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Among my self-delusions is the possibility of being a comics writer, and conversation with my brother turned to 'If Marvel tried to draft you to write the book of your choice, which would it be?" (around the time Bendis, Morrison and Ellis started writing for Marvel)


If I'd to choose I'd go for Gambit, never read any comics with him in, just saw the cartoons, but he seems (behind Wolvy) the most interesting character if written well. He always was an outsider in X-Men and a loner, only sticking around cos he wanted to bone Rogue.


This idea would rely on Marvel allowing me to rewrite continuity and such, give him some new powers (not new offensive powers, but a boost in his offensive strength might be needed), plus to ask, has Xavier ever swore in the comics (maybe a dumb question but I got the impression that he'd never?), if not I'd want to be the first to do that!




Anyone else? Plus the same question for DC/WildStorm?


I'll have to think the about which DC, its just I'd already come up with a plot for a Gambit arc so I was ready for that...

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Sounds good.  Gambit's a character who i think could be more developed without the whole "whats his big secret" bullshit, that's a one trick pony there.  If folks only showed up for Wovly's origins, youve got a shallow character.

Me, id of course go for Wolverine, 'cause the writing goes up & down so much that the fans deserve better.  Ellis is right in that the book will sell itself even when its shit (and its the only one ill buy when its shit, to be honest), but at times i really feel i could do better; lets see how next month's 175th anniversary issue goes.

Lets hear some of them Gambit details tho when ya get a chance, cmon!


I think Batman is the kind of book I'd like to write. I'd say Books of Magic too but I'd be too afraid of messing up a good thing. And I'm not a nasty enough person to write Hellblazer.


The Original Ghost rider and Hulk seemed to have a similar dynamic which lent itself to great character stories.


Well since comics writing is a pipedream and this thread is just a tangent to that, I think I can give away a few ideas, its not as if its ever gonna happen!


My ideas are sketchy at best. The concepts would best suit the MAX imprint I think, so continuity wouldn't really be an issue as you'd be starting from scratch.


First arc: Gambit has left the X-men and moved back to N'Orleans but as a favor to Xavier keeps an eye on a young girl with psychic powers. She's gonna be pretty powerful when she grows up but she's too young to go to the Academy and her family want her to have as normal a childhood as possible anyway. Gambit is like an uncle/godfather to her, and tho he originally did it for Xavier, does it for himself anyway. The plot goes that she's kidnapped, dunno by who but by someone from the Marvel U who's pretty powerful. She's been kidnapped so 'whoever' can steal her powers to add to their own. The parents don't want the cops involved so that their daughter won't be outed as a mutant. For the purposes of the story tho, the X-men are busy with bigger problems so Gambit has to go it alone.

Blah blah blah, he finds the girl and kidnapper. As the story would go, Gambit is outpowered but fights out of his skin to protect the girl. Just as 'whoever' is about beaten, as a last ditch they throw the girl out a window. (I think this next bit would work well visually but then I have a mental picture of it) Gambit jumps out another window catches the girl with one hand and the outside of a balcony with another (this is relatively high up). A bit cliched I know, but he can't hold her, he's been wounded in the fight. She drops to her death, but just after she smiles at him (relevance forthcoming). End arc with 'coulda done more'-style self torment.


Second arc: Gambit drowns his sorrows with drink and whores. Cue his favorite pro (flamehaired of course! ). On this day he turns up at his regular brothel and there's been an incident and his fave pro's been killed. Again as cops can't be involved and he knows the owner well, he looks into it, he's looking for retribution anyway both for the pro and the girl from arc 1. He goes thru the scene of the crime looking for clues. Finding nothing he leans against a wall in the room. Its at this point that his new power kicks in, he sees a 'psychic shadow' (best description I can give it) of the pro being choked against the wall he's touching. It'll transpire that he can tell the history of objects (within limits) by touching them so he can see silhouettes of the incident. However the new skill is in opposition to his original powers which themselves have been boosted (both final gifts from the girl in arc 1). In touching the wall for a time while distracted, he causes a large portion of it to become explosive and then it blows knocking him across the room (cue bemused customer in the next room hurriedly getting his kit back on...).

I only have a set-up for this one and the idea of new powers. End arc with bloody retribution, Gambit getting back on the straight and narrow and deciding to go back to Xaviers to help control his gift...


Third arc: Starts with Gambit driving back to N'Orleans, cursing himself with 'What the fuck was I thinking going back to that asshole!'....he can't stand Xavier's, too orderly, he's gonna work out the powers himself....


....and on: Pitched in general as more of a detective type of comic, he can look into cases (not as a PI or anything just the same sorta shit as usual but going about it a different way) but the balance between his new power and old leads to a few destroyed crime-scenes, of which cops will have to be involved later on (maybe a recurring cop character)! I'm thinking of him as a Noir-ish character but not necessarily in an overly Noir setting, although New Orleans seems a cool place to set it. His old powers would be boosted to help level the playing field and help establish him as a stand-alone character.



Ok well I think that's all I got, what do you think?


damn...not bad at all, KOS.  My thoughts/reactions will come random.

