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I just saw the movie Appaloosa this past Thursday, with Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris, Jeremy Irons, and Renee Zellweger. I must say I absolutely enjoyed it, and I would recommend for people to see this movie! It's a Western, and it had the same feel as 3:10 to Yuma, and if you liked that movie, then I would recommend seeing this one! If Hollywood keeps this up, I can honestly see a rebirth in the Western Genre since the days of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.

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I was underwhelmed, personally. I felt it kinda dragged, and could have either been shorter, OR at least had another more "action" type scene to spice it up. And don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like long westerns, and not that I don't like westerns that devote a lot of time to characters other than the "main badass" character. I meany my 2 favorite westerns are probably Rio Bravo and Tombstone, both of which clock in at over 2 hours, and both of which have rather ensemble casts, and don't just rely on the "main" character to carry them. I just felt Appaloosa was missing something, and that was really a disappointment to me, as I really hoped, and honestly really expected to like it.

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Ryans and I watched this last weekend and I have to say, it wasn't as good as I hoped. Renee Zellweger's character was really uneccesary to the whole plot. I think had it been a different actress, it would have been interesting, but as it was I felt it detracted from the overall story. It did move slow in some places and the plot wasn't as tight as I wished. In some scenes, it felt as if the screen play were grasping for the underlying concept which seemed to be about honor. In its favor, it wasn't cliche. Certainly it handled cliches, but in a way that was different than the norm. I also especially liked the ending. I dunno, I found it to be a good solid flick jut not spectacular.

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