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Posts posted by bacchus

  1. The intro to WarCraft II and the whole speech about ...





    that really sent the shivers up me spine

  2. Got into a bit of a discussion over who would win in a fight; Ed Norton in american history X or Pitt in snatch. i thought this was a good matcch up since they both did fight club.


    here are a few pics to remind you what they look like ahxsurrender.jpg





  3. Ahhh shit I was gonna put Dean as superman.....  suprdean.jpg



    Oh shit how did that get there...?



    Seriously tho... close calls all... but its gat to go ta Nickleson.


    the mans just so cool!







    "Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?"

  4. Hah, it’s good to see someone that gives just as much as he gets. Obviously you don't scare easily, and that good because we at Drunken Deities appreciate objective, arguing types that will tell you if you are full of shit, and not whimper off like a puppy whenever a harsh word is thrown about.

        Now for the serious reply to the comic question.

    I don’t think he past his prime, I believe he’s just ran out of ideas. "Ah-ha!" You say," he’s out of ideas; he’s obviously past his prime!"  But I say we just need to wait until the well fulls up again. He is all wrote out, the man has been working terrible hard and that justifiable. Perhaps a little break from the mind numbing American comic industry will do the trick, but for now he seems to be on the wane.

  5. Of corce .... Intelectulal Discorse is all that matters... Post numbers be damned.



    I agree with danny it does look a bit more polished

    The new addition of comics was sorley lacking.

    A few forums (i wouldnt say which) were in need of trimming and u did this.

    A valient  effert so far ... but can u maintain it?

  6. Evil Evil woman....... you shall pay for defiling my underware... :angry:  .now if u will excuse me i think i'll just go and huddle up in the fetal position for a few moments in the lighted corner of my room while i shiver out of uncontroalabe fear.

  7. now Aadil, obiously there has to be some sort of insecurities as far as you are conserned cause I can assure you that if you were born in some other time with your mentality you would have not had a problem. But seeming how we are in the year 2002 you really need to sit back and think about what you say before you say it cause women now a days ( I hope you have noticed) don't like to take shit cause they don't have to and they are independant, and share there opinions. Now if you can't deal with such things I suggest that you never get a job where your Boss is a woman cause We are and can be bitches...and I for one will not stand by and let you call out any woman out of her name or tell her to go to the kitchen to cook and make babies...we have more than that to do on this planet. As far as your sexual preferance that is not any of my business and nor is it of anyone elses in this forum...and maybe if men knew how to give better head (to women) and I am not saying that none of them know how to I am simply making a point...Maybe women wouldn't be so aggressive... and as far as it concerns you your sexist ways have come in a very and I mean VERY bad point in time...










    Homer Simpson: "Ah Andy Capp, you wife-beating drunk."











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