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Troma High alumna
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Posts posted by Donatella

  1. I absolutely love this series! It has so many little nods to the original comics and series, without feeling like it's pandering. And it's fun catching ALL the easter eggs, while NZA catches none. I also love that it's building an entirely new fanbase of turtle fans. I get a little giddy when my students show up with TMNT backpaks, pencil cases, shirts, etc. Even the girls are into it! They all love Mikey (give me time, I'll turn them on to Donnie).


    The first two seasons were great.



    The first half of the third threw me for a loop. I loved the Friday the 13th episode, but a few after that were so bizarre! But then the vision quest episode was AMAZING, and when they returned to NYC it got really great again! And FUCKING FINALLY we get Bebop and Rocksteady!! I'm still hyped about that. They made such a big production of both their mutation and their naming... it was so fun.


    This series has also got me back into collecting toys. I have Metalhead and two Donnies. I am seeing rumors of a three-pack of pet toys that may be created. I really hope we get these! Ice cream kitty would go straight in my freezer.





  2. He certainly doesn't have much love for the major studios. Don't know if you're into super hero flicks - but Mr. Kaufman had a nice cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm sure he loved being a topic of conversation for Disney.


    Super hero flicks are my jam. I think I was the only person in the theater who cheered when they showed Lloyd in the Kyln! I'm a HUGE fan of James Gunn from his days at Troma. And the stuff he did after was great! Slither and Super are two of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen either, you MUST! Especially Super. It's SO dark.





    Sorry to take it so off-topic, but it's still kinda on topic.


    Check it - Wes Craven visits Troma:



    These are awesome! Now I want to have Troma-thon...

  3. Still got all my original Goosebumps books perched in my library. Just counted 'em - got 19 of the very first run / 1st edition prints with the bumpy covers.


    Tell me one of them is One Day at HorrorLand!! That was my JAM.


    A Troma fan! I love Toxie! I have an awesome figure of him from the 'Now Playing' series in my bedroom.

    That's so cool! I LOVE Troma and Lloyd Kaufman. I met him in 2010 at San Diego Comic Con...



    And ever since then, I try to catch him at Supercon or Megacon any time I go. If you haven't seen one of his Troma panels, they are worth checking out! Have to share one more! Here he is signing my Tale of Two Toxies poster!




    Got the first 4 Seasons of Tales From the Crypt on DVD. Demon Knight totally needs a bluray release - and it's getting one! October 20th! Woop-woop! Bordello of Blood I can live without, but it's also coming out the same day.


    WHAAAAT. I loved Demon Knight! Gonna have to pick that up next month! And Sleepaway Camp 2 is another classic! I've actually never met anyone else who'd seen one, so this is pretty awesome. :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. cantina-tapas.jpg


    I must be starving because this looks delicious! I would destroy most of that. Then it would destroy me. :(



    Taco Bell/Demolition Man was the first time I thought product placement was kinda brilliant in a movie! Then I saw Wayne's World...




  5. hold on you guys its that new lady lizard Donald and she aint having it. Dolemite is a skill chef and really knows how to whip up a frenzy in stomachs for lizard meat. And donatellyawhat, she makes the best lizard meat in hondys since thatlogan left. Dizzys best moment was when she bit Plank on the hand and then said not enough lettuce and Plank swore revenge on a fateful day that hasnt come yet. whenevver Da vinci gets mad she turns bright cyan and yells "fork this you idiot" then stabs the air wildly with her plastic shaped forks.


    DEAD at donatellyawhat. this made my night!!

