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The Sims 3


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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG I can't believe how awesome this game looks.. I can not wait to be able to play it, I really need to move my ass and get a new computer asap so I will be able to buy it at soon as it comes out and play it or I am going to start throwing hissy fits!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know how excited I am about the new traits system, it seems like there aren't enough trait slots to make a true person, i kinda enjoyed the Sims 2 system in the later expansions where you would develop enthusiasm for things, though it was annoying that their wants were all to blog and shit...

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well the basic needs are gone. in other words, they go to the bathroom on their own now. I'm loving the traits, you can make an evil, overloard type of sim who is a great cook, or has OCD. It's sure to be entertaining. The wants have changed as well, say you have a sim who wants to rule the neighborhood...the traits are going to directly affect how your sim will be able to go about it, if your sim is shy, it's going to be more of a challenge to get the friends they need.


that and the load screens will be gone thanks to the seamless neighborhood. That is my biggest complaint about the previous sims games.


I'm not sure about online play, that would be cool to have an online nieghborhood, where your sims can interact with other players sims. Perhaps with the delay they will be able to get something going on it.

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  • 1 month later...

no more going to the bathroom YEA! No more load screen WOO!! That was such a pain in the ass and it always seemed so frigging slow that it drove me crazy

I think that I am going to like the traits too it sounds like you can really have some funny shit go on!

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I'm not sure about online play, that would be cool to have an online nieghborhood, where your sims can interact with other players sims. Perhaps with the delay they will be able to get something going on it.


No. No it would not. Did you ever play The Sims Online? I got into it when I was bedridden for a couple months. In the beta, it was great. Good people. Lots of creativity. As soon as the game went public, it became nothing but mafias and virtual whorehouses. I don't think EA will ever try that little experiment again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Well Sims3 was leaked about a week ago, and if you're lucky you might still be able to find it on certian torrent sites. However, DL at your own risk, becuase the majority of people who got also got some rather nasty trojans/spyware.


*I* am waiting. trying to occupy my time with not thinking about how fucking bad i want this game. Only one more week of madness to go.


Also, the folks that got it were already modding/hacking it (making an entire neighborhood pee itself from what i can tell).




Also, this,



As for the old cheats (bolprop, kaching and the like) most are saying nothing has changed. However, the leaked version, according to EA isn't the full version. So who knows.

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I've never played sims but I wanted to start. Seems like something I could get into right now.



It's soooo much fun. Gnatt got me into it, and I wasn't sure if it was going to be my thing (I tend to enjoy volient games much more) but as soon as I started there was no turning back. I had a 34th generation family that had werewolves, vampires and aliens in the mix (not to forget the ZOMBIES!) as of last month.

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  • 1 year later...

Ben & I both got the game for our computers this weekend...I. Love. It.


In my world, Ben & I have already raised 5 children, he is a Neurosurgeon & I am the Mayor...


On his, he is the Emperor of Evil and I am a super-villain...


Too much fun.


I turned off aging, though. I got sad when Ben's character got all wrinkly and grey-haired... :weep:


Still playin, Chikn?

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  • 2 months later...


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