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Hondo's Bar

Don't Ask Skeeter Questions


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Shit even Lorelei's got a thread, so you deserve one.


Only question(s) I could come up with on such short notice is... Seen any Tazmanian Devils yet? Or are they only on the island? Seen any kangaroos? Been to the Fosters Brewery? Typical Australian questions I know but.. 'S all I got at the moment.


Reason for edit: to change the title.

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Uhm, Youse guys'll be hearing from my lawyers. Copyright infringement is no joke and apparently quite profitable(for the suing parties, not for the guys starting outgrown fads without the permission of certain Nations and Hondos personalities).


I appreciate the Sentiment Benj, I just has a serious dislikins' for ask threads.

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so is it true the extra fluoride in the water there has similar side effects to estrogen, and if so, is that why your skin is so silky smooth and you've not the stones to rise to challenges? i'm just wondering. i hurd something about it on a nature special.

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