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Hondo's Bar

Detroit Metal City


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I recently watched the first season of this, and it's fucking supurb. Hilarious stuff somewhat in the vein of Ping Pong Club. The basic plot goes something like this: Soichi Negishi is a shy and gentle young man who moves to Tokyo hoping to pursue a career as a Swedish-esque pop musician. Dreams don't pay the bills, so he's ended up as the lead singer of a death metal band called “Detroit Metal City.” In stage costume he is Johannes Krauser II, rumored to be a demon, to have killed and raped his parents, to wield his giant death penis with abandon, etc. etc. Negishi despises DMC and all that it stands for, but so help him, he's a terrific performer and can't walk away from that.

It's funny stuff.






There's a live action movie that I've got too, but I have yet to watch it.

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