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Having not seen anything on Project Natal yet(can't view this sorta stuff at work), I can't see how it justifies a refurb, especially as you point out where it'll alienate existing purchasers by utilising the tech like the DSi. I'll prolly just sit on my PS3 & wait til this new thing comes out to repurchase.

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I think we need to wait to see whats gonna happen, remember natal isn't even the final name for that thing so we've got a ways to go still. I"m also not sure I see this the same as the wii, the problem is this puts them compeatin with the wii for the casual market which nintendo has very sown up and they can proabbly drop the price quite a bit(amazing it's had no price drop yet lol) There also the fact this could fracture the user base some.


Honestly this sounds like they are trying to get around the age old problem perpihals, they tend not to do that well and because they don't do that well less games are made using them(and the cost to make these games now a days makes it harder.) The question is a)cost b) will the 360 crowd really want to buy a whole new console just for natal and abit extra horsepower?( honestly it's hard to get very excited over a bit more framerate). This runs the danger of being a very expensive accsorery. Still to early to tell, we'll know by next e3 if this might really happen(or maybe gdc for all we know.)

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I see this the same as the wii, the problem is this puts them compeatin with the wii for the casual market which nintendo has very sown up


Nintendo has sown up the casual market, but no company has held onto the top spot for more than two generations at a time. In the 2nd gen, Atari had like a 90% plus market share or something. Absurdly dominant. Nintendo cleaned their clocks in the 3rd gen. They barely squeaked ahead of Sega in the 4th gen, and Sony creamed them in the 5th and 6th gens. At the height of the PS2's popularity, who would have believed a PS3 would be finishing 3rd with Nintendo outselling Microsoft and Sony put togehter?


I would be very surprised if this was not integrated into a new system rather than sold as a peripheral.

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gun - yeah, its all speculation for now, but while we're on about it...

weve said for years that nintendo had the handheld market on lockdown. 1 generation in, and sony's made a dent/profit. you cant honestly sit there & tell me MS, even making a profit now, are content seeing their market share vs nintendo.


is the wii hitting market saturation in japan? will that clientele be sustainable past this gen? you're right, its new territory so its mostly "wait & see" but if MS (hypothetically) thinks it can find any middle ground - a platform that's priced/designed to appeal as the next step for some of the wii's blue ocean, but still keeps all the major devs it locked in this gen to appease us hardcore...you're right, its a gamble that could alienate, but again, look at how shit went this gen. You could easily say, despite losing a billion in repairs, MS made a huge victory just by turning a profit and keeping big-boy sony on its tail...but shareholders might look at the rise of nintendo's stock and call it a loss of opportunity.

and again, something like this (let's say not exactly what im calling the 32x strategy, heh) would in turn keep sony on the defensive: can they afford to make something bigger & stronger/more expensive next gen, if the wii HD and this are priced at half as much?

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  • 2 years later...

Eurogamer Rumor: Xbox 720 = 2013 Release, Devs Have Target Specs For Both PS4/720


Microsoft is rumoured to be preparing a reveal of its next Xbox at E3 2012. Eurogamer has recently had this claim backed up by a number of game industry sources.


Eurogamer has also heard a 2014 release of the next Xbox was planned by Microsoft, but this has now been brought forward to 2013 as a result of Nintendo's confirmed 2012 launch of the Wii U.


Additionally, sources have indicated to us that larger publishers and developers already have target specs of both the next Xbox and PlayStation to help them with their development.

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