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Unwashed Heathens
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Posts posted by snake-eyes

  1. Ahh yes, Star Wars. I belive that yes I will be in line to see Star Wars 2, but here's the thing. This time around I won't be watching it and 12am on eairly Thursday morning, or even getting the tickets weeks in advance. No this time it's when ever I get the chance to go. Big difference there. Now if I am your typical average fan who lived through most of the hype and I'm already starting to lose the hype how will my kids remember this film in a few years? Better still if my kids ever hear about "Planet of the Apes" do you think it will be the classic original one or the recent one? Star Wars is not at the level it should be but it is still entertaining. It went from being an all incompassing life altering movie to just a flick. No it won't affect lucass but it will affect his kids they could have grown up and taken over an empire at its peak, but no more. All I'm saying is that this sort of short handing the fans are reciveing is what kills first the character, second the company, and finally the legacy.

  2. Yes, yes, yes you are so right but it is just that what brings my sarrow. The idea is so simple "Take it serious and it will take off and grow into its own", but saddly that's not how these big companies work. They say forget the little man that keeps us in fine clothing, we don't need him, but then thay go bankrupt and they wonder why. If they would give a little they'd get alot in return.

  3. What does BACA mean? Pixar is one of the best companies out there and getting better everyday. Ice age is a fine example on how they are fine tuning there craft. I only hope that they do more with it.


    PS Excuse me if i may be so bold but can we all get back on topic here. I mean this is more about anime than "that bitch Alita" or "evil artistic :angry: " right?

  4. Well... Er, back to ice. It was too, too funny. I mean thatm prehistoric squirrel was to die for. I only wish they had done more with it. I'm guessing here, but i think they had planned to do more with it. I especially love Diago's rendition of where's the baby.  THERE HE IS! Just great.

  5. I don't usually agree with "artistic", but :D and :angry:

    maybe be on to something. Just imagine if you will, a world war 3 book with G.I. Joes as your main characters, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm a big G.I. Joe fan, (mostly just a snake-eyes fan) and as one I can tell you that the current book it pretty bad in terms of story, but it is pretty to look at. In addition to this fact I constently wonder why cann't a great comic or cartoon ever make a worth wild conversion from one media into another. With these facts I can tell you Metal Gear will be a horrible comic just as punisher was a horrible game. In either case what makes them so bad is the lack of respect the creater has for the idea or the character. For example the people behind G.I. Joe, they will remain nameless, when they think G.I. Joe they think kiddy cartoon. Which will remain the case till someone comes along and gives them more credit.

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