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Valkyria Chronicles


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The game is set in a fictional version of Europe in 1930, in the country of Gallia. Because of its abundance of ragnite ore—which can be refined into a powerful fuel—it has come under attack from the East European Imperial Alliance, which itself is engaged in war with the Atlantic Federation. Players take control of an uprising of Gallian nationals, dedicated to repelling the invasion.






I'm not really good with words so I'm going to use somebody's review for this game.


From watching videos and looking at screens, it can be somewhat hard to tell where exactly the “RPG” fits into Valkyria Chronicles. No doubt about it, this is a tactical RPG. It is not “part FPS,” it is not “part third-person shooter,” and it has only the slightest touch of an action game. Though, this is not to say that it doesn’t take grand leaps away from SRPG convention — because it definitely does.


The core setup is like with most RPGs, with battles consisting of an enemy phase and player phase. In each phase, a side is given so many command points with which to perform its actions. One command point enables the player to move any unit and act one time with that unit; any unit can move and act once per every time a command point is spent on him/her, though some weapons and items are restricted to one use per phase, and a unit’s movement range will be less each time it is moved within the same phase. As one could guess by experience with other TRPGs, an “action” will usually be an attack with one of the unit’s equipped weapons, but it could also be curative.


The slight touch of action mentioned above comes during the player’s movement of units around the battlefield. Instead of this being a quick and safe process like in traditional strategy RPGs, opponents of the right classes within range will fire at a moving unit. That said, much like a real war, it’s best to get where one is going in a hurry. Unlike real war, however, all shooting is done with time standing still. Whenever the player hits R1, the character will stop and ready its equipped weapon. Enemies will also stop firing during this time; the player has literally as much time as desired to cycle through options, take aim at different enemies, and so on. Again: there is no action-type gameplay involved with the shooting. Just as the player of any other turn-based RPG does not need to pull off crazy amount of button presses to strike a wombat with a sword, all that’s involved with the shooting here is taking all the time in the world to place some crosshairs, perhaps stopping to make oneself a sandwich, then pressing X once. If a player is discontent with what’s available, however, the action can be canceled, but this means that the enemies will open fire once again, so one had best get running or end the turn.


What’s additionally excellent about this is that it adds a stronger defensive aspect to the battles, often absent from tactical RPGs. Sure, in past games it has been important to position a unit with its back pointing away from foes, take the higher ground, and such, but VC takes it to another level. That is to say, the act of defending is more “active.” Knowing that one’s units (at least those of the scout, infantry, and support classes) will, to some extent, try to ward off intruders in real time gives players of Valkyria a fresh take on the defensive aspect of an SRPG. One doesn’t just “gear up” for defense with better equipment or “Counter-Tackle,” one is actually playing defense to a greater extent than in previous SRPGs.


Unlike many tactical games, Valkyria Chronicles requires tactics. Gloriously, however, it does not confine the player to figuring out a single pattern or strategy per mission. Most missions (with some story-driven exceptions) can be completed with a strategy of the player’s devising, not necessarily the strategy the game wants the player to use. Furthermore, no single class dominates the game. Every class has strengths, flaws, and a special use. For example, scouts are the most adaptable overall, but a team full of scouts will have huge weaknesses.


VC steers away from convention again by way of the characters not really having equipment in the traditional sense. The player does buy new uniforms for slight defense boosts (into which everyone automatically uprades upon purchase), new parts for tanks, and weapons for each class, but the way it is handled takes far less time than usual games of this type. Experience points are gained at the end of battle, and apply to the whole platoon. Leveling up is done one class at a time, using these group-owned points. For example, when the player chooses to use 62,543 EXP (hypothetical number) to level up the snipers, it means every sniper is now a level higher.


Valkyria Chronicles is distinguished by several factors, but among them perhaps unexpectedly are its story and characters. Its tale evokes plenty of emotion, even from those who generally aren’t affected game stories (me). The characters are excellently developed, likeable, well-acted and well-scripted. While scattered elements of these will be labeled as cliché, the plot is executed well, the story is very enjoyable, the cast is quite likeable, and all of the above feel extra fresh because of the unique setting and scenario.


The game looks incredible; it’s a perfect combination of Japanese anime stylings and current-gen power. Things come together incredibly well, and the game’s unique look works to its benefit in every battle and plot scene. Sakimoto’s music usually sounds like the characters of the game in question are gonna start a huge war anyway, so his style fits perfectly into Valkyria Chronicles. Very nice and fitting audio, though grind lovers might get a bit tired of the tracks that play during the skirmishes. The only real downpoint is that the best songs are so rare and/or only a one-time appearance, practically forcing players to obtain the soundtrack in order to enjoy the bulk of the game’s music.