  6. It looks like the kind of movie that might be fun even it's awful. I wonder why M. Night chose to go with a tired found-footage formula, but I'm intrigued by the "horror comedy" billing. I just get kinda tired of seeing writers struggle to explain why someone's lugging around a camera during the more intense scenes. If anyone does watch it, I'd appreciate knowing just how shaky the handheld footage is since I'm super sensitive to that. sick.gif

  7. That's SERIOUSLY how you got into horror? It fuckin' sounds like a scene from horror movie in itself. Perfect.


    Yep! I enjoyed it so much I became obsessed with horror. I'd read R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike even some Stephen King in elementary school. I watched Tales from the Crypt every night before I went to sleep! And there was a video rental spot across the street that would rent me rated R horror movies for a dollar so I became obsessed with Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and weird little cult ones like Sleepaway Camp and The Toxic Avenger. Ahh...memories....

  8. It's taken me a bit to accept that this happened. Wes Craven gave me my love for horror films ever since a neglectful babysitter sat six-or-seven-year-old me down in front of A Nightmare on Elm Street so she could go for a joy ride with her boyfriend. That could've been traumatic but I LOVED it!


    Time to pick a few of his best to marathon! This could get difficult.

  9. Horror is my favorite genre, but it's been a few years since I've seen anything really unique (Cabin in the Woods was probably the last). Then earlier this year I watched It Follows. Like Cabin, it pays homage to the horror films that came before it but does it in a completely new and interesting way. I've been calling it an arthouse horror film (and like most artsy films, critics loved it more than the general public did). It's beautifully shot and really, really creepy.


    It has potential to be a love it or hate it kinda movie (edited this to add I JUST saw Axel's comment about this movie! Haha!). But I'm standing by my recommendation. I'm just glad it's finally on DVD/streaming so people can see it! Been gushing about it for months!




    The trailer is

    . Posting a link because I can't seem to embed video, dammit.


  10. As a true crime buff, I am so hyped for this!! I've been fascinated by Holmes ever since I saw "H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer" on Netflix (not the most well-produced documentary, but interesting as hell). I will have to read Larson's book ASAP!


    I'm also excited that it's Scorcese and Leo making it! There are some director/actor pairings I'm tired of seeing (Burton/Depp), but I think these guys have still got it. Their movies are always, at the very least, beautiful to look at and brilliantly acted.


    Hmm. I wonder who will play Benjamin Pitezel...

  11. was thinking: this won't be as easy as sharing the twitter account - as i recall, you have to have an FB page (which we do), but can you login from different devices/etc? i don't even know if i can have multiple accounts on my phone...one of ya'll look into it when you can, ive got tons of stuff from our Photo Gallery that'd be great to go up there.


    I used to run the IG for a media company and I remember having to log in and out between their acct and my personal acct. A mild annoyance, really. And one I can't believe they haven't remedied, from what I can tell. I am looking at it on my phone now. I just clicked on the Sign Up option and it looks like you can register with an email OR facebook, so maybe it wouldn't be too difficult. If no one else wants to tackle it, I'd totally help you out. Even though I'm still a newbie around these parts. happy.png

    • Upvote 2
  12. The 90s series has some good moments but it's mostly a slog, I plowed through them in a couple months and nearly gave up a number of times. Fortunately almost all of it has been retconned out of existence (Deadpool no longer carries a torch for Siryn, Blind Al almost never pops up, and I don't think D-Rey, Ajax, or Weasel have been even mentioned in over a decade.) I'd either start with the Volume 2 (Written by Daniel Way, starts with a Secret Invasion tie-in but gets better from there) or Volume 3 written by Brian Posehn in 2012 (first issue involves zombie presidents.) Volume 1, Deadpool Corps, Deadpool Team-Up, Merc With a Mouth, Agent X, and Cable vs. Deadpool are best saved for when your tolerance is higher.


    Thanks for the detailed response! I think I'll go with Vol. 2 to start. And maybe tackle the older stuff Nick mentioned over Christmas break when my tolerance is higher. I'd like to see the origin of some of those characters before the movie comes out!

