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Gene Shalit

Unwashed Heathens
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Posts posted by Gene Shalit

  1. Oooh we get to pixar favorite ones? I was really drawn to toy story. The incredibles makes me feel pretty super though. I felt nothing but crabby during finding nemo. But the one I really anticipated was a bugs life.

  2. I've been dabbling in these electronic video games and I thought what a grand idea to provide my witty take on some of these Deeee Lites!


    I decided to start simple and delved into Fallout 3. I don't think I should have wastelanded my time on this thing. Talk about barren. It would have been more of a capital idea to make the game more geared toward a younger crowd. VATS what I'm talking about! The monsters in this were absolutely ghoulish also. I think the games only redeeming quality were the graphics. They were radiant! Other then that though I say to protectron your wallet and steer clear of this one. I get more satisfaction and money's worth out of a case of Brahmin noodles!!!!

  3. Hello folks, it's been awhile. Tonight I saw the new summer horror film Shark Night 3D. Boy did this movie have a set of jaws on it. While there was no fishing around for a story line the movie did provide plenty of thrills and gills. I really didn't have high hopes for it, but it really lured me in and made me a fin of this movie. Great? Why t'was the best shark movie I've ever seen!


    Edit: Not Final Destination. You snuck that one in on me. :2T:


    He's trying to make a monkey outta you!!!


    That movie is looking to shape up to be pretty bananas and more fun than a barrel of you-know-what! Someone get this monkey offa my back cause my puns are going apeshit! In all seriousness folks this movie looks chimply amazing.

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  5. brokeback-mountain%5B1%5D.jpg


    Ok folks, I know I said some... unsavory things in the past about this film, but I thought I'd watch it again. Give it another go-around and see if I change my little ol' mind. Well I didn't. I'm sorry, but this movie is just so damn gay. No witty puns or fun language.... this is just a gay, gay movie that I can't like. Maybe it has something to do Colonel ANGus Lee's direction. Ok there's one. Sorta right?

  6. Ah, a perfect avenue to kickstart my smalltime reviewing process.


    The last film I watched was the Johnny Depp musical horror romp Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Now I have to say that this film is a sheer source of terror and makes the cut among musical movies. Johnny Depp plays the titular character who opens a Barber Shop and kills the folks who just don't sing to his tune. The movie is well made by resident lunatic Tim Burton.



    Looks like this guy could use a visit to Mr. Todd!



    But not for his hair!


    I say that this film is a cut above the rest!

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