the GL corps he "killed" didnt die, for godskae and b) Rayner's basically gone, until i finally read "Ion", and im enjoying the book now, despite Guy Gardner. The current status fo the corps, Jordan's being looked down on as a traitor, and of course, Eradicator being in this book, made it a more solid read for me.


Hellblazer # 222 - "Empathy is the enemy" comes to an end, and this new writer has me intrigued....i think i enjoyed Carey a bit more, but i gotta give it more time. The concept of "The 3rd place" is a new one, too, as i recall...

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Marvel: Civil War # 3 - I dont get Panch and Bishop saying the core book's the least interesting, seriously: its setting everything else up. This one has great team fights gearing up, and even the quiet moments, like the nurses at the hospital talking sides (pro and anti-Cap) was interesting. Granted, i too am not nearly as hyped about the inevitable return of a certain character (anyone reading Fantastic Four knows what im talking about, which JMS has also kept surprisingly readable), but what im really hoping for here is a) a revelation of Stark/Reed's plan to justfiy the zealotry with which theyre hunting their friends (to make things less villified) and b) show me what the fuck the viillians are doing to exploit this. But i cant really bitch, were not even halfway done.


Civil War: Frontline # 3 - Eh. I dont care about Urich as much without Bendis sometimes, and i really dont care about the no-namers here...the artist feels like whoever was doing DC's Infinite Crisis too, which is underwhelming. The war analogies in the back, putting historical events, poetry, and marvel together still comes off slightly....pretentious, but "The Accused" has me caring a bit about Speedball, which is no small feat.


Runaways # 18 - Man, the cover didnt lie - someone really doesnt survive this issue (and why did it have to be them? :misty: ). Vahugh & Kolina work bette for me every month, and the introduction of a new team member helps too. Here's to all the Tsunami doubters, this gem's avoided cancellation for a while now and im really greatful for that, this is way better than Generation X, Gen 13 or any teenage superhero book's been for me.

Shit, just having a non-NY team is kinda cool.


Young Avengers # 12 - The Kree/Skrull war ties up, the New & Young Avengers team up, lotsa things blow up, new roster and powers, its an eventful issue - i enjoyed it, but im still one or two bad arcs from dropping this one if it doesnt stay consistent.


Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways # 1 - Aw, the art's not bad, but its not Kolina...anyway, seeing these 2 teams interact was more fun than i thought itd be. Any excuse to see the Runaway kids more is cool, too.


Cable & Deadpool # 29 - "In a move sure to mess up Spidey-continuity for years to come..." Oh, that fourth-wall breaking Deadpool....Marvel's gearing Cable up (finally) to have more relevance in the coming months, ive read, and he's getting political here while Deadpool is being himself, attacking the wrong team, geting housed by Squirrel-Girl, and taking a gov't conctract to hunt capes, just because. its pretty in character, and was a better book that id been expecting, maybe i shoudl be readin this one.


Sensational Spider-Man # 28 - Another one of those quiet stories in between the war, showing Peter's affect on his students...Clayton Crain art doesnt hurt either, though i do miss him on Ghost Rider.


Uncanny X-Men # 476 - Brubaker on a core X-book! and a lame-looking team of Phoenix lite, Warpath, uh, Darwin, Nightcrwaler, and some other people, with Prof. X! But, he's got them hijacking a Shi'ar ship, to warn the empire about the coming of Vuclan (fallout from Mutant Genesis), and its only 2 issues in, but already way, way more readable than a core x-books's been since, uh, 1997.


New Avangers # 22 - This one's all Jessica Jones & Luke Cage, and its a cool story for such. I like that it finally bridged how Luke went from talkin' smack about "aint those sentinels there for your protection?" to joining the cause...im not this artists' biggest fan, but im with bishop: its just cool to see Jessica Jones sometimes.


Zombie Feast # 2 - A bus of dangerous convicts is going through the south when, uh, zombies. Seriously, there's a lotta weak zombie books out right now, but this one's fun so far; panch shoudl definitely check it out.


Wolverine - I dont have em in front of me, so uh, Origings is good (another big Captain America fight, dirty one too!) and the core book, with :wolvy: chasing down Nitro and logically wanting to punish him for his crimes, is also a great read, no matter how hard Humberto Ramos tries to make him look like an agnry cat.


