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SO Speculation has already begun on the specs of the Xbox 720, but here's a thread for the general forum on what we wanna see in the future of this entire medium. As it stands, Ubisoft are taking another crack at 3D, and I don't think it's too much to ask to wear a pair of 3d glasses while playing a game to enhance the experience, Dr Steve showed me a while ago that PC gamers are doing away with Mice, which looks pretty cool too.


Nick's stated motion-control should be standard by next gen which is probably about right, but for my money I'd like to see some advancements in facemapping or even just more use of those of us suckers who bought cams for our 360s. I remember Eye-Toy being a blast if not a little shakey on PS2, and PS3 seems to have this Eye of Judgement business, whereas (and I admit, I've never played Rainbow Vegas or whatever it's called so I can't comment on the ability to put custom faces on your enemies-which by the way is a pretty morbid fucking concept) 360 users get a single free live arcade game which was shit, and poor, poor facemapping on Facebreaker. I gotta check out Viva Pinata 2 though, with it's purported ability to take photos of random objects and have them useable in-game as new Pinatas or items or whatever.


Aside from that, I still hope to see the Powerglove reduxed and introduced to current gen.



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Not to be snarky but.... That'd only be applicable to consoles making the most of terribly expensive and as-yet-unjustifyable techs like uhm, for the sake of diplomacy I'll make up a format called Glu-Ray.


Seriously though, has Microsoft hurt you so deeply you hold nothing but pessimism for the future?

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Not to be snarky but.... That'd only be applicable to consoles making the most of terribly expensive and as-yet-unjustifyable techs like uhm, for the sake of diplomacy I'll make up a format called Glu-Ray.


Seriously though, has Microsoft hurt you so deeply you hold nothing but pessimism for the future?


I'm not just talking MS but everybody who makes games.


Every year game just keep getting shorter and shorter. It going to reach a point where it won't be possible to make a 20-25 hour game.


The most I want out of a game (that's not an rpg) is at most 12-15 hours.


Do you really want to spend $60-70 on a 7 hour game.


Blu-ray may not be cheap but dvd players at one point did cost up to $250 or more when it came out.

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Yeah, I mean the money Sony are putting into the format, they're having to justify this with better-quality games(graphically) which increases cost & production time. That's directly quoting someone else(yahtzee prolly) but it's totally true. I thought the idea of Blu-Ray was larger disk space meaning prettier and/or bigger games.


As it is, Open world is such a bs fucking latchkey of this gen. If you can't simply find the resources straight up in the game to end whatever conflict needs to be resolved(sure it makes it less fun, but...), then it's not open world. Fallout 1 can be finished in 8 minutes apparently. However you then have the option of doing as the developers intended and wandering a (relatively) huge map. Graphically it could've been tweaked, but there's nothing wrong with isometric views, and the damned thing takes up all of 500meg. All the energy developers are putting into 'bigger, more open worlds' could be much more justified in better playability. I'll take a linear game that plays well over another Two Worlds... Ecch.

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Yeah, I mean the money Sony are putting into the format, they're having to justify this with better-quality games(graphically) which increases cost & production time. That's directly quoting someone else(yahtzee prolly) but it's totally true. I thought the idea of Blu-Ray was larger disk space meaning prettier and/or bigger games.


The thing is that so many people are so damn anal about graphics's so developers need to make it look good just to sell.


I'm also sure that since developers want to release the game for both systems they don't want to piss off MS. How would you feel if a game came out on the PS3 with massive world that would take weeks or months to explore on a single disk or a water down version with alot missing spread over 4 disk. I'm not saying this as a cheap shot at the 360 but thats how it is. Some games can only be played on a PS3 like LBP or MGS4.

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Well yeah, and that's why Sony's exclusives are just so full of win(not MGS, but I'm very curious about LBP). Theoretically though, assuming it's not too terrible a burden, they could potentially take all the marbles but just ramping the 3rd party games graphically to a whole new level. DOesn't really address the issues at hand though.

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