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Hondo's Bar

FL - Auto inurance


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Hey, so i gotta register my truck & get tags and all in the next few weeks, as well as setup insurance (its all registered in Texas right now). Basic auto ins. there is about $85-90 tops, just wonderin if anyone knows a good (and by "good" i mean "cheap") vendor out here that comes close to that?

To the best of my knowledge, i gotta good record, just gotta transfer my license here and get an EVOC (emergency vehicle operator's) one later too.

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Also - cause i only got till the 21st until my current ins. expires - what do i do first?

Im settin up the license test for a week from tomorrow (hopefully), i think i found the DMV site that said tag & registration was like $45 (does that sound right?), but do i get the insurance or order the tag or get the license first? Lemme know poeple, i got a week and a half to pull it all off...

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well, first off appreciate your age... cuz if you are under 25 you pay like a quarter mil a month. 2nd, you can do it in any order. Go to the tag/tax joint and get the FL tag and registration comes with that. Then go to insurance joint and give them your tag number vin ect...and that is all they should need. Alot of places dont even look at your car anymore.


Though you dont have to have a tag to insure a veh, and you dont have to have insurance to have a veh registered in your name... so you can go either way.

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progressive isnt too bad, mercury is alright too. stay away from state farm. go to a middle man for that stuff, you go to a 'my name is ____ insurance company' and they plug your info in and shoot you to the cheapest place. all state is alright too...just stay away from state farm.

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