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looks good, right? yeah. that and Fatal Frame 4 look to not be coming here at all...how is the wii getting such solid horror titles, but not localized? here's hoping that Silent Hill: Shattered Memories goes well.


Because Nintendo can't sell a game like that to grandma or to a toolbox like some of our members.



I have all 3 Fatal frame games for my PS2 and I still have yet to play them.

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Because Nintendo can't sell a game like that to grandma or to a toolbox like some of our members.


I am red and filled with complicated things that I only vaguely know how to use.


I don't really understand why they don't bring it stateside either, specially since the average American eats that ghost shit up.

In early April, MTV had the chance to speak with NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime about the subject and the executive shot down hopes for a local debut of Fatal Frame, saying: "We are not the publisher of that title in the Americas."Buh? Nintendo published the title in Japan so it was thought that the company would do the same for the game in America. Apparently not. Which publishers does that leave open to do it? The only other possibility is Tecmo, which had up until Mask of the Lunar Eclipse published all Fatal Frame games. So we contacted the third-party in hopes that it might shed some light on the subject and simultaneously offer stateside Wii owners a hopeful solution to the calamity.No such luck.A Tecmo spokesperson gave IGN the following statement:"Nintendo holds the publishing rights to 'Fatal Frame Wii,' which was developed by Tecmo LTD. and Grasshopper Manufacture and released in Japan on July 31, 2008. Nintendo of America has since then decided not to publish the title in North America – consequently, the title will not be released in this territory. As the owner of the IP, Tecmo feels very unfortunate that the fans of the series in North America will not have a chance to play the game.


Amazing that the Wii can be drowned in a shitstorm of third-party shovelware, but a game with a genuine following from a renowned developer gets put on the shelf. The mind boggles.

gameplay from Ju-On: The Grudge, for Wii:

Christ, I hate that sound near the end. Kinda like that scene in Trainspotting where he's going through withdrawal. I couldn't hear a baby crying for a while after watching that without shuddering.




newt - one theory is that the game was shipped somewhat broken in japan, and NOJ told tecmo to fix it - im not sure how the contracts work there, but the theory goes tecmo would have to do so at their own loss, no help/compensation from nintendo, and im not even sure if we're talking glitches or game-breaking here. to that end, im gonna try to make a copy of it later myself and see if i can get it sorted, seeing as how either way, yeah, its not coming, far as we know.


good question. says wiki:




In early 2009, BottleRocket revealed that Namco Bandai had made the decision to cut the developer from the project, and had already taken back their development kits. With no other projects or funding on their plate, BottleRocket was effectively shuttered as a result. Namco Bandai explained that the move was due to a "performance issue", hinting at dissatisfaction with the title's progress under BottleRocket's leadership. Namco Bandai also decided that the project would be handed over to the internal development team that had recently completed Afro Samurai. Weeks later, it would also become known that Namco Bandai had hired on several members of the original development staff from BottleRocket. The game is now scheduled to be released in spring 2010.

  • 7 months later...



According to Playstation: The Official Magazine, "The new version of the game includes, as unlockable content, the original Splatterhouse (the uncensored Japanese arcade game version) as well as the Sega Genesis' Splatterhouse 2 and 3."



awesome, right? fuck you, me and baytor think it's cool. seriously, i would love it if some of the older ones got achievements somehow.

ps game says "spring 2010", hopefully soon?


Amen, fuck everyone on this board who doesn't appreciate this amazing fucking game. I don't care if they are impossibly hard and it is just Friday the 13th meets H.P. Lovecraft (like that's a bad thing) I'm excited that this is going to be an actual game and not just and Xbox Live arcade thing now.

  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 months later...



XBLA/PSN title Amy (looked like old-school horror title inspired by ICO and various things) sadly doesn't sound like it's going well, still gonna try the demo.


That picture is a bit misleading though, I'd file the Condemned games and maybe even Dead Island on the left and switch Resident Evil and Dino Crisis over to the right. I would even argue that The Thing belongs on the left as I spent most of that game standing in front of closed doors trying to psych myself up enough to make the next move but I guess the gameplay does lean more towards shooting so it can stay. I'm not sure where you'd file Manhunt on this list.


I watched the trailer for Amy and my first impression was "FUCK. THAT. SHIT." I didn't play ICO, I'm sure I'd enjoy it but when someone comes up to me and goes "Hey bro, check out this game, it's one giant escort mission!" I want to punch them in their larynx and then beat them until they cry blood.


I tried the demo for Amy, and it wasn't an ICO clone, but it did kinda boil down to one giant escort mission, even if it wasn't a little girl following you around. Oh and you get to follow a guy for like 5 steps at one point too!!


But looking at that chart NZA, I am definately a fan of action horror, as I have played just about every game on that side. I look at the survival horror side and it's all the games I skipped cause after Resident Evil 1 and 2, I got the point lol.


i want you to know: im trying so hard not to discount your opinions here because of your ICO stance. i mean, did you play RE4?

so hard


That picture is a bit misleading though, I'd file the Condemned games and maybe even Dead Island on the left and switch Resident Evil and Dino Crisis over to the right. I would even argue that The Thing belongs on the left as I spent most of that game standing in front of closed doors trying to psych myself up enough to make the next move but I guess the gameplay does lean more towards shooting so it can stay. I'm not sure where you'd file Manhunt on this list.


Condemned 1 sure, 2 was shit and belongs on that other side though - only scary bits were doll factory and of course BEARS. i cant speak on Dead Island but it looks action-y.

Dino Crisis is certainly iffy; how was RE1 not survival horror though? puzzles, low ammo, etc i thought it kinda set the bar since no one gave a fuck about Alone in the Dark.


your call on Manhunt is as good as any, and props again for getting me to play The Thing - great game, even if it absolutely shat on me and stuck me in a gamebreaking situation halfway through, haha.


In Dead Island your guns don't have a decent supply of ammo till toward the end of the game and even then you can only carry a fairly small amount so ammo conservation is a problem. All your melee weapons break after like 20 hits max and they get bent and fairly useless unreasonably quick. It's a fence sitter but less of one than the first Resident Evil where I don't think I ever once said "I need to run away from this." and more "I need to shoot this." The second one hammered home the "you're fucked" idea a lot more solidly by having far more zombies than you will ever have bullets. I file Resident Evil 3 on the right because I can't in good conscience put a game in the cerebral category when the big bad is a 9 foot tall zombie with a leather trench-coat and a minigun.


man, i was often out of ammo in my early RE1 runs, but over time, i stopped wasting bullets. you should really really play the GC remake one day though, that'd push your decision i think.


Moss and I did our usual PsP game shopping recently. I picked up 3rd birthday and he picked up Corpse Party. It's a straight download from the PSN (we tried to find a physical copy first) and he's 2 chapters in right now and swears by it. The way he explains it is like those old adventure games like Brain Dead 13 where there are a ton of ways to die (violently) but only one true path to succeed. I plan on picking it up once I'm done with 3rd Birthday.


Apologies in advance for crappy typing. Doing this on my phone.


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