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Hondo's Bar

Kagi nochi tobira

La Lindsay

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Jax: the only reason why i got 8 was because I was frustrated.

click on the button till the door on the left pops up. CLICK ON IT REPEATEDLY! The door explodes as does your patience at this point, and the key appears



How the hell did you do 11? Additionally 10 is a bitch.

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That was a pain in the ass...


19 is the worst, but once you get past the first part the rest is just pixel hunting


Room 11 -

You Right Click


Room 10 -

Hit the switch really fast, I started doing it out of frustration, but you'll see a pattern emerge in the lines when the screen flashes, and it's always in the same spot, click around that spot till something happens, you'll need to do it twice, once for the key, once for the door.


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Jax: the only reason why i got 8 was because I was frustrated.

click on the button till the door on the left pops up. CLICK ON IT REPEATEDLY! The door explodes as does your patience at this point, and the key appears



How the hell did you do 11? Additionally 10 is a bitch.

Curtains, thanks for 10. I never would have gotten it. In return, the way you solve 11 is to




I've about lost my patience with 10, if someone could clue me in....

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Answer to #14 -

Play with the sliders, get the key, now notice that the numbers are stacked differently each time you start the room and that the column on the right can have its order changed: make the column on the right match the order in which the numbers are stacked, use the sliders to find that out. I have no idea what the changing numbers [1-2] that are located below the column indicate so ignore them. Also keep in mind that it's from the bottom up (F=Front R=Rear), that's what got me the first time. Hope this helps

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