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wow, this one's cool.

i initially sort've slept on this one, figuring it was just one of the rebuttals to the "games aren't art" argument. It may very well be that, but so far, its not a bad one.


The comparisons to Portal have been made, and you can see why after some time playing: no, its not a first-person game built on the half-life engine, but you know how some weren't sure what they loved about portal more: the physcis, or its charm? The same can be applied here.

What Braid is, is a puzzle game involving moving time, forward or back. The game states it doesnt punish you for making mistakes, but rather, you're rewarded for learning from them. I should really put a gameplay video up to show this better.



The background story of Tim chasing the princess...what you get from reading the small books before each level unfolds a story that hints at being more humanizing than most ive seen in a while. If the puzzle aspects didnt compel me enough, this element would. Its like someone took an arthouse concept and slapped a fun series of puzzles around it.


I'm not sure if tis the same price on PC, but those with an xbox should really check out the demo. I'm not saying its for everyone - and hey, if its not, save your $ for Castle Crashers later this month so we can all do some co-op - but personally, im quite taken so far.


ive just got to decipher getting the last portrait piece of world 3. swear to god, if the devs themselves didnt tell me not to...

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so, have you yet?

i had to skip ahead and read more story, im really into it. finished all the accessible worlds, but with minimal pieces....ill eventually sort out the last one in world 3, but there's some later on that i dont know ill ever manage, heh.

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i believe he means "important" in the artistic sense; its a lot of fun, and again, the statements its going for resonate on a higher note than some RPGs ive played, which to me says a lot. but yeah, try it out - if you're looking to cure cancer, though, you're going to need a PS3.


I'm finishing up World 6 tonight and seeing what happens. I must admit, i cheated & used gamefaqs once, and in all honesty? i dont know that id ever have figured out this one without looking, so i dont feel too dirty. proud of the fact that the rest've been me, even if i feel retarded about that last one in world 3 now that i look back at it.

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I finished the puzzle in World 2 (is there no World 1?), but was cockblocked exploring World 3. I want to get it, but I'm curious how big the game is. It is more or less 8 world similar in size to World 2, or are we talking dozens of worlds? How many hours of gameplay is it roughly? I'll probably buy it anyway, but I'll like to know what I'm getting into.



Having to move the whole puzzle in World 2 to make the gumba thing walk onto the platform, then moving the puzzle again to make him come down for you...very neat. I was scratching my head for a few minutes, I'll admit.


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Having to move the whole puzzle in World 2 to make the gumba thing walk onto the platform, then moving the puzzle again to make him come down for you...very neat. I was scratching my head for a few minutes, I'll admit.


I LOVED that part, it was so awesome.

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I LOVED that part, it was so awesome.

It was very surreal. When I first though of it, I was like "nooo...that can't be it...."


So according to wikipedia, there are only 7 worlds. Despite being fewer than I'd like (perhaps N+ has spoiled me), I'll probably get it anyway.

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that one was indeed cool, totally got it by accident. its got 7, yeah, and world 1 comes, uh...later.


finished this one last night, took a few days and holy shit, the last few pieces really make you think. its funny cause very few are overly difficult to get once you decipher the formula, but its a lot of trial and error till you start thinking more about the physics of what that level's letting you do. i still stand by the one i cheated on, idve not gotten otherwise.


the ending is...well, we can discuss that when more of you finish up. i do agree with the reviews about the story being overly whimsically-ambiguous and all, but i still enjoyed what ive put together of it.

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I finally finished this game tonight, had to resort to GameFAQS for levels 5 & 6. I found the last level in particular incredibly moving. I won't spoil it. I can't recommend this game enough. I think anyone who's had their heart broken and has had a lot of time to dwell on the matter of perspective can't help but be at least a little touched after you complete this game.

Braid is a great piece of innovation, my 8 year old son likes to play it but clearly doesn't "get" it. I find myself misty eyed, choked up and surprised that a 2-D platformer has done this to me...he thinks the time manipulation is fun. We're both enjoying it for entirely different reasons and that's not an easy thing to accomplish.

I wished this much thought was put into more games.

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Beat it tonight, very neat ending, the hardest puzzle piece for me was the one in world 5 where you have to make a huge leap to a piece. World 6 was brilliant, and

world 1

was VERY cool.


Still trying to figure out the story, probably should go back and try to figure out the order. As much as I am not a fan of most post-modern things, this game was great. It is well worth the 1200 points.

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aw man, hurry up Jax, so's we call all try sorting out the ending together. There's bits i get, and a few i don't.



helped myself to gamefaqs after the fact, and there's clearly stuff in the green books of wolrd 1 i didnt read that put a...darker perspective on things.



ps heads up, Braid papercarft.

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he can better than i, but...



there's a bit that quotes the manhattan project in the hidden text, "we're all sons of bitches now." he thinks the whole thing had to do with something about that, and folding time/universes or some shit by uh, nuking them? really, he'd have to say so here.


i at first thought Tim was clearly stalking the princess, but im thinking he just woudlnt let go after she did then again, im slow enough on the uptake with the paintings that i didnt bother noticing the clearly different hair color in each of them, implying im not looking at tim.



fucking postmodernism.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Souljaboy's review put mine to shame. well done, sir.


also, anyone else trying finding the stars? they lead to an alternate ending, so i of course wanted to know more about em. Space Cowboy said theyre insane: the first one has you waiting around for an hour and a half or so, another requires you not have completed level 3 or something, so uh, for many of us, some of them will be a no-go, sadly. Shit's mean.


Dont believe me? Check the guide.

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