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Same here. And I was impatient with Greyskul (My pally) so while I didn't do as bad the 2nd time around to 70, Still took a while to get there. But my guild needed him in Kara, Gruul's, and SSC (We skipped Mag cause most of SSC and the Eye are easier than Mag IMO.) So it was hurry the F up to 70 and forget rep for me.


Though I will say a Holy Pally has a HELL of alot easier time getting groups for... well ANYTHING over a Destruction or Affliction lock. Blessings FTW!


PS I wants back in soooooo baaadddd!

Edited by Greyskull
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Here's some questions I have for everyone:


How many are currently active in the Hondo's guild?


How many are active elsewhere?


How many would be willing to dedicate one night a week and a little extra time on the side to farm if it meant we could RAID as a Hondo's guild?


That last one will determine if raiding will be possible or not. Granted, we'd be "casually" progressive, or maybe slightly better, but still I think it would be fun. =)


If we can't reach at least 25 solid, consistent people then there's always heroics, quests, and pvp. 30 people or more would be preferable as RL does happen and takes presidence. Plus everyone has nights/stuff happen where their performance is off, so it's good to have people to switch out with. It's also good to have others there incase one needs gear and the other doesn't so the gear goes to someone who needs it, though sharding is inevitable.

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I'm on frequently, as is a friend of mine that recently joined our guild (another friend will be likely be joining in a week or two). Another Hondonian (that is in another guild) is also somewhat frequent. Bostano and Metal Heart are semi-frequent, and CJ is more rare. Otherwise, we have more Hondonians that haven't been on in a while.

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Lemme see that's... 1...2....3...4...me,5...Aarty if she wants to,6... Hmm... oh and is that guy/girl in the other guild on the same server?


Not lookin good for raiding I'm afraid.


The good news here though is that we can definitely PvP, which is the next best thing. Probably the best thing for us. Here's why:


1) Raiding requires at least 30 people who are on every raid (for the most part) which can be 8 hours or more at a time

PvP only needs... well 2v2 you only need 2 to be on, but if we make a 5v5, then 5. And you can get 10 pvp matches done in only an hour or two at the most.


2) For raiding we'd need to come up with a fair loot system. DKP would need to be tracked. Yeah, yeah there's a random roll system in the game, but it's really only good for 5-man dungeons. Trust me, I've been through it.


My oldest guild... The very first guild I was in... <The Horde> on Kargath... Way the hell back when Anathemus was first 60 with about 40 days /played total, decked out in full Dreadmist Tier 0, or Dungeon Set 1 as it later became known as.... Heh, I remember wiping over and over and over on Core Hounds and Firelords, and Molten Giants in MC, finally after about 10 hours of play getting to Lucifron (The first boss), wiping some more, dropping a repair bot, wiping a few more times, then calling it.... Ah those were the days...


Anyway, after about... 3 MONTHS of attempts like that, various members leaving and joining the guild... On the way to our first Lucifron kill, what should drop? Felheart bracers!!! Tier 1 Warlock bracers I'd been drooling over for almost 1 full year. With no loot system in place, because we thought /random was fair, that's just what we did... and who got them?! Some newb who was on his first ever MC run, and had only started playing 2 months prior!! Heh, no I was not happy. Those who pave the way for the newcomers deserve the loot more. So naturally, we put in a DKP system only a few runs later.


Well, with PvP, there's no need for loot drama. Everyone gets points, and are free to spend them as they see fit.


3) Everyone would get geared up quicker, and not have to wait, or hope that the item they want drops.


4) It still requires paying attention, but not to the same degree.


5) It's more plausible because we all work (I think)


6 - for me) I can gear up both my characters. And Anathemus in PvP... MUAHAHAHAHAHA Let's just say he'll be going FULL affliction.


There's more, but eh.. ya get my point.

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Turn Undead(Rank 3):This spell has been reworked and has been renamed to “Turn Evil”. It will now work on Demons in addition to Undead. Turn Evil is subject to diminishing returns, and lasts 10 seconds in PvP.


Not bad, especially for PvP. Heh, Demon specced locks won't like that.


Holy Shock: The healing, damage, and mana cost of this spell have all been increased.


I'll have to see how much more damage it does vs how much more mana it uses...


Ritual of Summoning can be used to summon players into instances if they meet the instance requirements.


Holy.... About damn time... Of course I did this back in the day... Hehehe... I knew exactly where to stand outside the instance so the portal would pop right at the instance, so when the player got summoned, they'd load up right at the line, then load up again inside.


This was handy in other ways too... Like making prtals on the edge of things so they'd fall into the lava and by the time they loaded up they'd be dead... or summoning into campfires so they'd be trapped inside until they got unstuck, slowly burning to their deaths the whole time... and if someone ever autofollowed me... Hehe... Summon an infernal, then let him loose on them and kill them.


Fun times.

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Turn Undead(Rank 3):This spell has been reworked and has been renamed to “Turn Evil”. It will now work on Demons in addition to Undead. Turn Evil is subject to diminishing returns, and lasts 10 seconds in PvP.


Not bad, especially for PvP. Heh, Demon specced locks won't like that.

No. No, we won't.

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And I got the best of both worlds! MUAHAHAHA!!!


And ly.. yer Demo-spec? Eh to each their own I s'pose. Felguards are fun. Heh... not as good as they were at first in Beta.. I gotta find that screenshot I took...


I had Necro-Knight's Garb boosting my armor, which in turn boosted his... @ 70 normal he had about 11k armor... Then pop the Black Book... 20+k armor... = I soloed alla group quests by m'self. But that was beta... then they nurfed him to shit. Then I played with Affliction for a bit. that Unstable Affliction is the shiz. Especially in pvp. And me with the full Frozen Shadowweave set, 2% of that heals me. Sick. But overall, best raid spec is Destruction, so I went that. When (If) I get back, I'm going back Affliction.


As for my Pally... I leveled one pre-expansion to about 50.. using a method known as *cough* gliding *cough* Anyway, I did that Retribution. Ret has some fun stuff. But I found Prot to be alot more fun, and I did alot more instances because I could tank. (Prot was post-BC) For PvP, I'll probably go prot, just because it's fun as shit knowing people on the other end are going "WTF why won't he die?!" But raiding, I was 46 points in holy. PvE, I had fun for 2 long years as DPS, but after that it got old, so Tanking and Healing are fun for me. I think I had the most fun healing, keeping people alive, knowing that the survival of the raid depended on me and the other healer or 2.

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