Another thing Valkyria has going on for it is challenge. Even in the first playthrough when “Normal” is the highest difficulty available for a given battle, this is a legitimately difficult game. Several of the battles will require more than one attempt, for sure. Moreover, there is no way to simply level grind one’s characters to superstatus. Even when playing through the most difficut skirmish available and snagging the seemingly high amount of EXP per battle, the jumps to each class’s next level are pretty big. Not only that, but even when S-ranking a mission in the quickest way possible, the whole process of going through the loop of steps involved can take a long, long while (not helped by the fact that skipping the mission briefing isn’t possible). As if the above weren’t enough, there is a level cap of 20 anyway. So near the end of the game, all things will begin to balance out, even for those who’ve spent inordinate amounts of time level grinding. Adding to all this, those who still end up finding the game easy will be delighted with the punishing Hard Mode, available after clearing the game.


I agree with everything the reviewer has pointed out.


I would like to point out that game looks like a canvas painting and adding a white edge around the screen really sells it.


I give this game a 5/5.



P.S Even Baytor would have a hard time hating this game.

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never underestimate baytor's odd nitpickery, sir.


yeah, youve been on about this one, and frankly, to leave Fallout 3 and Resistance 2 both with me for this long, it must be amazing. I DL'd the demo on your say-so, havent played it yet for fear that you're far more open to life-sucking, 100+ hour games than i. I did that for Persona 3, i need a buffer of so many months before i commit again.

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really? that's not horribly long. huh. i guess that's good, you gotta be making time for Persona 4 soon.


sorry man, im gone the next few days for fire; be back friday, work all weekend. i uh, i got next monday off. i should find out what people are doing for christmas eve in case i somehow have that day off too.

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Having played through a bit of Sega's PS3 strategy RPG Valkyria Chronicles, I can honestly say it's like watching an anime interspersed with entertaining bits of gameplay. Well now Aniplex's A-1 Pictures anime studio is stripping out the gameplay in order to produce a Valkyria Chronicles television anime, scheduled for release next spring in Japan, with rabid fansubbers doubtlessly having it up for download a day after airing.


It's interesting to note that Sega's Overworks team, which developed Valkyria Chronicles, also worked on Sega's Sakura Wars, which in turn was made into a rather entertaining little anime franchise. I'm hoping the same thing happens in this situation, as I've grown rather fond of Valkyria's characters and would hate to see them ravaged by improper anime adaptation.


I have to agree with that statement and I'm not to fond of aniplex.


Now for the bad news

Valkyria Chronciles is one of the best-looking games of this hardware generation, and although tactical RPGs of the Japanese variety aren't big sellers, it still would have been nice to see it move more than 33,000 copies in North America for the month of November.


33,000 means the game wasn't even in the top 100-selling titles for the month. Meaning it probably got beaten by some Imagine: and Nancy Drew games. So sad.

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  • 4 weeks later...



yeah, so, this was newt's gift and its ten kinds of awesome. this isnt just one of the PS3s better exclusives; so far, its one of the best RPGs ive played this gen, hands-down.


its tactical/stategy, but in realtime so there's action all about. its a little bit like Suikoden and FF Tactics having a baby, and naming it Skies of Arcadia while were at this analogy. Its doing that thing that Persona does where im not noticing that im grinding when im clearly grinding to buy more shit for my tank or level my squad up some more. I'm really trying to work wiht my team, see who gets along with who etc to get better performance out of em, cause when it works, its a well-oiled machine; when it doesnt, its a painful trainwreck. im all of 5 chapters in and still learning, but having a fucking blast at it, thanks again alex.


just sad we didnt get the LE over here - check it out, i want it for the Edelweiss model & art book alone. But it dont come cheap.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i told him, will (from gamestop - motherfucker's coming here one day, i swears it) called to tell me gamefaqs (...) was up in arms about that Sega was gonna stop production of the title, so that - as well as some of the tragic storyline elements - got the "this generation's suikoden 2" talk going. I havent looked much into it, but it sounded legit. I was debating buying another sealed copy & holding onto it if it came to that. But yeah, if there's one title that oughta go multi-plat to get more love, its this one.


artbook's going for $35-45 on ebay now, im trying to catch a deal on it, after that no more artbooks for a while (unless you can find that phantasy star one you mentioned? i got nothing).

that said, if you're concerned, i could grab you a copy & trade that + MGS 2 Substance/MGS3 Subsistence for your SF IV (and the genesis collection thing) and we could call it even if you're down?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sega's PlayStation 3 exclusive tactical role-playing game Valkyria Chronicles is calling in reinforcements soon, with three separate packs of downloadble content soon bolstering the ranks.


