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Can't say I've played as many as most of you guys, RPGs don't sell well in Europe so just think how many Japanese RPGs you don't get, we get less! Until I arrived here, I'd never even heard of Xenogears/Xenosaga, I'll have to look em up.


Favorite RPG's:

Zelda's - Nes I & II, Snes III,GB Link's Awakening, N64 Ocarina of Time, not played Majora's Mask or Oracle of Seasons/Ages yet.


FF VII - Probably just cause of Sephiroth, my favorite game character ever.


Vagrant Story - Surprised no-one else has mentioned it, one of the last major games released for Playstation it benefits from a great battle system, a weapon and armour combination system that'll have you spending hours combining stuff to get better kit and a great story with some fantastic cut-scenes even though its using in-game graphics. Oh and the most Bosses EVER!


Terranigma - Snes classic that I just found out didn't get released in America. Apparently the third of a trilogy with the earlier mentioned Soulblazer and The Illusion of Gaia (I'd known it was a follow-up to Ill. of G.). The game story is fantastic starting in the center of a barren earth, first you resurrect the world, then plants, birds, animals and humans, then you help rebuild civilisation. The finished gameworld is the Earth with real or almost real placenames and the game throws in a lot of injokes with the inventors you assist. Recommended for fans of the series if you can find the Rom.


Majora's Mask is possibly even better than Zelda 64, might wanna give it a chance if ya can.


Ill havta look up that ROM for Terranigma; far as Vagrant Story goes tho - I heard tons about it, finally picked it up & loved the storyline (as well as all the bosses, natch) but i must be doin somethin wrong, i get a lil into the game (finally got outside of the original dungeon) and im gettin housed by a few gaurds, despite my efforts to construct a great weapon & armor, much less the attack/counter moves id learned...i wanna play that game so bad, but dont wanna start over, least of all not knowin what i did wrong.  Gonna havta buy the guide for that one, one day.





PS KOS, did ya know they actually sell Ashley's necklace in Japan?



Did you just beat a dragon, then got to the open air town centre?

You're problem may be in combining, sometimes you can get an inferior item if you don't do it right. If I know where you are I'd say I can help.


Yeah, that sounds like the area im in...pretty early on, im guessin.

Ill havta load up the game to recall, pretty sure i was somehow fightin uphill against this guy who was whippin me or somethin...


'Don't give up hope, remember your mantra'

hell, IC, get thru that fight and you're a made man! Beat the  priest knight and his two comrades and you'll get a cut scene and access to another workshop - this one lets you work with bronze and iron which combined make hagane, one of the best materials in the game. Warning though, if you make any hagane stuff you won't be able to combine it for quite a while till you reach the next workshop.


I wouldn't buy a guide, I don't think it'd give you that much help on combining which is pretty important (along with your personal stats, the quality of equipment is effectively your level. I'd recommend Zy Nicholson's guide at GameFAQs. This thing is HUGE, don't read the walkthru, skip past it all and there's invaluable info on combining, i.e. X armor+Y armor=New better armor Z.


May not be as helpful at the start cos he shows the favourable combinations for the higher levelled weapons but you'll see the statistics clearly yourself, just make sure to keep like with like at least early on i.e. glove+glove=better glove, axe+axe=better axe, sword plus mace could=worse dagger.


damn, KOS, here i was all happy 'cause Mulan just got me Final Fantasy Chronicles (FF IV & Chrono Trigger), now youre gonna get me back into Vagrant Story...:D

Thanks a lot man, i really appreicate it.  Soon as my papers are done this weekend i'm gonna try to give it another go; again, the plot/dialogue seemed badass, dyin to see how it ties up.


Heh, sorry! :sly:


Quick tips:

Save before using Elixirs that raise your stats, that way if you get a bad result when you use it you can reload and try again. The result can be between +1 and +4.


Almost forgot, best to keep weapons for particular enemy classes, as you get +1 class modifiers on a weapon you can get -1's on other classes and it'll be the two classes below the one thats been added too.You can however use weapons for two classes if they're 3 classes apart, so one weapon for Humans/Phantoms, another for Beasts/Dragons and a third for Undead/Evil.


The amount of damage you do to an enemy will depend on these class modifiers, elemental affinities (both adaptable with gems which by the way can be taken out and exchanged anywhere, not just workshops) and the enemies weakness to either Blunt, Edged or Piercing weapons. So sometimes you might be up against a dragon enemy with lets say an edged weapon that you use for dragons but you might not be doing much damage at all despite the class and elemental stats, if so try a Piercing weapon which may not have been used on dragons before but might do more damage. As far as I recall most the dragon bosses have weaknesses to piercing weapons, oh and also in a fight with em stay as close as possible to their body and they won't use their special attacks....


