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Resident Evil 5


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the former master of unlocking things?


yeah, we'll see if this sticks. i guess she was a jill sandwhich after all, BWAHAHA wait when did Leon need redemption? i thought he was pretty cool in RE2, dicaprio hair aside.

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What the FUCK?! You can't kill Jill, she was the best non-Chris Redfield character this series has ever had.



Well, she may not be as dead as we think. According to several articles like this one, she is in the game...as an enemy...twice. Many also speculate that this may be her:



yeah, the masked one.

  • 3 weeks later...

oh, snap. US RE5 LE!




Wow. Capcom certainly isn't skimping on the North American Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition, packed with enough Kijuju-themed goodness to kill a small horse, possibly bringing it back from the dead afterwards.


The $89.99 limited Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 5 is now available for pre-order across North America, and as you can see they don't price it that high lightly. First you get the special steel case packaging emblazoned with Kijuju writing, which contains the game and a bonus disc filled with art, trailers, and a making of feature...and that's just the beginning of the box.


Along with the steel case, the box also contains a Chris Redfield figurine, a BSAA patch, a Kijuju-inspired pendant, and a lovely Tricell messenger bag to carry it all.


I've yet to pre-order my copy of Resident Evil 5 yet, but I've got a funny feeling I might be making a trip to my nearest game retailer this afternoon to put a little money down.


that bag's a lot sharper than my shoddy Mirror's Edge one. The chain & patch are cool, kinda useless beyond displaying. Diesel Chris is diesel, though.


Nah I only ever saw the yellow one, which I was totally cool with. That roange one looks almost identical to the laptop bag I custom-made on their site and will one day own(one day before Hondoscon that is) for the paltry price of A$170

Demo's up on Western Live guys.


...if you have XBL gold, kids. and only if.

if not, you, me, all the PSN kids, and all the rest of us in the back of the bus wait till next monday.


okay so despite my lack of enthusiasm thus far, played the demo,




Nominating to go 6 months without buying games was a stupid idea anyways.


i was gonna say, your dollars are not equating ours, but then again, you're a man more willing to throw down for an LE than most (only guy i know with the assasin's creed one). if you take just one picture with you rocking the africa chain, i say its worth it. .


Less willing than most these days man, considering what I blew last year in games, plus saving for the US in November. Shit like this I'd normally go ape for, I'm just gonna have to wave along in this day and age.


Heh. We just can't agree on anything huh? It's a wonder we even like eachother. I personally love the new control system, it makes me like RE for the first time since High School.


Your kidding right?

At some point I'll like to be able to move and shoot at the same time and how the fuck can I not turn while running?



We love each other but your not very good at expressing your feelings.


ok, demo's awesome and im already sold onna game (sad our best buy wont be doing a haunted house promo like that one in pennsylvania!) but i gotta agree, controls are awkward as shit. i need to adjust the sensitivity, and possibly redo the button layout like a motherfucker; i keep getting blindsided for lack of being able to strafe & shoot or just turn in a non-180 degree movement quickly. it was really hindering the experience for me, but having loved RE4 like i do, it wasnt enough to say i wont be buying in.

  • 3 weeks later...



i love PA's impressions.


The conversation about the game's controls took awhile to die down, and I've made my perspective on the issue clear, but Capcom didn't do themselves any favors with the demo. Speaking in general terms, people don't like to be decapitated, and the demo offers many opportunities for this to occur. Both of its levels shove the player into maze-like killzones chockablock with dead-ends, and both feature implacable antagonists with wide-arc knockdowns or one-hit kills. Contrary to the industry's building momentum toward welcoming new players into beautiful, gently designed spaces, this game is having none of it. This is not a game where you play some rascal zephyr in a flower's dream. This is a game where you run for your fucking life, for hours, until you die.


you know what, that last bit, that should be a game itself.


Turns out we're getting the same collector's edition as you guys, but at AU$140 I'm sadly not interested enough. Just like SFIV it'll have to wait until either I get it for Xmas or it drops in price.


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