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Blackest Night


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So, the Sinestro Wars - aka the most interesting shit ive seen in the DCU all year - ended a few months back, and most of the story felt trade worthy. Big moments were:

  • Lanterns were given the ok to kill their enemies, since they were getting owned wholesale. No doubt there'll be reprucussions for this, as DCU's not fond of the killing in such books most times.
  • the guardians are back to their zany hijinx of ignoring prophecies, whilst rewriting their code. They made Alpha Lanterns, this scary cyborg converts that feel no emotion, but on the upside, never run out of juice.
  • After his turn as being Parallax, Kyle's no longer Ion, just a lantern again.

plus, they started this rainbow colaition shit that i was hoping was left behind with the last, ridiculous arc before Sinestro Wars started, where most every color in the spectrum is getting a ring/corps to correspond to an emotion. Some of its been vague, but the big ones beyond green (will) and yellow (fear) are the red lanterns (hate) and this upcoming arc is about the black ones (death). If you really wanna know more about the spectrum shit, its detailed on the wiki.


Fortunately, the main book has been great, its current arc "Secret Origins" has gone back to take the time & setup Sinestro as a great lantern & Jordan's mentor, giving the book (for me) an almost star wars feel, given the inevitable tragedy. Johns is really tearing this book up, something ive waited to see someone do since Emerald Twilight. Anyway, theyre also rewriting Black Hand into this as the root of the black lanterns, and thereby, this forthcoming event, which is said to be another DC-universe-ending thing that i hope is more exciting than Final Crisis, as zombies with rings could be awesome.

Also, from the wiki:


Like Sinestro Corps War, The Blackest Night is based upon a story written by Alan Moore Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 in the 1980s. Both Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver have stated that The Blackest Night will be the third part of a Green Lantern trilogy that began with Rebirth and continued with Sinestro Corps War.


Didnt know that; Moore having any hand in this makes it cooler for me. Here's to hoping Johns keeps putting out quality.

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yeah, if the symbol wasnt a dead-giveaway, the last issue of Secret Origin confirmed it, its about Black Hand, someone i didnt know much about before so if he's ultimized or something, im ok with it.


and yeah, this is full circle from before Hal took everyone out - the guardians are back to covering their ears & ignoring the prophecy so they'll not see the black guardians coming. Im just waiting to see how bad it gets, caue at the early/midpoints of Sinenstro Wars, bodies were dropping like crazy! No one overly memorable, unless you were that one fan of Jack T Chance or something, but i expect all kinds of crazy shit from this.



who wants to put a dollar on Kilwog not making it? we can raise the stakes if you think theyll take Rayner, Stewart or Gardner.


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I caught a couple issues of the Lantern main series during the SInestro wars and saw solicitation for this event in Wizard(who admittedly would put an upward spin on the Holocaust if there was a dollar in it) and thought it looked interesting. If I ever get around to starting torrents for comics I'll prolly check it out that way.

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  • 10 months later...

alright, so prologue's over, the main event started last week - and holy shit! is DC trying to out-dark Marvel?



fuck you, im not summarizing shit. but ill say this: dudes died, hearts got eaten.



who knows where this'll go and how itll look at the end when the editors wave the magic DC wand of homeostasis, but meantime...any of the older/more conservative DC fans who found Identity Crisis to be unpleasant are hopefully nowhere near this book/event.


Ill post back impressions with GL, Lantern Corps and the one-shots as they come. if the other writers stay on track with Johns, this could be a great event, we'll see if its as good as Sinestro Wars was.

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I checked #1 out of curiousity, got a Black Lantern Ring for my troubles, and yeah. Dark. I like the idea that

they get more powerful the more they kill- I'da sooner left lame ducks like the Dibney's in the fucking ground though.

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oh, me too, i hope they dont rise after the series is done or something, but a twisted version's momentarily interesting. i mean, ^_^ once killed Northstar, and that was like the most eventufl thing ever happened to him since he came outta the closet. i thought "shit, maybe he'll be cool as an undead Hand ninja or something" but they clealry didnt have any ideas.

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guy with a rage ring is the kinda thing i shoulda seen coming, like hal with an obama-hope ring.


im one issue behind on GL right now, we've met the indigo tribe, so when are they gonna pass on their neat black-ring undoing powers? cause i mean, im having fun with this but im not sure how many DC people are left or how much more skull-licking im down for.

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i'm gonna come out & say it: i cant wait for this even to end.


id hoped Johns would make this rainbow thing work for me - he's been knocking it outta the park with this book for quite a while now - but the entire DCU thing with the colors is even more hokey than id feared, at parts, and its distracting from the event proper. sure, its kinda fun seeing obvious picks like Gardner as a Red, Scarecrow as a Yellow, WW as sapphire etc but its starting to drag for me, looking forward to its finale soon.



plus, that bullshit with killing Kyle for one issue of GL Corps and bringing back the very next? ugh.



on the upside: Jim Lee vairants.



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