Punisher # ? - 1 issue out from "Barracuda" tying up...not an arc id get in TPB, but its been enjoyable, just to see another massive character than can wail on Frank & give him a run for his money.


There's more, im just forgetting it....soon, ill catch up on Battle Briton (new Ennis!), Black Panther if i feel like giving it another chance, Fury: Peacemaker (im realy enjoying it, im just missing # 4, and it just ended at 6 i think), Invincible, Ion, the new Marvel Western stuff, Rival Schools # 1 and the current Street Fighter books, and a few new ones: The Escapist, Revere, and The Red Star: Sword of Lies.

  • 3 weeks later...

haha, people are still readin that one...


Ultimate X-Men' # 73 - good this month, current storyline (The Magician) could be really cool, gotta see how it ends...feels like old-school x-shit again, i like that.


Civil War: Frontline # 5 - Ok, so the bugle shit's finally getting intresting, and the book payed off this month: Stark/Reed's big plan was unveield, and you gotta see it.

2T needs to check out the side-story, "Why Wonder Man is a bitch", as well

  • 1 month later...

...so, im holdin this one day solo for now, fair enough.


Civil War # 4 (best of the week?!) - Check the spoiler-ridden thread.


Walking Dead # 31 - This series never stops being awesome. Michonne starts proving her badassery, and the supporting cast just got even more interesting. This is the darkest fucking arc yet in this book, and that's sayin something.


Moon Knight # 5 - Ive already decided to get "The Bottom" in TPB, if not just to have Finchy autograph it at MegaCon. The Taskmaster fight was cool, this book makes me wanna go back and read the original series so it'll mean more....for me, that's a rarity, and says a lot about this creative team.




Supermarket # 4 - Brian Wood's Yakuza action book ends too soon, and on a fun, cool note....ending went in a direction that's not 100% believable, but this is still better than most action flicks ive seen. Not sure if ill get the TPB, be honest. Speakin of Wood...


Local # 6 - This cross-country tour thing is really working here, and you get to see more of the protagonsit's faults as well, this time in NY with an extremely anal roomate, Wood hits on a lotta relateable notes, as ever. This one's goin right on my bookshelf next to Demo when its done.


Elephantmen # 2 - This series is one of those ive tried out from # 1 and enoyed outta nowhere; gonna have to read Hip Flask one day. Hippos, gators and the like, as people, kinda.


The Boys # 2 - fuckapancho; this issue gave me more hope than the first; there's clearly more going on than i thought Ennis mightve planned (charcters arent feeling stereotypical by his standards, as of yet). I still dont think Robertson's had as much a chance to shine yet, but its coming, and im hyped about the book in general now.


Punisher # 37 - "Barracuda" wasnt a bad story, but i wouldnt re-read it. Now, "Man of Stone" - lookin like a sequel to "Mother Russia", the best arc ive seen on this (or any punisher) book in a while, already has me excited. Same creative team as well...fuck the upcoming War Journal, this is what i wanna see.


Incredible Hulk # 98 - "Planet Hulk" is prolly nearing its end, but theyve built a supporting cast and again, the most interesting Hulk story since Bruce Jones' first arc, easily. I cant wait to see the finale, much less "Armageddon" and his inevitable return to earh....


Wolverine Origins # 6 - Again, my criteria? This is one ill most likely grab in trade, and there's not many wolvy stories i can say that about, tragically. Things are finally happening plot-wise thanks to this book, and with next issue featuring Omega Red, Maverick and the like, its like all the good shit from volume 1 in the 90's, except readable.


Wolverine # 46 - Ive gotta wait to see how tying Damage Control Inc to Nitro & the origin of Civil War pans out to really say, but so far, im enjoying it (not as much as the other book), even if Humberto Ramos has no concept of logan's anatomy, and this from a guy who loves Sam Keith.


Ultimate Fantastic Four # 34 - Not exceptional, but the fact im still readin this says something.


Girls # 17 - I was really close to dropping this book a few months back; now, i really do wanna see where i goes. I wish i knew when the book was looking to end, tho, to gauge it better.


Ultimate X-Men # 74 - Well, the Magician thing ended cooler than i thought it would. Ive high hopes Kirkman'll make Cable pretty cool next issue, so ill be rather let down if he butchers it the way Bendis did ultiamte deadpool.