1) Didja see the Ultimate X-Men Gambit? Slightly similar, they had him lookin for a kidnapped chick.  It was a cool portrayl, him takin on a big easy gang by himself, not quite as suave as usually portrayed.

2)1st arc might come off cliche, but then tragic incidents helped shape Wolvy into this more aged, rugged, worldly charachter, and it seems you at least want the worldly part for Gambit, so i can see it workin.

3)2nd arc - that's an interestin new power, not sure if idve gone for it in the X-Men book 'cause of the overflow of psychics, but as a stand-alone, it could stand to really help the feel of the book.

4)Heh...i like the Xavier bit in the 3rd arc.

So, few key points for me:

-One of the things people overlook bout X-Men is that, outside of Wolverine (who's really been developed, obviously), this is a team of interestin mutants that cant really stand alone in their own series.  Gambit's had the most luck, bein that he's a cool character, but even his book got canned lil while back.

So, the idea of further devleopin a character to make them atually 3-D enough to survive outside of the core X book interests me.

-Admittedly, at first, it struck me as somethin like that show "Angel": a psuedo-detective of the paranormal/underground shit cops dont handle, and i admit to likin that show when i watched it.

I came around more to the idea when you mentioned the idea of it bein "noir-like", im not the biggest fan of noir as a genre, but it is interestin.  Only comic example i can think of it is Sin City, and that's a damn fine one to start with. And i agree that the New Orleans settin sounds really cool for such a book.


His past is troubled, but theyve worked with that plenty.  Last time i saw an innovative use of his standard power was when Mark Waid (Kingdom Come) did Age of Apocalypse; the prequel story had a teamup of him & Bishop that was excitin.  Since then, i dont feel he's been developed at all, just this stylish, weak charcter who's not nearly the stongest, smartest, fastest, etc just kinda eye candy.  


Anyway, again good stuff so far KOS, keep it comin.  :D


Cheers for the reply, to answer:

1) Haven't read that book, I'll check it on Marvel DotComics, what issue was it?

2) Yeah it's a bit cliched, couldn't think a way round it but wanted something to add to his character.

3) Glad you like it, people claiming to be psychics have said that objects have memory, so it's based on a possibility.

4) Wouldn't have wrote it if I didn't like it myself! :D

-Never thought about the other X-men, in all honesty I don't know if any of them could carry a story? ??? I think maybe Gambit would fare better since he's a loner anyway.

-I wouldn't think of it too much like Angel but I see the similarities. It'll be normal Marvel business though, but instead of villains coming up and saying 'lets fight', Gambit will have to do a bit of work first. As for the noir-like bit it's more the characters demeanor, he'd be leaning towards anti-hero (but I wouldn't want to make him too much like Constantine). I love Sin City, my favorite of what I've read (not much) has to be Silent Night, thought that was absolutely brilliant! Great style in that but imagine the pitch as looking like normal Marvel but a bit greyer.

What did Mark Waid do with his standard power? As I said I've never read even one comic that Gambit featured in (except maybe 'Punisher kills the Marvel Universe', if he was in that tho it woulda been briefly!! ) so I'm not sure if stuff I think of have been done...




As for more, I'm thinking thru a few ideas at the moment. This bit of Fan-fiction as my brother calls it seems to be shaping up well in my head at least.

  • 1 month later...

Oooh ohh. Psylocke. I know I don't read as many comics as I probably should to make this call, but hell they're always around and I've looked at enough of the pictures. Psylocke has this great look and amazing intrigue for me...but she seems to rarely show up (was sorta disappointed when she didn't shw in the movie:(). hell maybe that's the only freakin reason she's so damn enigmatic.


Forgot about this one, thought no-one'd ever reply (even after me pouring my heart,soul and fan-fic into it)! Have to say though I've never heard of Psylocke, she wasn't in which movie? Any more info or ideas?

  • 1 month later...

Sorry, bout this but I know you guy's were more refferring to one charecter. I'd most likely Either do Wolvering, Colossus, Juggernaut, Or the Hulk.


For DC, I'd go With A superman and Batman Combo, Or the two seperate. Or I'd go with Darkseid....

  • 4 weeks later...

Wuts up guys? I'm a new member and I've just been checkin' out the site when I came across this topic! I found it interesting and thought I'd put in my 2 cents! Well, bein' the Spidey fan that I am, I'd have to go with one of his books, but not the one that you'd think! With writers like Bendis, 'ski, and that movie guy, Smith handlin' my favorite hero, I think that Spidey is gonna be alright for a while, but I find his "Tangled Web" book to be something of an unappreciated wonder! I'd love to put my own little "spin" into it! Unlike Spidey's other titles, which focus on Parker and his alter-ego. "T. Web" deals mostly with his side cast! I love the fact that these writers make the world outside of Peter's just as fucked up as his own!! What I would actually write about, I'd have to get back to u on, but I would probably come up with something to shock the Spidey universe and its fans. Its been a month since anybody posted a remark on this topic, but I hope that I can get somebody to respond.


