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Hondo's Bar

Hondo's in 2009


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so first, jax/stillB productions brings us our new logo, inspiring a return to our awesome front door logo.


now, introducing...the shoutbox!! you couldntve missed it signing in unless you skipped the main page. anyway, easy enough, so have at it! and dont forget to still actually post.

that's right, we bit off the knoll. life imitates art imitates life etc.


things to look forward to this year:

  • a metric fuckton of weddings!
  • another batch of T-shirts, whenever the $ comes in!
  • The 6th annual awards, prolly at the ass end of the year so we hate them slightly less!
  • 300,000 posts!!
  • who the fuck knows what happens april 1st?! :):wank:

things im pretty sure wont happen!

more to come. im still looking for other fun mods we can use, god knows we'll never see poster of the day again at this rate, but a boy can dream.

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haha...how much more integrated could they be, though? i have it inna FAQ, pinned up here etc, i just hesitate to put it in the top taskbar of the main forum for fear spammers will use it.


wait...2.0?! what could i possibly ask for that HondoShare doesnt current offer, the ability to conjure images with mere words?!

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things to look forward to this year:
  • a metric fuckton of weddings!
  • another batch of T-shirts, whenever the $ comes in!
  • The 6th annual awards, prolly at the ass end of the year so we hate them slightly less!
  • 300,000 posts!!
  • who the fuck knows what happens april 1st?! :FHD::wank:

things im pretty sure wont happen!


    Hmm, i'm sure there is another major hondonian event there in April which you missed The SoF & Nanno Wedding, Plus Florida Honeymoon

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    Wait, what?

    No discussion....over some drinks (see what i did there?)? It's just changed?


    Shouldn't we at least put it to a vote to see which logo we should go with?

    p.s. this isn't a slight on stillb's and jax's good work.


    No offense mate, but if we'd put this to the vote there'd be dissenters(you know who you fucking well are you attention-seeking fags), voting, and like any other change to be made to the board, the thing'd be discussed to infinity and beyond and nothing'd change. Fuck Democracy in it's paedophilia-rooted arse, especially when this is Nick's ship.


    SOF- Did metric fucktonne of weddings not cover it off? Oh right. The Orlando thing. My bad


    2009 shapes up to look good in all things Hondos, 'specially if I can cover off meeting Doj in the Process. ASC'll just have to wait. :birf2:

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