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An Inconvenient Truth

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Ill make you a copy if you want, los.


Finally got around to seeing ti, and those of you who havent predictably made up your minds already might enjoy it - its largely apolitcal, as stated before. I dont think it takes mroe shots on the current administration than necessary, anyway.


The downside for me was that a sizable portoin related back to Gore's life & upbrining. Thing is, he comes off a lot more charismatic here than he sadly did in 2000's election, but that seems to be the case by and large for most people. Its not that he, his story or even the brief, inevitable look at his presidental loss are horribly boring, its that im sure some documentary people told him injecting such things makes it more personal/interesting and for others that might be true, i simply found myself way more interested with the meat of the film.


Gore lays his argument out rather well and goes to lenghts to show visuals/projectsions as well as cite the information. Despite what some'd have you believe, he spends some time dispelling the notion that there's disagreements in the scientific community over over greenhouse emissions & their role in global warming, and uses a number of studies (as well as history) to show potential disaster for places like Florida.

The more interesting parts are at the end, discussing amercian cars & gas mileage (an interesting subject for me) and what can be done to realistically change the situation. Id go on more about recent storm patterns, global warming etc but itd more likely belong in politics.


Point is, it wasnt political propoganda, and didnt come off as such, id imagine, unless you went in hoping for just that. Im currently watching the "an up to date message" done a year later that DoJ might have been referring to, only its a half-hour.


A lot more info here. Anyway, definitely worth seeing, its potentially a film about a rather important subject.


I watched this on a laptop during a power cut (fitting, as it was weather related), and managed to miss the last ten minutes.


I pretty much agree what what's been said, Gore manages to restrain himself from making too many political jabs at government, to the extent that most of the film is based around prettily displayed facts. A David Attenborough documentary on last night was basically a condensed version of Gore's attempt, and it seems what little resistance there was to the now well established (however inconvenient :transmet: ) truth has given up the fight. Depending on who's sponsoring who, of course.


If you want to be able to quote impressive figures, or find the inspiration to go green, it's worth a watch.


Yeah, I was listening to a radio interview and this guys essentially said this:


"There is nothing inconsistent in the science. The controversy arise because IF you accept the facts of the science, THEN it becomes an pressing moral IMPERATIVE to do something. It then becomes apparent that the only "something" that will work requires global cooperation involving 1) Heavy industrial government regulations in multiple industries and in virtually all nations, and 2) massive government funding into alternative technologies. It becomes obvious that this is what HAS to be done. However, if you have ideological conflicts with big government in both the area of regulation and spending, you cannot say "I agree we are causing the inevitable unlivableness of the only planet that can sustain us, but fixing this problem would mean higher taxes and red tape for big business." No one will think that's acceptable. Exceptions must be made to ideology when the survival of the species is at stake. So instead of denying the solution, they deny the problem, because they can't believe that their ideology is flawed."


About sums it up.


(largely) for LL:


President Bush, when asked whether he would watch the film, responded: "Doubt it." He later stated that "And in my judgment we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects and focus on the technologies that will enable us to live better lives and at the same time protect the environment." Gore responded by saying, "The entire global scientific community has a consensus on the question that human beings are responsible for global warming and [bush]has today again expressed personal doubt that that is true."


oh, and this leaked from NOAA.


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