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Wrath of the Lich King Spoilers


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Ok, by the title, you've already been warned. I wasn't sure who all wanted to know what will be in the expansion ahead of time or not, so I figured I'd post spoiler vids and such here.





I only talked about this in the WoW thread, but here it is, the intro video for the Death Knight Class (all races):

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Here's how to play the Beta on a private server:


Get the Beta Client and patches here. Or alternatively, you can just get the client and let it patch until I reccomend using the torrents. The other files/sites are slow as fuck.


Then go to www.wowstatus.net and find a WotLK server. I reccomend this one because it's the most complete. It still doesn't have any quest givers, but at least it has some mobs. It's kinda boring without the quest givers, but at least you can try out the Death Knight Class.

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Those sets aren't out yet as of the videos on Youtube. They should be out soon in an upcoming Beta Patch. I also heard Arthas won't be in the game until the final Post-Release patch. Well, except that he's your first quest giver as a Death Knight. He sounds bad as hell. They're also re-doing all the voices to make them dark and ghastly like the voice of the Corrupted Ashbringer.

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Apparently to be able to fly in Northrend, you'll need to get a skill called Cold Weather Flying, which won't be available until 77 or 80 because Blizz wants everyone to experience the land first. Arthas might also be an outdoor world boss. Oh hell no. He needs to instanced. I have bad memories of the top guilds farming Azuregos and Kazzak. Bullshit pulls, griefing galore. I can't imagine Arthas being on a damn 3 day timer.

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Yeah that's what I thought. Just a nasty rumor then.


Outdoor bosses can be fun if they're more like side-quests like they have been so far. They must be really fun on a PvP server. They'll probably make 1 or 2 for this expansion I suspect, like they did Burning Crusade.

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