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I Wish I was A Super Hero!!!!

CA Rodgers

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I'm thinking I would like to have the ability to change my appearance like mystique. that would be pretty cool. Victoria Secrets model by day... Assassin/ bounty hunter by night. Money, good looks and get to kick some ass.


But then again I wouldn't like being thought of as a freak and it would be rather lonely.


My weapon would be something unexpected. Like a big bag of potatoes. No one would ever suspect the girl carrying the bag of potatoes. but my guess is that it would only knock them out... maybe then I shoot them. I haven't worked out the details yet.

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If I had a superpower, I think I would be afraid to use it... I would invariably fuck everything up.


Maybe the power to go back and erase things that are embarassing, or to be able to come up with the perfect comeback every time.


But I wouldn't use anything for the good of mankind, only myself :)

You are my hero

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i'm already a super villian bitchez

...more like super faggot ya homo.


wait, so benny, you want to summon demons from hell


Er... when you put it that way... no... well, yeah as long as it didn't come with repercussions on my afterlife. The real demons scare me. Video game type demons I don't mind.


But yeah, different demons with different abilities. Especially the Felguard I kinda described above, and the Succubus to seduce/charm anything I'd ever need from other people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the ability to manipulate things at the molecular or even atomic level would be pretty cool. I mean that would be like having every superpower out there. I could make things burst into flames or change a brick into a stack of cash or even fly if i could make the air around me more densely packed.


If other people had powers though id go for Nathan Petrellis power from Heroes. If you seen the show you'll know what im talkin about.

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Man, when I get done with seasons 5 & 6 of the shield we gotta sit down and watch season 2, Veronica Mars & all.


How can noone have claimed ring-based psionic light constructs yet? Being able to form complex weapons, machinery, nigh-infinite strength and sexy fast cars made out of solid light doesn't do it for ya?


Since Shane wants to talk my ideals but go the mimic route, I'll take my dream ability back thanks, which is indeed, telekinesis at a molecular level. Reanimating a dead Forge to have a conversation with him'd be not even half of it. The consequence of that power though is according to the established mythology the human body just cannot contain that much power, so it'd come with that downside.


Since we're all talking dream scenarios, let's consider the downside. To wit for any given telepath: Until you got your powers under control you'd be driven mad with the noise, and it's not like you can DD that shit out in a depravation chamber.


Also, in the current world climate, what would you do? Be street level and try to knock out thugs and muggers? go Political and try to nueter the middle east(or whoever's a threat to freedom/whatever)? Me, I've always figured if I got powers today, tomorrow, whatever, I'd either lie low on the radar and just empty the odd register of a department store enough so's to live comfortably without drawing attention, or go big and basically make my way to Washington and offer the POTUS my abilities as a covert op, downside being that kind of attention means I run the risk of becoming a guinea pig.

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Yeah but from what ive read of Watchmen he felt totally disenfranchised from humanity on account of experiencing time in a non linear way. Nothing would surprise you anymore and you'd always feel like an outsider. I'd opt for something that wouldn't make me stand out too much.



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Yeah but from what ive read of Watchmen he felt totally disenfranchised from humanity on account of experiencing time in a non linear way. Nothing would surprise you anymore and you'd always feel like an outsider. I'd opt for something that wouldn't make me stand out too much.


Yeah but you're on a higher plane of existence... to understand the universe like he does, it might be lonely but I think human nature is so eager to answer those big questions that it might be worth it. It's the knowledge, more than the powers, that's so appealing about what he can do to me.

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Yeah but you're on a higher plane of existence... to understand the universe like he does, it might be lonely but I think human nature is so eager to answer those big questions that it might be worth it. It's the knowledge, more than the powers, that's so appealing about what he can do to me.


Again though, gaining said knowledge would set you so apart from humanity you'd care less about their whims & fancies, not to mention you'd have to either be the catylist in jumpstarting evolution by revealing the true nature of the Universe and therefore a predestined event in yourself, or you'd come to realise that humanity can't have the answers they seek because they're not ready and/or it's not your place. You'd no longer live as an ordinary person posting on Hondos and eating at diners and such, you'd be something elemental and with that perspective change you and the people around you'd be miserable.


And goddamnit Crim, that shit happened to you and you'd be paying our rent with Charlies turds and turning water into JD all day long

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  • 3 months later...

Jedi style telekinesis would be a kick. Maybe up to Jean Grey level.


What world would I live in? This one seems cool enough, though I'd probably enjoy living in a more technologiocally advanced time.


My villians would be the most ordinary fuckin people imaginable. I'd fight henchmen all day. Why? Cuz a supervillian could fuck you up dude. I mean, we;'re being serious here for a minute: we read comics for drama, but I don't think any of us wants to actully go through having a giant Sentinel land on our house or have the the Joker make us chose between saving two good people.



As for what I would do in the world, that depends on a) how powerful I am and b) how upset I get at what I deem injustice.


Like, if I couldn't stop bullets, I definitely wouldn't try to do anything too bold, cuz I don't care if you can fly or read minds, a bullet will end your career pretty quick.


If I was at a power level where I could survive bullets and missiles, I'd be pretty active. I'd walk into places like Burma and Pakistan and Sudan and knock quite a few heads around.


The scary part is what I'd do after all the obvious conflicts have been settled. THat's why I think the Black Summer comic was so awesome as an idea. I can't imagine a politically aware super powered person staying out of politics. There's lots of politically caused injustices in this world and I think I'd want to take a look at them. Those who know me from the Politics forum know that I've said repeatedly the biggest injustice int he world today isn't wars or anything obvious, but unfair trade practices which kill millions more than anything else every year.


I think what I'm saying is I'd probably end up being something of a terrorist, like The Authority arguably were. And I think that's kinda what would happen with a lot of people in the same situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still can't find fault in solid light constructs. It makes sense that without GL's ring, something like that on a psionic level would dictate solar-based power, which means you's either need to train up your internal battery like fuck to be able to do more than say, create a nightlight once it's dark.


Either that or carry around a blacklight to absorb UV on the run.

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Yeah... There's no advantage to either of those powers. The burden of knowledge present and future. You'd go mad in a day.


Pretty much do that now with reading people and then being able to have a conversation with them w/o them actually being there before I have said conversation actually with them so I know how to combat... Is that weird?

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