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The Lonely Island

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I'm on a Boat is spot on. There new album has those two song, Dick In A Box, Lazy Sunday ("Girl acted like she never seen a ten before, It's all about the Hamiltons, baby"), plus Natalie Portman's rap. I might just have to buy that.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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Can a case be made that this thread be merged with this one?

A case could be made, and so could a counter-case. Here's the counter-case: This thread was started in March 2009, and the other in June 2009. The other thread has a poll. If a thread with a poll is merged with a thread that was started earlier, the poll disappears. This is because all poll information (questions, vote count, registry of who has and hasn't voted, etc) is stored with the original post in a thread, and a poll only appears if the original post has poll information, so when two threads are mergerd, the original post in the older thread becomes the original post of the new merged thread and the original post of the newer thread because a reply post. In my opinion, this reason for not merging them outweighs any and all good reasons for merging them.

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not sure if this qualifies as a lonely island song (barely qualifies as a song period) but I liked the video.


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