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God of War III


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So, God of War 3*! its not Jaffe, which is a shame. I didnt finish 2 but had the ending spoiled anyway. Come to think of it, that happened in 1, as well - never finished the dungeon on that guy's back, cause the thing with the levers got annoying. Anyway.


Lotta Kratos love 'round here, and since Sony (very) briefly mentioned it, i imagine its due for (?) '09. Optimistically. Details!


A brief trailer toward the end of Sony's news conference at E3 today gave a glimpse of God of War III, just announced for the PS3. The trailer was all pre-rendered, featuring Kratos atop the rubble of a ruined city, bellowing "In the end, there will be only chaos!"


Of course, more on this as it moves. Just wanted to get word out that yes, God of War III is in the pipeline.


Sounds good so far, in that KRATOS = CONFIRMED. thoughts?


*possibly coming to xbox360 at this rate

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This game worries me as this is potentially the end of the series unless of course they just decide to have Kratos go postal on some other culture's pantheon (Kratos vs. Thor would be fucking epic) but Jaffe wasn't the head of the last game either so that's really no big concern to me. So long as they do what they've already done as well as add some new stuff this game will be an instant win just like the last 2 (and kinda sorta chains of olympus) Part 2 addressed peoples' complaints with the first one by adding more bosses, more weapons, and more variety, I can only imagine what this one holds in store.

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  • 5 months later...

Hmm... Yeah, this'll be the one that does it, possibly. I bought God2 last year sometime, but in the absense of a PS2 loaned it to a friend who's notorious for sitting on my games until I demand/beg for their return(he also has my GTAIV-I'm the dickhead keeps loaning him stuff), so now since I've resigned to not getting a BC PS3, I'ma get a PS2 and catch up on all this goodness.

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SOmething that heavy & with so many failing parts, I don't need shipped across the Earth in any manner than on the back of a trusted sherpa, which adding to the cost of the unit'd cost me the same as a new domestic console that comes with games and whatnot. Thanks for your help chasing that shit up and dealing with cockrags on my behalf man, I still owe you a case of vodka or whatever girly crap you drink...

well, here's what showed up last night:<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UnP-FzSUKg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UnP-FzSUKg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UnP-FzSUKg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>here's stills if you're into non-moving thingsso yeah, i gotta finish 1 & 2 before i try that one, i think. Expect a lot more on this next year.
PS-- those gauntlets are ridiculously oversized.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This game looks so fucking sick. I would like a PS3 now plz. Kthx.

I like the idea of fighting on the backs of Titans. 50+ enemies at once? This is starting to look like some Dynasty Warriors shit, only...you know...better. Not to knock on DW/SW, I'm a total sucker for those games every time they release. i.e. about 4 times a year :blink:

I want to play this.

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  • 2 months later...



game has a date now!


Sony were right to point out that God of War III was only due this fiscal year, not calendar year, as the game has now been given an official release time frame. And it's March 2010.


Which will no doubt disappoint God of War fans hoping for some Yuletide carnage on the PS3, but then, God of War fans should know that the last two games were out in March as well. So don't look on this as a letdown. Look on it as a game simply fulfilling its destiny.


so ah, here's to hoping that inevitable PS3 bundle brings a pricecut, if the holidays dont.




moar screens

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  • 2 months later...
God of War 1 & 2 on blu-ray (with trophies) for $40, part of the hype for part 3. Shit, i might have to finally finish these games now.


Okay God of War 1 I can understand, Pandora's Temple even on Easy is pretty tricky and Ares is frustrating no matter what level, but God of War 2 was stupid easy if you play on the regular difficulty. Come on, you're playing the fucking 50 Cent game and you can't be bothered to finish this?

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i borrowed it, and got to the level after you rip off the pegasus' wings. i enjoy these games, but after one too many Onimushas, theyre not at the top of my queue. Im sayin, ill get to it!


im playin Sonic Unleashed tongiht, and what?!

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  • 3 weeks later...
As if re-mastered versions of God of War I & II on a Blu-ray disc for the PlayStation 3 weren't enough, Sony sweetens the God of War Collection with a God of War III demo.


At this point you've read about everyone and their brother getting some hands-on time with the E3 2009, Comic-Con, and PAX God of War III demo. Isn't it about time you got to take Kratos out for a spin yourself? Each copy of the God of War Collection, due out this November, will come packed with a voucher allowing players to download and experience the third game in the series well in advance of its March 2010 release date.


If you don't pick up the collection now that the demo is included, you're just a heartless person who wants to see Kratos cry.

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  • 1 month later...



Do you possess the courage to open Pandora's Box and discover the bountiful swag included in the God of War III Ultimate Edition?


An epic game needs a truly epic collector's edition, and Sony is delivering just that. The God of War III Ultimate Edition is a work of art. Specifically a work of sculpture, as the whole thing comes packed inside a high-end sculpted replica of Pandora's Box. To those of you behind on your Greek mythology, Pandora's Box is the container in which was stored all of the evils of man - hatred, jealous, internet flame wars, MySpace, etc. It was actually a jar, but the case for God of War III wouldn't have fit inside a jar, and neither would the limited-edition God of War art book, featuring interviews, art, and additional content to please fans of the series.


Along with the box, game, and book comes a slew of exclusive digital content available on day one of the game's launch. There's a God of War combat arena with seven challenges to overcome; a premium Dominus Kratos skin; a full-length movie documentary called God of War: Unearthing the Legend; the God of War trilogy soundtrack; and the God of War: Blood and Metal EP, which is a heavy metal homage to the series.


GameStop is saying $100.

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