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Google... sold out?


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Started searching for more illegal sales and distribution of goods online, using what else? Google. Then noticed that the hits were not as on point as they used to be. Switched to Altavista and sure enough got the hits I was looking for. Whats changed? Rumour is that Google been taking payments to bump sites listing up higher on searches. Also the abuse of metatags so that the revelance of searches are detoriating. Since Alta vista doesnt use the same search engine as Google, the sites Alta finds are more revelant than what google is pulling now.


Made sense, but considering I'm just on a break, I didn't have time to delve deeper. Any one notice this or am I just going batty? :D

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Actually that's true. I had to watch a documentary about it for a class this semester. It was a 100 level class so they were operating under the assumption that we had never done research papers before :D and they were trying to illustrate why google wasn't such a good site to use for these purposes.

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Yeah, $ for bumping your site up is nothing new, but the relevance of searches isnt what it was...theyre still the best search out there i think. I havnet used Altavista in years.

god knows im usin wikipedia.org for everything i wanna know anyway.

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I'm also starting to read that people are confusing the 'paying for higher listing' and google adwords. But that still leaves the possibility for metatag abuse.


My work involves finding unauthorize sales of products online. What took one hour and 9 pages on google I found on altavista, every hit what I was looking for.


You can ask for online evidence. But I'm talking from experience, which outweights anything you can find online :P


ha part of my charm. Who would ever find me charming? :D

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