Two entirely new missions and a Hard EX mode add new life one of the most under appreciated titles on the PlayStation 3. Edy's Mission "Enter The Edy Detachment" follows a group of six Gallia soldiers as they seek to rescue a village under siege by the Imperials. Selvaria's Mission "Behind Her Blue Flame" actually puts players in the shoes of a young Imperial engineer named Johann, allowing them to see how the war unfolds from the enemy's point of view.


Hard EX mode is just what it sounds like. The enemies are extra tough, and you don't have the Edelweiss tank to back you up.


Not buying the hard EX mode but no tank means it going to be a bitch to play.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm totally bummed that they're not gonna make this anymore.

I might need to snag it now while it's still cheap for when I eventually get a PS3, or else I can wait a few years and kick myself in the ass when I have to shell out a bunch of cash for it on Ebay.

It looks so damn cool.

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I'm totally bummed that they're not gonna make this anymore.

I might need to snag it now while it's still cheap for when I eventually get a PS3, or else I can wait a few years and kick myself in the ass when I have to shell out a bunch of cash for it on Ebay.

It looks so damn cool.

Waves his copy and artbook around Lookie what I got!! It sucks it wont be made anymore but hell if I can still find a copy of Persona 1 for the PS1, this wont go away for a long time. And I doubt it'll ever reach Suikoden 2 prices, it might just be the normal $60, which if some of you had paid the first time around, it might not be going OOP...shame on you! :2T: Actually I don't think it was ever $60 new.

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newt was saying he cant find any sources online citing what we'd heard/has gone around about them stopping its production. i havent looked it up either, but if it is an urban legend, its a good one - interesting too since there's an anime coming.


that said, im in the 2nd-to-last stage of VC and HOLY SHIT IS IT HARD. ive done like every skirmish/side-mission and its upwards of 40 hours now, i run my team like fucking clockwork and this shit's taking some stategery i havent used since the worst battles of FF tactics or uh, chess. fuck, its mean.

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that said, im in the 2nd-to-last stage of VC and HOLY SHIT IS IT HARD. ive done like every skirmish/side-mission and its upwards of 40 hours now, i run my team like fucking clockwork and this shit's taking some stategery i havent used since the worst battles of FF tactics or uh, chess. fuck, its mean.



Is that the level with that giant ass tank with 3 Canons and 2 gun turrets in which you really can't move?


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I'm totally bummed that they're not gonna make this anymore.

I might need to snag it now while it's still cheap for when I eventually get a PS3, or else I can wait a few years and kick myself in the ass when I have to shell out a bunch of cash for it on Ebay.

It looks so damn cool.


Why not just buy it and play at a friends house?

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Is that the level with that giant ass tank with 3 Canons and 2 gun turrets in which you really can't move?



you talking about the one where you have to basically haul ass and lead the big tank into the minefield? nah, im not far past that though, its gen. jaegar (sp?) with his supertank thing and like four bases that #$%@ing heal him. every round, more lancers and snipers crop up, its...fuck, its gonna be epic if and win i take this shit down.


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you talking about the one where you have to basically haul ass and lead the big tank into the minefield? nah, im not far past that though, its gen. jaegar (sp?) with his supertank thing and like four bases that #$%@ing heal him. every round, more lancers and snipers crop up, its...fuck, its gonna be epic if and win i take this shit down.



The level I'm talking about comes sometime after gen. jaegar.



Good luck you'll need it.

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thanks, i did - that level was way worse than the one you were talkin' about!


that said, tied this one up late last night. i was mostly dead at work today, but it was worth it - touching ending to a great game, 50+ hours in all, with side-quests & everything. im not a big strategy guy, but this was definitely worth it - thanks again newt.

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thanks, i did - that level was way worse than the one you were talkin' about!


that said, tied this one up late last night. i was mostly dead at work today, but it was worth it - touching ending to a great game, 50+ hours in all, with side-quests & everything. im not a big strategy guy, but this was definitely worth it - thanks again newt.

If you don't feel like trying, or just can't get past a certian part there is a VC anime out. Only the first few episodes are out but so far it seems to follow the plot of the game. They even kinda mimic the artistic style of the cutscenes from the game.

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