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Hondo's Bar

haute tension

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i've been waiting for this one since last summer. lions gate is releasing it. it was supposed to be NC-17 for the violence and gore but i'm guessing they cut it back and gave it an R. (boo!!!) but i heard it's good regardless (unlike saw...damn you cary elwes!!) it's basically a french slasher flick. and if you think about it, this movie has the best of both worlds... blood and gore plus the french actually fight back. foreign/horror/science fiction. sounds good to me.

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At the start it's very atmospheric and gripping, an above average slasher flick, but then there's a twist near the end that makes no sense and messes up the movie.


Still recommended much like the way Ong Bak's story is bollocks but it's worth seeing for the fighting and stunts.

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