Aw for feck's sake, just play the  game, enjoy it and lemme know how you get on. I'm gonna shut up, anyway you've got a huge guide to help you out, but if you need anything let me know...


Vagrant Story is much fun. Definitely one of my favorite RPGs, along with Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VIII, Kartia, and Final Fantasy VI. I want to play VS again, but the idea of going back through all the underground areas and that mine with the time limit keeps me from doing it just now. I hated both those places.  ???


Timed mine? crap, that sucks. Forthcoming poll idea: the single worst/hardest RPG dungeon/level of all time.

Thanks again KOS, damn sounds cool now, gonna get back into that one soon.

Octopus - Kartia, is that the one like FF Tactics? Again, i initially left Tactics alone till Kee got me into it, it was the best strategy game i played since the Shnining Force series.

Is Kartia like that? Tell me a lil bout that game, dont know much bout it.


The mine with the time limit is grand, if you run out of time you get teleported back to the start of the mine, then you can go again, the only real problem is a boss midway thru the mine that you have to beat in the time. And there is an alternate route, can't remember where, that you can use to skip that section, it gets you to the room at the end of the timed section.


What did you not like of the underground levels Octopus and which ones do you mean, Undercity?

How far did you get when you played first (careful of SPOILERS for IC)? Did you finish it and if so do you have a save state?


Irish Cowboy -

Yeah, Kartia is quite like FF Tactics in the battle system department. I can hardly remember the story at all... I bought Kartia for my 13th birthday, played it within a few weeks, and now I'm going on 18, so it's been a while since I played. All I really remember is that I loved that all the characters' sprites and icons were true to Yoshitaka Amano's designs and that there was some religious issue in the plot that intrigued me (religious games rock, that's why I like Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics). I'm probably going to play through Kartia again this summer, so maybe if you haven't given it a try by then I can tell you more about it. There's two characters to play as, by the way, so there's two sides to the main plot... So even if I remembered most of the game, I wouldn't know the whole story.


King of Snake -

What I hated about the underground areas (Yeah, I think it was Undercity) was that I could never seem to get/forge any good weapons for undead types, and they were quite prevalent in the Undercity. =/ Besides, some of the enemies were just irritating. I hated those little dolls that laughed all the time, and those birds with women on their chests... I think those were harpies (?). I preferred the outside areas (like the Snowfly Forest). And the areas near the end rocked quite a bit too. As for how far I got... Hrm. I'll have to find the memory card I saved VS on and find that out. I haven't played it since I was showing my exboyfriend the ending... And we broke up almost a year ago.  ??? I do remember though, that after finishing I restarted from my save and used some Gameshark codes to skip to areas that you can't access the first time through. I fought a few of the optional bosses... Not as thrilling as it would seem. But nice designs.  :D

religious games rock, that's why I like Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics


I couldnt agree more...you seen much on Xenosaga? Ive got the trailer(s) for download under another post here in this forum with a much better bandwith...ive gotten them all now; you should at least check out the 1st 1 if not 2 if ya can; part 3 is all in Japanese with no subs (where's Chihiro? Need translator!).  

Batlte system looks cool too...if ya have a hard time, lemme know.  Also check The GIA's Xenosaga preview (careful for spoilers)


A couple months ago I found an eighty mbs Xenosaga preview... It was great. I've been interested in Xenosaga since first word on it leaked... I'll give the previews you mentioned a look. My only problem is that I'm on a dialup 56k, so it takes me forever to download anything... 8k per second is the highest I can ever go.   :dissappointed:


Lets see, a good enemy against undead? ??? Blunt weapons do best against the skeletal undead and I think do alright against zombies. The doll things are Evil class so if you're planning on using a weapon for Undead/Evil I'd go for a double-handed mace, powerful, blunt, good range for them dolls. Make sure when you're making a weapon that if it's a blunt weapon, use the grip with the best blunt stat. Get a few +Evil and +Undead gems in and you should be laughing! And the Harpys you can run past without fighting them in most cases, they're very slow to react, but can be dangerous to fight if you can't kill em quick, they have a one-hit kill spell you see.


