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Marvel vs Capcom 2 HD


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Hallelujah, a version of this game that I don't have to plege my immortal soul to great Cthulhu to afford! (Granted I have to first buy an Xbox 360 and a live subscription which means I'll have to at least lease my soul to Hastur. But it's cool, I like yellow.)

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The Playstation Blog is letting me know that there's a PSN-exclusive demo of this game coming out this week.


* Two-player local matches

* Six available characters – Ryu, Chun-Li, Strider, Spider-Man, Iron Man and Wolverine

* Seven selectable environments

* Upscaled 1080p graphics

* Widescreen or 4:3 aspect ratio

* Two graphic filter options for character sprites

* And other cool options to check out

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No love for XBL? :(


You've got Braid, The Dishwasher, Castle Crashers, and Banjo-Kazooie. Fie upon your perceived lack of love, my bounty-denying comrade.


The Playstation Blog's saying it's exclusive. No clue how or why, but that's what they're saying.

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Ahh the Dishwasher was dook, same goes for Banjo Kazooie. Can't argue the point on Braid or CC though. Hopefully PSN-exclusive simply means it's be delayed for XBL.


I hope you get somethin', to be sure.


I enjoyed The Dishwasher, mostly because I was playing the shadow for co-op in the campaign and I looked like a gothy-cute death.

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Idunno, not to get o/t, but did that game move beyond the shipping crate or whatever was in the demo? I just got the idea the whole thing was sitting in the one place mowing down zombies as they came to you.


There were a bunch of bosses with unique patterns you had to learn and subsequently avoid, and it got harder and harder as it went on, but the basic Idea remained. You move into a room, enemies of varying kinds spawned, you killed them and went to the next room. They did give you a few new weapons, and a few new tricks like a secret co-op campaign mode, and a few magical "Dishwashing spells," so I think for both its length and its price it was a decent brawler, but then again it wasn't my money. It wasn't bad, if it ever drops to 400 points or something it'd be worth a grab, because there's definitely a lot there to play.


I'm a sucker for hack and slash, though.

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just played the PSN demo, i didnt see much of the graphical update, weird to only have like 6 characters but it plays just as you remember it. wiki says it drops this summer, no specifics though.

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June 29th!




In its financial report, comic book giant Marvel dated the re-release of classic fighter Marvel vs. Capcom 2. That date is June 29.


And that date is, if you check your calendars, a Monday. Marvel does note "scheduled release dates are subject to change" in its report, so that means just that: this release date is subject to change. With Comic-Con following in July, it would make sense for the game to hit XBLA before then.


The original, and this latest version, features brawlers from the Capcom and Marvel universes. It also features 3 on 3 tag-team matches and four button controls. All 56 characters are accessible from the get go.


The re-release boasts an optional visual filter that smooths out the game's graphics and new online modes, including Ranked Matches and the Quarter matches found in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, which allows up to four people to watch and chat while two others fight. It also features widescreen support with the gameplay in a 4:3 field, but the viewing area expanded.


Capcom previously announced that the game will be out this summer on the PSN for US $15 and on Xbox LIVE Arcade for 1,200 Microsoft Points. The game was developed by Foundation 9 and is based on the Dreamcast code.

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  • 7 months later...

I just got around to playing this, mainly because it was on sale for the holidays. There are several things I noticed/forgot about.


*I was going for the achievement for beating the game with a classic Avengers lineup. Apparently Captain America, Iron Man and The Hulk don't count. WTF?!?


*While attempting the above achievement, I realized that without the comically overpowered Sentinel on my team I'm kinda shit at this game.


*The music is beyond terrible and I hope someone got fired over it. It makes no sense.


It's fun, but as I already said, I'm pretty terrible at it. Much worse than I remember being on the Dreamcast, but then again I just had my stoned friends to beat up then and no online multiplayer.

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Comically overpowered Sentinal could totally be an Avenger. I mean him, Blackheart, and Shuma-Gorath make up a team I like to call "Marvel characters that barely exist" to this day I don't understand why Capcom held onto those 3 so hard, but my shitty fighting game skills is glad they did.

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Spiral's a weird leftover from X-Men: Children of the Atom. not sure why she made the cut there, either, but i guess that speaks to their roster.


wow, if that didnt net you Avengers lineup achievement, what were they looking for?

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