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Sega Dreamcast


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Just wanted to put this out for those of you who've turned away from consoles 'cause of the price:

The Sega Dreamcast, tho with only a few games left on their way out, is by far the best deal out there right now.

ebworld.com, as one vendor, offers the system for $60, and the most expensive new game it lists is still less than $30, with great games like Shen Mue going for less than $20.

Add this to the fact that import games are burnable/copyable - often without a boot disk - and now, there's even Dreamcast emulators of SNES, PSX & NES games, so you can play your old favorites if their respective systems dont work anymore.

Between ShenMue, Sonic, Jet Grind Radio, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 etc there's a ton of great games, to boot. PS2 & GameCube might be cutting-edge right now, but Dreamast is pound-for-pound the best buy out there.

Thank you. *gets off soapbox*. :D

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~ 9/9/1999 - about when the PS2 got announced, its hard to call ~


We all sorta talk about it here & there, thought it needed a topic. I still cant find my copies of Berserk, Shenmue 2 or Typing of the Dead, but ive got Sonic Adventure 1-2, Jet Grind Radio, Chu-Chu Rocket, Space Channel 5, Powerstone 2 and a lot of classics here. Its amazing how well this system's aged, my opinion.


To help get the ball rolling: the most obvious 5 DC titles that need to go next-gen. And yeah, they mention Crazy Taxi.

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i dont recall them being nearly that much, man - and you could use em (to do things like raise your tamagotchi chao-thing in sonic and such) but i dont think many did. What i liked was, they sold this bulk card later on that held like 4x as much room and didnt need batteries.

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I wasn't too into Crazy Taxi, it was liked an anxiety attack in video game form. But I'll be damned if I didn't have the demo disc of this thing memorized inside and out, the first levels of Sonic Adventure, House of the Dead, Falcon and Gunrock's stages on Power Stone. My best friend had one of these and I used to walk or ride my bike all the way over to his house almost every day to play it (was like a mile on gravel... I also had to go uphill both ways, in the snow) and I gotta say, from Ready 2 Rumble Boxing to Jet Grind Radio this was probably the greatest system to ever be released.


Such a shame it's gone now and SEGA's balls are being kept in a little jar on Shiguera Miyamoto's desk.

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Ah, the DreamCast. Truly a shining gem in the jewelry box of gaming. While I can't agree with the list except for Shenmue (though i did love Power Stone), I do miss many other titles. Notably the fighting games. However, most of them did find their way over to the PS2 and/or Xbox. One of the title lost in the shuffle was Rival Schools (Project Justice). I hope to see it this generation (strong emphasis on HOPE).


As to memory cards, they were always about $20~$25. Nothing too crazy. Now they're ~$7 at Play-asia.com.


MH, you are too rad. Bless you child.


And for the rest of you wanting to relive the Days of the DreamCast, I come baring gifts.



Edited by Losifer
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holy shit, thanks for the link, Los! i doubt i can get shenmue 2 (PAL) working so ill just end up re-importing it, but hopefully Berserk, Omikron, and some others'll work - wanted to check out Roomania, Illbleed, and Lack of Love sometime.

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Yeah I think mine's starting to poop and die, which is a horrible thought since I just started playing the RE2, and as Joel & Nick know SC is a staple in my house on any given party. It's okay though, 'cause SC is now on XBL and I be housing as normal.

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  • 1 month later...



So, Yu Suzuki is gone from Sega. mayve happened earlier, but then again, i recall bish telling me he'd been given the "corner office" a while back so its not like he'd been very active.


For those not aware of the name, he's been called Sega's Miyamoto and i dont think its an unfair comparison. Many of the games i grew up playing he had a hand in - wiki credits him with Hang-On, Space Harrier, Out Run, After Burner, Virtua Cop, the Virtua Fighter series, and my beloved Shenmue. Though it tanked (in comparison to its costs), Shenmue I & II opened up gaming to sandbox worlds, as seen in Grand Theft Auto and like half of the PS2's games.


Honestly, i wasnt even aware they'd chased of Yuji Naka, who gave us Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star and NiGHTs, which sorta conicides with Team Sonic having gone to shit. I read he's doing something for the Wii, allegedly, but honestly, 1) both these guys need to be picked up by Platinum games or given a sony/MS studio or something, and 2) this also explains why Sega-Sammy does not resemble the Sega i grew up loving.



oh, also, i netted a dreamcast on ebay this week for $30. its one of those black Sega Sports ones that begs for a Venom decal. id always wanted the Resident Evil edition S.T.A.R.S. one, but its impossible to find...anyway, not a bad deal for the system, controller & memory card.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

oh, weve all got ROMs (DC genesis emu worked great) but i wonder how the new graphics'll fair, and im a sucky for the trophies, sadly. i totally see myself getting this.

wait, it has Shinobi III (awesome) but no Revenge of? weird. oh well, i was sold by ESWAT anyway.

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Very true.. but if it werent for the DC, arcade machines would still be popular.. I think capcom killed themselves with this machine but folkz like me definitely capitalized ;)


In addition, online console gaming started with these sick pioneers of sicknezz...

xbox designers are from SEGA! WHY WONT ENY1 BELIEVE ME!!! @_@

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  • 5 months later...

9/9/09 - Dreamcast 2!!




launch titles:















seriously though, i cant find my dreamcast launch shirt, so im gonna wear the Sonic 2 pre-sell bonus one (no shit i totally just found it this morning). 9/9 shall be spent as much on DC as i can, as any real gamer should.

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