You know that when you start the game from a completed game save you get to keep your weapons, blades, grips, gems, magic (all except the 5th magic type - no spoilers), chain abilities and any statistics you've built up? So if you want to play through again to see the story again you'll find it a lot easier, though the extra 15% is pretty tough, they've accounted for the fact you should have a good level.


I'd give it another go, but then I've played thru a few times, I even spent hours making an ultimate crossbow with +100 for all classes and affinities, +130 all with gems, and made from Damascus....I kick ass! :D


I wish I had more time to play video games. In the last 6 months or so the only game I've had any real chance to play was Dance Dance Revolution. And sometimes when I have 15 minutes or so free I play a little Castlevania: Circle of the Moon... Why did I bother buying a GBA knowing I won't ever have time to play it during the school year?  ???


I think that is the hardest question ever brought up to me...

I really can't say... I like so many of them!! I love the FF saga's, Chrono Trigger and Chronicles kicked ass, then there's Zelda for nintendo.... :baa:  :baa:


I can't think... ???

  • 2 weeks later...

I can actually remember when Final Fantasy 1 came out... I didn't even play it... I watched it. I have most of the FF saga and I love it.  :D

--I still have # 1 for NES (and it still works)

--Anthology=5 & 6 (which is 3 for SNES)

--Chronicles=4 (which I heard was 2 but I'm not sure) & Chrono Trigger

--7,8,9,and the awesome 10!!! :D

--2 & 3 for gameboy (I'm missing Legend and Adventure)

The best saga in my eyes!! :D


Chrono Trigger & Cross are very good... along with Secret of Mana (I haven't played Legend yet) and Xenogears!! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright my fav. RPG's are... umm thats tough :D here some:

:D Final Fantasy Saga rocks although I've only played 7-10

*FF7 was my first RPG after that I fell in love with rpgs


:scared: All though many disagree with me FF8 was good...many people say that it was missing the fantasy but I think it was a fantasy only in the future...


:D  I love Xenogears which took forever for me to finish but I did It Freakin' Rocks :D!


:wasabi: Lunar2 Is awesome I loved it the voice overs weren't that bad and the animation was good...


:D Alundra I like the story and the animation all though I haven't finished it yet...BUT I will...  


Thats my list its still growing :D...


Good calls, but Alundra...i know it wasnt just a PSX Zelda like some said, but i couldnt get into it i guess.

As for FF VIII, the setting/timeline dont bother me it all, tho i thought the story kinda fell apart at the end.  Agan, it was the battle system that threw me off, all i did was summon. ???

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I know how that could happen...But I liked the story a lot of the fans didn't enjoy the fact that it wasn't a "fantasy."( whatever )... Grandia 2 is and alright rpg to....

  • 3 weeks later...

I loved secret of Mana its my fav game I loved the fact that you can have a two player mode...I remember taking the remote when my sister was playing and making the player run to the other side of the screen just for the fun of it...hehehehe :D  :D

then she'd get all flustered and mad hahahaha those were the days...I also liked Chrono Trigger I thought that the plot was good...now Chrono Cross I didn't like I thought it was going to be something like Chrono trigger...unfortunetly people don't know a good thing till they have it or loose it.... :D


That's true, many liked Secret of Mana for that reason: i dont know why more games dont like the 2nd player control the other party memebers sometimes, to be honest.

Chrono Trigger's a classic, but that's werid to hear ya say that Eyeore...most Chrono fans really liked Chrono Cross, i know it was 3d but i thought it was similar - lotsa endings, time travel, great gameplay & music, etc...plus the way it ties into Trigger (revealed by the game's end) is great.  

If ya dont mind my askin, what didnt you like bout the game?

  • 5 weeks later...

Can't believe how many months it has been and my original topic is still active!!!  Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner Nick about staying on as moderator.  It's okay, though my schedule doesn't prevent me from getting on here much and keeping up on my replies.  Also Artistic's been asking me over and over when and if I was ever gonna come back here to this forum, so tonight I thought "what the hey"


Back to the topic at hand, I recently started playing Brain Lord (SNES) on my emulator, and the game looks rather interesting!  In many ways reminds me of The 7th Saga, which I will add was an awesome game that I enjoy playing over and over.  Anyone's opinions? :D


It's cool Al, just glad to have ya back.  

Nah, havent played either, heard theyre both interestin...give some details! Always meant to finish ActRaiser 2 and Lufia 2 for SNES, never got the chance...still kinda sad bout that.

Lemme say that right now im enthralled by Shenumue II, well worth the import.  Future Shenume series post forthcomin.

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