Mary Jane goes off to college, drinks too much at parties and ends up the campus bike?! :D


I'm glad that someone not only replied but would actually post a story idea, that'd be cool. Oddly enough I kinda came up with about half of a new superhero team while at work (yeah unfortunately I got another job...ah well unemployment was fun while it lasted), I have a tendency to think up new characters mainly cos I don't/didn't read that many hero comics so if I think of ideas and need a support cast...


I'm all over doing Hellblazer. Azzarello can write the first issue of each story arc, then I'll take over. ('Coz I know the explanations I came up with for "Blood and Ashes" were a hell of a lot better than his, and that's not saying much...)


Gypsy - Was Blood & Ashes the recent one? Ive read all of Azarello's stuff on that book so far. What would ya like to do with Constantine if it was up to you, tho?

KOS - Hey, post more on that Irish superhero team, details ive heard so far have actually been really cool!

Cap'n P - Ya know how i feel, after readin only a few issues of your Bloodbath, im a huge fan, and not just 'cause i make cameos - the Spider story was a fuckin trip, really enjoyed that one. Cant wait to see it on a monthly basis...anyway, keep the Spidey ideas comin.

Just when i thought this forum was hurtin, it gets actual creativity, and good stuff at that. I'm happy. : )


Yah, Blood and Ashes was the last set. I've only read up to part four or five, but what I read was shite. Everything Azzarello's done, Ennis has already done with Constantine, and done it better.


As to what I'd do...I'm not sure. To tell the truth, I'd want to be able to read ALL of the series first, since I've been limited to the trades so far.



One more point: I like what Azzarello's done with 100 Bullets. He should just leave John Constantine alone.


See, that's weird - Ive enjoyed Azzarello's Constantine, especially ealier stufff like "Hard Time", tho the last few arcs havent been as good. Yeah, Ennis did it a lot better.

100 Bullets i read the 1st trade of, and despite the hype, im not really into it, keep thinkin i should read s'more of it after all the press it gets. Any other characters youd wanna work on?


Dunno...Only comics I read that are still coming out with new issues are Hellblazer, 100 Bullets, Rising Stars, and 100%. (The new Paul Pope piece.)


And all those folks do a great job. It's why I read their stuff.... :D


Holy shit, and Rising Stars actually showed up this month, fuckin amazing. I love that book, 's like a new Watchmen at times...i hear its bout 5 issues or so off finishin, then possibly a movie.

Gotta check out this 100% Paul Pope stuff, they hype it at Preacher's too.

M'self, im not sure what id rather do: work on an established Marvel/DC character or create my own Vertigo one. I think itd be cool to write an issue or two of "Hitman", even tho that one's over.


I'll probably post about the Irish superhero team when I've worked out more of it.


Good calls on Hellblazer but for this thread (well original intention) the idea was which characters you'd write for if you'd sold out and agreed to do a superhero book/books.


Personally if we're allowing Vertigo stuff I'd wanna do Preacher 2: Son of a Preacher Man :D


That beats my Preacher Deux:Preach Harder.

Again, at this point since the book's shit lately (last month's issue was like a collostomy bag between two covers), id do a great Wolverine story. Id have to try not to do it in Japan, but some really cool shit could be done there.

Personally, id love to re-write the ending to Origin, got somethin more appropriate in mind, i guess. Ill get into it later.


I completely forgot about that one, but I'd love to change the ending to "Origin" also! What a disappointment that story was to start off so strong and ultimately end that weak! Believe it or not, the first few issues of that book got me back on the Wolverine bandwagon, that I'd fallen off of so many years ago. Although, I'm still glad they told the story and put to rest the mystery of Wolvie's past! Now it would be cool to see the whole "Weapon X" shit in "Origin 2"! Maybe, while fuckin' with the whole Origin sequel, Marvel can release an "Ultimate Alpha Flight" book...! Well, maybe thats pushin' it!


Alpha Flight's got some possiblities; i didnt think so before, but artisticcartoon & i were talkin one day, and he had some good ideas for the book.

Basically, with origin i'dve played up the shakespearean angle a bit more, established dog as Sabretooth & made him Wovlie's half-brother a bit more officially; they kinda did it, but subtle-like. Some twists on Origin recently in the lastest issue of Paradise X, but even those werent the way idve gone...


*Further SPOILERs for those who didnt finish Origin* click & drag your mouse over the followin to read it.


We all know someone had to die, between Logan's mentor Smitty or Rose, and yeah i guess it was a shock to see her die at Logan's hand, but i guess i wanted Creed (Sabretooth) to kill one of em himself to establish their hatred. Yeah, it'dve been cliche to see Creed rape & kill Rose to start the trend, but after the cool barroom fight scene, it mighta been interestin. I just really thought it should end with Logan leavin Creed for dead (and explainin why Sabretooth's healin factor hadnt kicked in yet) or the opposite, with Creed walkin away, Logan's mind causin him to forget it all, and takin off for a new life in Japan - final shot would be either him sailin off or somewhere in the Japanese woods with wolves & such. The last fight was too quick & uneventful, idve played that up a lot more; show Logan pop his claws & still not win. Creed shoulda been more pissed, Logan killed their real father, so that explains the age-old hatred. Guess that kinda bothered me.

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