Nextwave # 8 - Oh, Ellis. This issue was more fun than the last, still highly considering the trade, just to follow these new fleshy ones (highlight of this issue was flashing back to bloodstone's training, heh).


Sensational Spider-Man # 30 - Wondering what happens when all of spidey's b-listers start teaming up, now that they obviously know where to find him and family? this is the book for you panch.


Hellblazer # 224 - I lke this arc. "Empathy is the enemy" wasnt bad, left me on an unfinished note, and now i see why: it was bulding towards this one. Scotland (and possibly all of the UK) are under war, and Constantine barely seems to care.


X-Men # 190 & Uncanny X-Men # 478 - Uncanny has Bru & Tan making me care about Vulcan vs the Shi'ar (cant wait to see the exten of Darwin's power, much less Vulcan fight Gladiator), and X-Men has Carey (from Hellblazer) and Bachalo and some trio called the angels, i think, who are housing the x-men hard and thrye not even aware yet.

In other words, its the first time since i was like 16 that both titles are readable again, which is great news if youre a fan.


Borrowed Time #1 of (?) - Oni had a contest, this creative team won. Its an almost Midnight Nation tale of what happens when youre lost, slip between the cracks of reality....i rather enjoyed it, hope to see more scanned one day.


Dead West - Spaghetti Western & Zombie book in one graphic novel; a fun blend of both genres. Id prolly pick it up for cheap.


more to come.

  • 3 weeks later...

Christ. Just got done reading Pride of Baghdad. It was pitched to me as a less politically-charged book than anything else Vaughan is currently doing, so I HAD to give it a shot. Draws a fair few comparisons to Morrison/Quitely's WE3(anything with animals or robots'll get me watery in the eye & I have to go punch a wall or something), but I guess there's only so many stories you can tell from an animal's perspective :???: . The storytelling is moving & the art is breathtaking & despite it's non-partisan pitch, i defy anyone(including our token repub Arch) to read this & not have feelings in one violent direction by the end of it. It's nice to see stuff like this released straight to HC, if only so :2T: like Nick can shell out the bones to read this.


theyll scan it soon enough :2T:


Y: The Last Man # 50 - Holy shit...all im gonna say is: as promised, this is the one where somebody finally takes the blame for what happened. 10 books left in the series, at that...


Amazing Spider-Man # 535 - Talked to panch bout this one earlier; i gotta agree, this is about the best Spidey arc ive read in a long time. Im thinkin i wanna get this one in trade....all the setup & transition, and Parker makes his move right here, and i totally bought it. My hat's off to strazinksi.


Captain America # 22 - Finally, the civil-war tie-in...and more reasons to hate commander Hill, if you needed any.


Daredevil # 89 - This one's really in a weird direction since Matt's out of lockup....the excitement's died down, but the writing's still solid. I always need more than the first part of a new arc to really say anything, beyond "i guess bru dodged the civil war bullet on this one".


Batman # 656 - Morisson on african chicks & Man-Bats....also gonna agree with Panch here, this was one of the better Bat-stories ive read since Hush, Grant does quality work.


Ultimate Spider-Man # 100 - ....huh!?

Not in a bad way mind you, its just that...after the crazy cliffhanger the last ish left off on, youd think itd all tie up here, but no, just more questions...this issue delves more into Peter's estranged family than most spider-books ive ever read.

I know more about that, but less about the situation than i did before...anyway, props to Bendis & Bagley for soon breaking Marvel's record of continous creative team, as well as bringing this book back to the status of having me excited about the next issue...its been a while, even if you did damn near pull out all the stops here. Maximum Clonage!!


Death Note # 1 - (not released this week) An original spin on an unoriginal concept, it left enough to leave me wanting more, so I'm gonna get the new few issues and see where it goes, largely on Ly/Seej's say-so.


Cable & Deadpool # 32 - I still have to figure out when Cable went from omega-level psychic who expelled the techonvirus from his body & had to actually limit his powers to have control over them, to uh, psychic/telekinetic with access to some infonet or something.

Anyway, the 2 fight here, and lines are drawn at the end. As with any of the tie-ins, its a good read if you care about these particular characters.


