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Trolls @ Hondo's


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Hey guys, addressing the recurring bullshit of uppity trolls & anonymous & cuntish questions saved for interviews, what about a subforum or such reserved for registered members, but with an anonymous tagging option? You're aware I know nothing of your 'internets' other than making DP & Hondos happen so I don't know how feasible it all is, but I guess some kind of click box only effective in the one part/subforum? Theoretically IPs could still be checked in the event of serious threats(serious as internets can be) or abuse, but it'll hopefully provide some people the anonymity they feel they need to say the shit they can't say as themselves(in the form of personality trolls & also the form of public trolls of ye olde, like Madman).


A major advantage for something like this, in my eyes & probably in others' like Joel's & such, is that Troll dictation could effectively cease in threads where ordinary discussion is going on because, let's fucking face it: Are you going to take a person seriously in real life, having a conversation when he/she wears a fucking bag over their head? I've always been very anti-troll because as far as I'm concerned they're only here to either derail serious discussion with utter bullshit or make bold statements the host is too chickenshit to say, but this seems like a happy compromise. Shit-talk & serious issues restricted to one section of Hondos, looked after by Supermods only so as to avoid the same kinda fiasco Politics has been having.

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Doesn't matter about specific trolls or things they do, because christ knows a stopped clock is right(or funny) twice a day. I'm talking about a designated hitching post for any anonymous shitstirring be it constructive or otherwise, and any responses therein to it, because we all know(and I'm looking to my boy Joel here) that when trolls come do their thing, whatever the principle topic is will get derailed to respond to these fucking attention-seekers & chickenshits firing from cover instead of manning up.


Alright, that last bit came on a bit strong & I apologise, but it shouldn't invalidate my point. Thoughts?


Quick addition: The Knoll's shoutbox, from memory had a function where you actually entered your(the poster's) name when you posted in there, so maybe an expanded version of that? Not to replace our Hollabox of course, but the grounding idea for nominal anonymity is there & could possibly be applied to a subforum.


Once again: Thoughts?

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im lost. so, in essence, a sub-forum for trolls to talk & have their posts moved to? also, we have a thread for taking random/anonymous shots down in FC, as well as an anonymous troll for people to use, you dont think that's enough room for passive-aggressive venting?

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jay, you lost me here:

because we all know(and I'm looking to my boy Joel here) that when trolls come do their thing, whatever the principle topic is will get derailed to respond to these fucking attention-seekers & chickenshits firing from cover instead of manning up.


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im lost. so, in essence, a sub-forum for trolls to talk & have their posts moved to? also, we have a thread for taking random/anonymous shots down in FC, as well as an anonymous troll for people to use, you dont think that's enough room for passive-aggressive venting?



Seems to me we already have what Jays' talking about. madman was made for this as was fight club.

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yes. Now before I get to clarifying points, I thought some dingleberry privatised Madman? I didn't think he was publicly accessible since all the FC dramas...?


To clarify firther as I apparently need to: Eliminate trolls or don't. What I'm talking about is a section of Hondos, could be Syndrome but I'd more likely nominate town square, where registered members like you and me can go to post with an anonymous option. Reason for this being 1) as anonymous raised back in the day, there are issues we'd sometimes like to raise without the preconception of our 'personalities', so this would be a way of making valid suggestions within a generic context/without percieved agenda. 2) It'd hopefully mean Sibob's not fielding dickish questions about Jesi when if someone had a question, they could just ask it in a public forum instead of through an 'interview'. 3) It's a designated drop-off for Joel's politi-whatsit troll dramas, and any other situation where, right now policy is ambiguous at best, and entirely subjective at worst. Also, responding to trolls without the topic at hand being detracted from will be a snap when all trash-talk & your momma is simply rerouted to said subforum.


did that make sense, Joel?

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1) i tend to think jesi/sibob still wouldve been offended if it was anonymously asked in a thread somewhere.

1) there are hondonians who're gonna cry foul if any talk from trolls - relevant or not - is segregated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trolls are fucking useless and serve no purpose. Someone cite a single positive application of Trolls. Do it now & prove me wrong. Aside from that, we have a charter of over 600 registered members, a fair half of which are probably trolls. Am I the only one who wants to be able to look through the charter & know which members are real & which are just stupid fucking put-ons?

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If trolls are an institution of Hondos then this place is already no better than 4chan. I stick by Hondos because I consider most of you to be fairly transparent(ie- how you are here is how you are in real life, therefore this is more of a physical interaction than a bunch of posers & put-ons). MM showed that bullshitters & repeat offenders aren't suffered well on this board, hell, DOJ- look to your own fucking first 2 years on here. What place do trolls have on a board with the kind of mentality where it's taken for granted that everyone pretty much knows everyone? Again I use the example: Would you talk seriously to a guy wearing a balaclava at a party? Would you even want to interact with 'em?

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originally - when we were a small crowd of locals - trolls were often comic/historical characters etc that interjected (largely, ironically, in FC) to make a joke, however elaborate. the references got more & more obscure till it was like family guy, but shit was fun.


there's different categories to trolls, for me: parody ones have, as jumbie's said, been almost a staple since we started. the annonymous pot-shotting kind that i think some of youse are fussing about are thankfully still not popular, but i can see the complaints, especially if they were more prominent. i do have the ability to keep them out of certain corners (i think this is one such forum, to keep shit as succinct as possible) but isnt some of the hate/asking for policies on them a bit preemptive, or can you really point & say where theyve outright fucked things up?


also, skeet - if you're curious as to distinguishing our actual member #'s from troll #'s, just bear in mind that all trolls are under the member groups "unwashed heathens", with a few under "revolutionaries" and "ancient wise men". by the board's count, the troll # is just under 200, believe it or not.

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