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The F.A.Q.


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ok, so, jokes aside, what needs fixing about the FAQ? There's clearly outdated bits on the older forums and such, but what else?


Ive heard that its too long, but id wanted it to be thorough. Ive heard that our inside jokes & things werent there, so i have them in the wiki. I know it'd help to have pictures & such for some of the masses to figure out how to use HTML and the like, and that can be done.


But is the list not intuitive/user-friendly? Or is the sheer size overwhelming? If the latter's the case, perhaps a mini-FAQ could be constructed with the more essential bits in it (which we'd have to identify as well). Again, newbies'd have to refer to the wiki for jokes/history and such, but a one-stop for helping through with the most common things would be ideal.


To be honest, I haven't read the FAQ's is ages. I'd have to take a look & let you know.


I do know that when I was a n00b, it helped me navigate...


About the size of it...it's been mentioned that our forum is bigger then other so why shouldn't our FAQ's do the same?


I found it pretty helpful in the past. There were parts about forum codes that I found especially helpful, too. Don't know. I'll need to put on my protective gear and take another look at it before giving you anything more in depth about it, though. ^_^


go to youtube and get the embedded code located to the right of the video


copy it and past it in your reply


it should look something like this

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="


type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


then in post options (located under the reply box)

select HTML on - auto linebreak mode


hope that helps


WONDERFUL THREAD! I want to help in finding outdated FAQ questions.


Amy pointed out to me that the quoting section is outdated. I think I saw a few more, but I'll have to look again.




ah, ok, this is helpful. what about the quote parts? granted, we had a different board version then so its likely. so yeah, keep em coming - i know we need pictures to illustrate using HTML/youtube vids etc, cause its simply not as intuitive as id hoped. That definitely needs an add.

please note what else is outdated, or what you feel it could do without, too.

WONDERFUL THREAD! I want to help in finding outdated FAQ questions.


Amy pointed out to me that the quoting section is outdated. I think I saw a few more, but I'll have to look again.



Does manually posting it not work anymore?

  • 6 months later...

ok, so the FAQ's been updated here & there, mostly the shit that's greatly changed (like adding HondoShare link there and such) but most importantly, after like the 10th time its been asked here, a new section on how to post HTML code and make it show things was added, with a step-by-step photo guide and everything.


one day, we'll revise either it or the wiki and all questions will be answered with pics. no day soon, though.


As one of the anti-FAQ camp I have this to say: Guys don't read instructions to shit. It's kind of our thing. Said instructions include FAQ's, so you can see how it theoretically could go against the grain... Nice work on the revisions though. It's handy.


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