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Jr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Octopus

  1. And you just ignore the fact that there are more women than men to begin with.


    I'm EXTREMELY offended by all that anti-lesbian bull. People should just not do what they need/want to do so you can have a few more chicks to fuck?


    I have a lot more to say about that... But I won't. Ignorance concerning homosexuality usually can't be cured. It's best ignored.

  2. I agree with SuperEeyore that the Star Wars trilogy is cheesy. I've never been a fan, never will be. The only thing that made the originals worthwhile for me was the sexual tension between Han and Leia.


    But I may see this one just for the Yoda stuff. He's so cute and fuzzy.  :D

  3. Just a bit of info on the otaku thing: While anime fans in America have decided that it's a good thing -- a serious anime/manga/video game fan -- in Japan, it's extremely derogatory. So should you ever be talking to a native Japanese anime fan/go to Japan and talk to folks about anime, don't call them an otaku. You could get hurt.  :help:

  4. I actually didn't like any of the actors that have played Batman... None of them really seemed to fit. I thought that the cartoon version was perfect, with that big powerful jaw, broad chest, deep voice...


    (Eeep, it sounds like I'm getting all hot, doesn't it?  ??? )

  5. I just saw Blade 2 on Wednesday (while on vacation in NY... the theater in Carousel Center is creepy...), and I absolutely loved it. The first one definitely was better.... But Blade 2 has a lot more horror, so it's all good.  :D


    (And I think I frightened my date... Apparently not many girls want to go see a comic book based vampire horror/action movie on a date...  :D )

  6. I've got two of the manga, but I've never seen the show. I hate the way the name was translated... My Japanese teacher (authentic Japanese, therefore she knows what she is talking about) was present when I bought the manga and she translated the title to "Strange Ceres." "Ayashi no Seresu" doesn't even remotely translate to "Ceres Celestial Legend," and quite frankly, I think that name is stupid.  :dissappointed:


    But I'm glad you reminded me that the anime exists. I want to buy the DVDs whenever I get money again.  :p

  7. I wish I had more time to play video games. In the last 6 months or so the only game I've had any real chance to play was Dance Dance Revolution. And sometimes when I have 15 minutes or so free I play a little Castlevania: Circle of the Moon... Why did I bother buying a GBA knowing I won't ever have time to play it during the school year?  ???

  8. A couple months ago I found an eighty mbs Xenosaga preview... It was great. I've been interested in Xenosaga since first word on it leaked... I'll give the previews you mentioned a look. My only problem is that I'm on a dialup 56k, so it takes me forever to download anything... 8k per second is the highest I can ever go.   :dissappointed:

  9. Irish Cowboy -

    Yeah, Kartia is quite like FF Tactics in the battle system department. I can hardly remember the story at all... I bought Kartia for my 13th birthday, played it within a few weeks, and now I'm going on 18, so it's been a while since I played. All I really remember is that I loved that all the characters' sprites and icons were true to Yoshitaka Amano's designs and that there was some religious issue in the plot that intrigued me (religious games rock, that's why I like Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics). I'm probably going to play through Kartia again this summer, so maybe if you haven't given it a try by then I can tell you more about it. There's two characters to play as, by the way, so there's two sides to the main plot... So even if I remembered most of the game, I wouldn't know the whole story.


    King of Snake -

    What I hated about the underground areas (Yeah, I think it was Undercity) was that I could never seem to get/forge any good weapons for undead types, and they were quite prevalent in the Undercity. =/ Besides, some of the enemies were just irritating. I hated those little dolls that laughed all the time, and those birds with women on their chests... I think those were harpies (?). I preferred the outside areas (like the Snowfly Forest). And the areas near the end rocked quite a bit too. As for how far I got... Hrm. I'll have to find the memory card I saved VS on and find that out. I haven't played it since I was showing my exboyfriend the ending... And we broke up almost a year ago.  ??? I do remember though, that after finishing I restarted from my save and used some Gameshark codes to skip to areas that you can't access the first time through. I fought a few of the optional bosses... Not as thrilling as it would seem. But nice designs.  :D

  10. Vagrant Story is much fun. Definitely one of my favorite RPGs, along with Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VIII, Kartia, and Final Fantasy VI. I want to play VS again, but the idea of going back through all the underground areas and that mine with the time limit keeps me from doing it just now. I hated both those places.  ???

  11. I voted for Star Trek First Contact, just because in general I hate time travel stories but Data was awfully cute in that movie...  :D


    But, I think 12 Monkies was the best. So what if the ending was predictable, that was one odd movie. And it forced me to accept that Brad Pitt is actually a good actor, not just a lump of meat. (No, I don't think he's that sexy, but most women do... Bleh.)

  12. Xenogears positively rocked my socks. Sad thing is, it suddenly got popular loooong after it came out, but since it's hard to find, and I have a copy from when it first came out, everyone I know wants to borrow my copy.  :plain: Someone needs to buy me a PS2 just so I can play Xenosaga... well, that, and FF10.  :blush:

  13. I wish I'd played Battletoads... My cousin Nick got it taken away from him for all the violence before I got to see it...  :scared:


    Yes, Excalibur went very bad near the end. I stopped reading it a while before they all disbanded and now I don't read any of the X-Men comics... But it was so much fun back in the days of teenage Shadowcat and Widget and cross-dimensional adventuring...  :D

  14. I loved the X-Men games for the Sega Genesis. Clone Wars particularly... I always played as Cyclops or Nightcrawler. Nighty wasn't quite as kickass as all the other possible characters, but still, I had a soft spot for him ever since I started reading Excalibur in 4th grade.  :D

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