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Serenity Now


Okay, call my movie-seeing a little bit of a catch-up game, but if you have not seen the Joss Whedon flick, “Serenity,” GO NOW!


Actually, wait a minute.


On the way, pick up the three issue mini-series from Dark Horse Comics. It acts as a bridge between the late, lamented television series, Firefly, and the film.


The comic series answers questions like how did Inara (Morena Baccarin) end up in a futuristic brothel on an obscure planet? And, how did Shepherd Book (Ron Glass) become the leader of a religious commune?


The film takes great pains to be complete unto itself and it succeeds. It is not necessary to have seen “Firefly” or read the comics to understand it. But ah, for those who can’t get enough of the adventures of the Captain Mal (Nathan Fillion) and his crew, here’s your antidote.


The comic series was co-written by Whedon and Brett Matthews. Art is by Will Conrad, who has the difficult task of making the characters look familiar without that “weird” look that comic art sometimes gets when it strives too hard to resemble actors.


It’s likely that any fans of the show and all its western/space opera glory have already seen it. This is directed to the fence sitters or those who plan to wait until the DVD comes out.


Don’t wait, see it in the theater where it belongs.


And when you watch the amazing battle scenes toward the end, which follow one of the simplest yet clever ploys in a long time, you’ll thank me for getting your fence-sitting butt into the theater.

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  • 4 weeks later...

big news, Whedon fans...






Finally giving legs to persistent rumors about a “Season 8” of Buffy coming in comic form as well as giving hope to fans who thought they'd never see the crew of Serenity again, Joss Whedon today posted a message at Whedonesque.com about his upcoming workload, which includes Buffy, Spike, Serenity, Astonishing X-Men, and Wonder Woman.


Whedon posted:


“And now on to the rumors and allegations section. Many of you want to know what the future holds. Anxiety, hurricanes, and Male Pattern Baldness. But maybe also some art-stuff, which is really what you guys are into. No, I don't know anything about sequels, or spinoffs, or Nathan's President for Life gig. I'll keep my ear to the ground of course, but for now I'm just going to rest on my laurels (I have two). Oh! Oh! But I will tell you that Brett and I are talking about another three part comic, and it's gonna be a hoot. Takes place during the show, and has some sweet character deaths -- I mean moments! ("And what brings you to our ship, FutureTara..?") Sorry. Horrible taste. (Empty inside!) But wait'll you see the cover...


“Speaking of Dark Horse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT. I'm kicking off the book with a four issue arc that finds Buffy -- you guessed it -- living in Italy with The Immortal. (Scott [Allie] -- don't be mad I spoiled the announcement -- saying it means I have to finish it.) Then I'll be overseeing the book more closely, to make sure it remains true. Gonna be interesting. And it just might tie in to...


“The infamous Spike movie. Still haven't finalized anything, but I feel that very soon I'll be able to go to James and say something a lot more interesting than "Wouldn't it be cool if..." 'Course, I just hope he's free some time this decade. See how my peeps is all actifying! Tomorrow night is AMIAS, (that's alias with Acker in it.) Happy. And totally jealous.


“See, the Buffyverse glows in my brain with a new, overreaching arc that will include the comics, Spike, and more. It's taking shape and soon you will know its name. And you will tremble.


“Then of course there's a little thing called X-Men, who are apparently supposed to become astonishing again real soon. I miss me my Cassiday. Can't wait to see the fan response when I kill Wolverine and replace him with fan-fave Marrow.


“Well, I certainly can't say much more, except that Wonder Woman is finally kicking ass that is not my ass, as in, I'm loving this script. She's saving the world in a tiara, people; this is why there's a me!”

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  • 11 months later...

Just read this series, and while it told what happened b/w the series and the movies, I was a bit disappointed that it didn't tell more.



Ex: the exeunt of Inara and Book didn't get enough time or explanation (sure they covered Books reasons for leaving, but there was more to tell). Also, the blue-handed men didn't really get much explanation, either (other than they were freelance operatives)


I dunno, it wasn't horrid, or anything, I've just come to expect more of Joss.

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The comic did seem rushed. As for the hands of blue guys:


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Im with Ly: i was hyped and overall enjoyed just seein the characters more, but it coulda has more impact given its events. It made me hopeful for more one day, but honestly? i havent read Whedon's other stuff, but even his buffy/angel (he didnt write many issues himself, as i recall) wasnt exceptional, might be the pacing/standards the show bulit.

He tears it up on non-show projects like astonishing x-men, of course.

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  • 4 months later...
Serenity is a kick ass movie, and whenever i see the main charecter i think of Jesse Custer. he would make a kick ass Jesse.


I could live with that.


LL - calm down! Whedon on Runaways (i gotta get you that one sometime) is gold, and youre getting buffy season 8 this year, that's gotta be something.

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...shit, there goes that season finale.

Well, he seems interested in all of his properties this year, what with a serenity mini, buffy etc, i woudlnt rule Angel out. Youd want a mini-series ending or one more season, like what buffy's getting?