Tomorrow: DMZ, Ninja Scroll, Se7en & Public Enemy # 1's, Irreedemable Ant-Man, Ex Machina for more Vauhgn-love, American Virgin, FF, 100 Bullets, A Man called Kev, All-star superman & who knows what. I wonder if X-Men: Warsong's any good?

theyll scan it soon enough :2T:

Yeah? Please let me know if you see anything.


Y: The Last Man # 50 - Holy shit...all im gonna say is: as promised, this is the one where somebody finally takes the blame for what happened. 10 books left in the series, at that...

Yeah I was a bit surprised, myself

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Amazing Spider-Man # 535 - Talked to panch bout this one earlier; i gotta agree, this is about the best Spidey arc ive read in a long time. Im thinkin i wanna get this one in trade....all the setup & transition, and Parker makes his move right here, and i totally bought it. My hat's off to strazinksi.

Indeed, well done.


Death Note # 1 - (not released this week) An original spin on an unoriginal concept, it left enough to leave me wanting more, so I'm gonna get the new few issues and see where it goes, largely on Ly/Seej's say-so.

I'm gonna have to get back to the series myself, now that I have more time and resources.


Cable & Deadpool # 32 - I still have to figure out when Cable went from omega-level psychic who expelled the techonvirus from his body & had to actually limit his powers to have control over them, to uh, psychic/telekinetic with access to some infonet or something.

Anyway, the 2 fight here, and lines are drawn at the end. As with any of the tie-ins, its a good read if you care about these particular characters.

I certainly don't remember that crap, but I took a bit of a break from comics for a few years. Its still a surprise to me that Cable and Deadpool are on halfy decent terms (and that Cable almost has a sense of humor).


Tomorrow: DMZ, Ninja Scroll, Se7en & Public Enemy # 1's, Irreedemable Ant-Man, Ex Machina for more Vauhgn-love, American Virgin, FF, 100 Bullets, A Man called Kev, All-star superman & who knows what. I wonder if X-Men: Warsong's any good?

Let me know about Ninja Scroll. As for X-Men: Phoenix Warsong? It'd probably be more enjoyable if knew what the hell was going on (What the hell are the "Stepford Cuckoos"? And whe were they introduced?).

It'd probably be more enjoyable if knew what the hell was going on (What the hell are the "Stepford Cuckoos"? And whe were they introduced?).


Ravages of Grant Morrison. Once he made Hank McCoy a big Gay Cat, he thought he could do anything. Fucking Hack.

Ravages of Grant Morrison. Once he made Hank McCoy a big Gay Cat, he thought he could do anything. Fucking Hack.

Yeah, I had noticed Beast's feline features. They a "secondary tertiary mutation", or just a really stupid style change that stuck?


there'll be no grant-knocking here. He made x-men not suck for a long time, and i adored his run.


You really should read his stretch on new x-men sometime; both whedon & others are still using his ideas. Frank Tieri'd be out of work without them.

Beast was/is devolving, hence the new cat look that Quitely gave him...you warm up to it during the run.


oh, and the Cable run i speak of was during the glory days (my opinion) of Jemas - he got all political and relevant after 9-11 under Tishman i think writing, wasnt popular but was a great new dirction, i prefered it personally but im hopeful for Cable's new role now that he's back on the X-roster as a regular.


and yeah, Pride has to be scanned soon, at least before SB reviews it....

there'll be no grant-knocking here. He made x-men not suck for a long time, and i adored his run.


You really should read his stretch on new x-men sometime; both whedon & others are still using his ideas. Frank Tieri'd be out of work without them.

Beast was/is devolving, hence the new cat look that Quitely gave him...you warm up to it during the run.


oh, and the Cable run i speak of was during the glory days (my opinion) of Jemas - he got all political and relevant after 9-11 under Tishman i think writing, wasnt popular but was a great new dirction, i prefered it personally but im hopeful for Cable's new role now that he's back on the X-roster as a regular.


and yeah, Pride has to be scanned soon, at least before SB reviews it....

I'll do no such thing. I prefer the non-feline beast, so there. :P


Oh, and Pride of Baghdad's been scanned and can be found on the DCP 10-08-06 torrent. Just downloaded it the other night, haven't had time to read it yet (looking forward to it, though).

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