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so, the good people at Colver studios (Okami, Godhand, Viewtiful Joe) migrated to Platinum Games, and got Sega to publish this upcoming title that's been getting some hype despite very little having been seen on it yet, here's info from the ground floor...from the wiki:


Bayonetta is an upcoming video game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, developed by PlatinumGames in cooperation with Sega, who will publish the title. Directed by Hideki Kamiya, creator of the Devil May Cry series, it will tell the story of the eponymous witch, Bayonetta, who has guns on her feet and hands, blowing off the heads of monsters masquerading as angels.Creator Hideki Kayima has said that " Bayonetta will blow the doors off the action genre"


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latest demo build was improved, kinda hoping they close the gap but its due in january or so so im not sure how likely that really is.


i love kertins' quote "these are the okami guys? did they just decide they wanted to make money this time with a titty-game?"

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Demo was cool, it's no NG, but seems about on the level of DMC4, with some crazy ass attacks. Shame the PS3 one has some performance issues from what I hear, especially since I know a lot of people prefer that controller for these type of games.

dunno if the demo had probs cause on my ps3 it worked just fine. but gotta wait for the whole game to tell


It is an odd game. It makes DMC look sane.

...yes. odd is accurate. the music made me think i was supposed to be fishing lol

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I DLed this demo out of morbid curiousity, y'all're making me less inclined to just not play it, somehow.


We saw this being played at Gencon behind a little curtained area that reminded me of Houseof the Dead in the arcades, we remarked on how original it was for Sega to have a game where you collect rings. :blink:

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Climax edition:




SEGA has revealed Bayonetta: Climax Edition, the limited edition of PlatinumGames’ hair-raising action game. It comes with a replica pistol and it’s exclusive to Australia and New Zealand.


It features a very limited custom-built replica of the Scarborough Fair, Bayonetta’s beloved pistol which she has strapped to her hands and feet. The aptly-named Climax Edition also comes in premium slipcase packaging and features the Bayonetta game, as well as a 36-page hardcover art book and CD soundtrack featuring music from the video game.


AU exclusive, can't say that everyday eh?

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  • 1 month later...

Just beat this game and it rocks my fucking socks. Have to say the demo really didn't sell the game all that well. The game is INSANE, I mean it makes DMC look positively subdued. I'm talking fighting on top of nukes, castrating tentacle monsters, riding a motorcycle upside down across the ropes of a suspension bridge, and that's some of the tamer shit.


Gameplay is actually very good, faster than DMC, almost as fast as NG2, though I still prefer that one by a hair. It's also FILLED with Sega fan service, and much of it gives me a happy.


Voice acting is pretty good, music is insane (with a few hidden gems) and the set pieces in this game put every other action game I have played to shame. There is just constant insanity, a decent variety of things to do, and tons of ways of killing ones opponents. Plus, it isn't that hard.


Also, Action GOTY for having checkpoints in the middle of long boss battles. God bless you Kamiya. If they can keep releasing games of this caliber, Sega will be back with a vengeance.

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Just beat this game and it rocks my fucking socks. Have to say the demo really didn't sell the game all that well. The game is INSANE, I mean it makes DMC look positively subdued. I'm talking fighting on top of nukes, castrating tentacle monsters, riding a motorcycle upside down across the ropes of a suspension bridge, and that's some of the tamer shit.


Gameplay is actually very good, faster than DMC, almost as fast as NG2, though I still prefer that one by a hair. It's also FILLED with Sega fan service, and much of it gives me a happy.


Voice acting is pretty good, music is insane (with a few hidden gems) and the set pieces in this game put every other action game I have played to shame. There is just constant insanity, a decent variety of things to do, and tons of ways of killing ones opponents. Plus, it isn't that hard.


Also, Action GOTY for having checkpoints in the middle of long boss battles. God bless you Kamiya. If they can keep releasing games of this caliber, Sega will be back with a vengeance.


I want to play this game but I fucking refuse to play it on the PS3.

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Not that hard AND a praise for mid-boss checkpoints? I think you're a little confused on what you're sayin', sir.


You at least have to hate the Quick Time Events as much as I do. Bayonetta messed up BADLY on their implementation.


Not particularly. Some of the boss fights are ridiculously long, having to replay an early section of a fight over and over again when you die at say the last form of a 5 form boss BLOWS. Kamiya was smart enough to realize that it isn't fun having to redo those parts ad nauseum and thus we have mid boss checkpoints.


Overall the game isn't all that hard though, it's no DMC3 or NG. Haven't played it on hard yet.


The QTEs can be annoying at times, but there are not all that many of them. I just hate QTEs that cause an insta-death and then affect your rating for the level. Makes me a sad panda. I've seen games with much more annoying QTE stuff, RE4 and 5 come to mind.

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I didn't get too far into hard myself. I realized my ass was getting kicked, figured i'd be better served replaying normal and learning more of the basics, and I ended up better for it. Plus having full health/mana doesn't suck. It doesn't suck at all.


None of the bosses, on a replay, were that long.


I hated each and every quick time event. There was no consistency (sometimes to jump in a QTE you used the gun button, other times, a combination of direction and jump) and if you pressed the button as soon as it appeared, the event could fail to trigger because you weren't pressing it when they wanted you to! All this met with game over and a ratings hit? Hated it.

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I'll agree with you on a ratings hit, got more stone trophy's than I would have liked my first playhtrough, and quite a few of the deaths were because of missed QTEs. I will say the integration of a lot of the QTE like actions during boss fights is a lot better than other games of the genre though.


As for bosses, right on a replay they may not be long, but the first time through is about experiencing the game, the later playthroughs are about being an uber badass, and getting all the stuff you missed.

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I had some problems with the QTE button mashing in boss fights, simply because you had to get to at least as certain gigawatt level or the boss would heal, and at the beginning i never knew what button i'd have to mash. Never doomed me like the others, at least.


It always looked sweet, though.


The game was a lot more fun on the replay than on the original runthrough for me, due to dodge frustrations, especially with Grace and Glory. Once the hang of things was had, though, I started having more fun.

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