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Dead Space


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  • 3 months later...

Okay so, because there's two nigh-identical shooters coming, Left 4 dead is the 4-player co-op you seem to think will bring Hondos together in some unforseen fashion, and Dead Space is the shit-looking one but is written by Warren Ellis, right?


Christ I'm glad I avoided Alone in the Dark...

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Left 4 Dead = 4 player co-op with us against a city of turbo-zombies (think 28 days later) by valve, the people who did Half Life.


Dead Space is the awesome looking (wait, why shit?) 3rd person horror game that Ellis wrote the comic of, i wanna say, but not much beyond it. Its looking freaky as hell, but somehow hasnt garnished your attention yet - i forget if you're a big horror fan or not. did you watch the video i linked?

also, i admit i didnt give it much credit early on either, but seriously, its shaping up nicely.

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SO... Warren Ellis is merely writing an interpretation of it? Well my interest went from non-existent to curious, to fuck that noise to thawed on account of Ellis' involvement, and back to vaguely curious about that video(I'm at work so it waits for tonight). I watched a preview video for this a while back on XBL and it looked fucking terrible, graphically as well as low rating on the ooga-booga factor. If you'll recall, I have a general boycott on all survival horror until I finish RE2 on my DC(and it's pooping and dieing isn't exactly cooperative[/i]


Left 4 dead just got a whole lot more interesting though.

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early screenshots felt like bioshock in space, which is to say, system shockish with the hero as a uh, tool-wielding big daddy? anyway, all we had was rough monster design, and then there was that horribly voiced-over "live" comic bits on PSN and XBL. it wasnt till i saw some of the interesting zero-gravity puzzles and scary shit like the trailer, and that miniboss vid, that i became a believer.


Lullaby trailer:



cant find the other one, but this one'll do.

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In that case, wtf am I doing here? FuckaDead Space. I'm aways to play Viva Pinata 2:Trouble in Paradise, and wait for this sim-farm mechanic to give way to the zombie-pinata slaughter I know awaits.


*stalks through fresh-planted long grass with a bowie knife and cuts the throat of a sleeping badgesicle*

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This game looks to be shaping up better than I originally expected. I can't imagine I'll have time to get to it anytime around the release date though, my October/November is all booked up at this point.


Quick note: Warren Ellis revealed that he provided the groundwork, backstory, and structure for Dead Space, not just the comic adaptation.

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yeah, but then one of the devs started downplaying how much of his ideas stuck with it. Again, hopefully the better bits did - the comic wasnt bad (despite the art), and the more i see of this one, the more i realize how much i underestimated it. i dont know that ill grab it day 1 like i plan to with SH5 and hopefully LBP, but im a few reviews away from doing so.

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yeah, but then one of the devs started downplaying how much of his ideas stuck with it. Again, hopefully the better bits did - the comic wasnt bad (despite the art), and the more i see of this one, the more i realize how much i underestimated it. i dont know that ill grab it day 1 like i plan to with SH5 and hopefully LBP, but im a few reviews away from doing so.


Having seen all I can see, and not even being suckered in my the 'Lullaby' trailer(Cliffy B knows I'm a cheap date when it comes to old-timey songs or poetry put to cool action sequences or cinematics), I'm logging the same 'meh' I had 3 weeks ago. As it is Far Cry 2 & Red Alert 3 have me intrigued so my tight-as-shit budget is ever tightening.

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meh! well sir, to each their own. i dont know you to be that big a horror fan anyway, but reviews/demo? may cause you to look again in the future. i gotta admit, if i go for SH5 next week, ill likely wait on reviews on this one too, just like Mirror's Edge. Its not that EA's not turning out some great looking shit, i just need to know if its $60 worthy.

also, cliffy B likes balls in his mouth.

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No doubt he does, but he sure turns out a purty fun looking game. Horde as a game mode looks to be bigger & more badassed the most fun I'll have this summer.


Oh, in regards to the subject at hand though, I'm throwing all precedent out the window and not purchasing FC2 strictly on the basis that it has a helluva collector's edition, so I'm sure as shit not looking in Dead Space's direction(though I loves me some L4D).

Edited by Skeeter
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  • 3 weeks later...
This game looks to be shaping up better than I originally expected. I can't imagine I'll have time to get to it anytime around the release date though, my October/November is all booked up at this point.


Quick note: Warren Ellis revealed that he provided the groundwork, backstory, and structure for Dead Space, not just the comic adaptation.



This just in: Warren Ellis was also the original captain of the Titanic. :FHD:


That wasn't aimed at you Logan(who I haven't seen around in a while) but just Warren Ellis turning pop culture whore(seriously, the guy's trynna get his name across every facet of media, but can't sign a guy's book for a wedding gift).

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kinda off topic, but think about it: after Niles (30 Days of Night) made a killing as an indie writer on a movie deal, and Millar made Millarworld books to do just that (already got 1 film, 1 more on the way), can you blame Ellis? the guy writes his ass off on indie works for Avatar press and such, half the time they're minis that seem like film pitches. Global Frequency almost got a show...anyway, im saying, i dont blame the guy.


shitty that he'd not sign a book for a fan, shitty that he ignored my myspace question of finding a transmet smiley for a laptop, but he's still a good writer, and this game's getting amazing reviews right out the gate.

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