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what's with all the buffy/angel hate? I hated too till i saw buffy season 2 finale or so...that show was good, angel was better (my opinion). Sure, i got a soft spot for Serenity, but its not like Whedon did all garbage before that!


ps for those who're interested in Joss' upcoming run on vol 3 of Runaways, there's this book Runaways Saga, its meant to be a catchup book, ill review it soon but it sounds like a good idea if you dont feel compelled to catch up on a great book.

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i used to watch buffy. i actually have liked buffy at one point or another in my fandom life.

Angel was horrible... i don't know, maybe by the time the spin-offs started i just matured to the point where i thought the whole thing was ridiculous.


So yeah. I don't hate it, i just don't pwn it anymore...

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i think the last season of angel was better than most of the seasons of buffy. at first, i thought angel sucked and i personally think it took a half season or so to find it's legs. i started getting into more in the later seasons. but when it was great, it was fucking great. it was interesting seeing cordelia grow and while at first i thought fred was a boring character, by the end she ended up being one of my favorite characters.

She also had one of the saddest Whedon-verse deaths.

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I really got no Buffy or Angel hate, it's just that you can find 10 times as much Angel material (and probably like a hundred times as much Buffy) as you can Firefly. Angel may have been cut prematurely but it did get five seasons, not to mention more books and comics than I care to count. Firefly got half a season, a two-hour movie (which was basically just the season finale the show never got to have) and, what, a three-issue comic mini? If any of Whedon's shows needs some more story added to it, I think that's the one.

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i think the last season of angel was better than most of the seasons of buffy. at first, i thought angel sucked and i personally think it took a half season or so to find it's legs. i started getting into more in the later seasons. but when it was great, it was fucking great.

Firefly was awesome from the moment in came out ff the gate. "Half a season to find it's legs"? Firefly was barely even half a season and it was better than any sci-fi series I've seen. This is the show that needs more show made.


To be fair, I only saw a few episodes of Angel and then wrote it off, so maybe I don't know the whole story. Maybe it got interesting, but I never thought Angel was that interesting a character on Buffy. Buffy's feeling for Angel were ten times more interesting than Angel himself. I was glad that Cordelia was moved over to Angel, cause she was a real one-trick pony that only held Buffy back when they started trying to make her a "slayerette" (can't remember if that's the term they used). She was funny as a clueless caricature of a bimbo cheerleader, but she did nothing for me when they tried to give her dimension after she became 'aware'. Some one dimensional characters get better as they get a little more dimension (ie Janitor from Scrubs), but she wasn't one of them. Also, the whole premise of Angel is a big miss. A vampire and demon private eye agency in LA? Really? Buffy's premise was equaly goofy in Whedon's unique way (reluctant high school cheerleader type is forced into being a protector of humanity and given ass kicking power to defeat vampires and stop demons from periodically attempting to destroy a small California suburb that is a nexus point for interdeminsional demonic forces...and still make it to history class on time! Now, that's a fucking premise!). It was the juxaposition bewteen Buffy the high school student and Buffy the vampire slayer and the sterssful balancing act that made it work. That and a great supporting cast of characters (Xander, Willow, Giles). Even Spike would have made a decent spin-off show due to his self-disdain and resentment for having a soul, which is entertaining, as opposed to Angel's self-torment and guilt, which is boring.


Am I totally off base? Does the show COMPLETELY change course after the first half a season? Cause it would have to for me to not find it a painful drag to sit through.

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well, they started out with it being this very dark show and then it got a little lighter as it went along. to be fair, i hate spinoffs and i'm very reluctant and critical of them, so if angel wasn't a spin-off, i might have been more open to it at first...plus i was used to the lightness of buffy which angel was lacking at first from what i remember. but eventually more people were added to the cast and angel's character was fleshed out more without as much harping on his guilt over his soul, etc. also, they started straying away from the monster of the week thing that buffy did heavily in it's first few seasons and then sporatically throughout. it was interesting watching wesley change too. i love whedon and his projects. he has great writers and directors who work for him and he makes shit that shouldn't work on paper, work. angel and buffy have ridiculous premises but a show is much more than that. when buffy started, my mom started watching it before i did and i thought the show sounded stupid but once she convinced me to watch an episode or two, i was hooked.


and i would wager that if they had aired firefly on the WB instead of Fox, the chances are higher that it would still be on the air. i don't know if they went with fox because of the cost of the show or what but Fox is notorious for having great shows that no one watches because they either advertise it poorly, change the air dates/times, or air episodes out of order. and if a show is really lucky, they'll get raped with all 3 until even loyal fans have no fucking clue what's going on.


i know there's a lot of stuff on buffy and angel and not much on firefly eventhough there really really should be but angel's the only one that i felt didn't have closure. that my only point. not that one is better than the other because after seeing firefly, i liked it more than buffy and angel.

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