  13. The humor-thing, I think was a sign of the times and an Englund thing. I think it should stay that way - close that door. They should do a gritty remake, make Freddy twisted and evil - keep him a sexual deviant, have the audience be revolted. No jokes! No puns! No one-liners! If there are puns, they should be disturbing, crossing-the-line-with-censors, borderline NC-17 kinda stuff. Like, "God, what a sick fuck!" Cringe worthy stuff. Horrifying stuff. No 4th wall stuff. That's how I'd do it, though.


    I would honestly miss the humor if they got rid of it completely! But I'm on board with it being MUCH more disturbing. When it gets too silly, it also gets less scary.



  14. I recently finished the 2012-2015 Hawkeye series. Wow... I didn't realize that went on for three years. Reading them as they were released must have been torturous. That Pizza Dog issue was awesome. Reminded me of that episode of Pinky and the Brain where we



    Now I'm working on:

    - TMNT (2011-ongoing)

    - Y- The Last Man- just started it and already hooked!

    - Hip Hop Family Tree - this will take me forever because I keep stopping to research (i.e. fall into a wiki black hole) and listen to the artists on YouTube

    - Torso - another recommendation from NZA who knows how much I love true crime stories!


    I want to start reading more Deadpool. So far all I've read is his first appearance and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. I have all of his regular series, limited series and one-shots. Can anyone recommend a good place to start?

  15. Just got back from seeing Ant-Man in 3D! FULL. HOUSE. The theater was FULL! Anyway -



    I caught a commercial yesterday where Ant-Man was talking to Falcon. That was the commercial! SPOILER! I've been avoiding reviews, any info - then I see that commercial. I had to watch it before anymore was ruined. Planned on waiting till audience attendance dropped.


    I expected more. I wanted more.


    I hated the three-stooges / thieves. The dude from the Dark Knight was distracting! That's the psycho from Dark Knight! I'm hispanic - and that hispanic guy embarrassed me.


    Aside from introducing Pym Particles, I didn't feel like it really expanded the mythology / cinematic universe. I loved the beginning, w/ an aged Agent Carter and Senior Stark - but it fell off for me after that. I wanted more of that established universe! It seriously lacked Marvel-ness.


    As soon as the plot was introduced, (destroy the bad building) there wasn't a moment that I felt that they couldn't / wouldn't. There wasn't an 'uphill-battle' moment in the entire film, no sense of struggle.


    What was weird was the entire theater was laughing at the stupidest, corniest jokes / moments. I didn't laugh once. Felt like Chris Pratt did a dub for this movie. I seriously had moments where I swear I was listening to Chris Pratt.


    The costume was AWESOME!!! The special effects were cool. I have every Marvel movie on Bluray ('cept Winter Soldier, waiting for that price drop) - I'll get this on Bluray, but damn, it was weak.



    Now I'm gonna actually read this topic, check out some reviews and see if I'm in the minority.


    I think it's interesting that, being Hispanic, you didn't like Michael Pena's character!



    I'm also Hispanic and I think that's the reason I loved him. It may have been obviously pandering to Latinos, but I enjoyed that his little stories started with him at a wine tasting and then an art gallery. I get so tired of seeing my people as brainless criminals. Sure he's a thief, but he also enjoys rosé wine and post-cubist art. I got a kick out of that.


    I also loved his positive spirit. Him being so happy about getting the van after telling Scott he lost his whole family was one of my favorite lines in the movie. smile.png


    But I do agree with you 100% about there being no sense of a struggle. The "becoming Ant Man" stuff took so long that I forgot what they were fighting against for most of the movie.


  16. I loathed the first one. To me, a huge part of TMNT is the Hamato Yoshi / Oroku Saki dynamic.



    There was no mention whatsoever of Hamato Yoshi in the first one. Splinter learned to ninja from a book in the sewer. The turtles didn't even ninja! They wore a bunch of flashy gear, lumbered into scenes and beat up on armed thugs half their size!



    Such torture to watch as a TMNT superfan. But hey, Transformers makes bajillions of dollars. The movie didn't need to be good, but successful.


    The only thing I'm looking forward to in this "thing" is what Rocksteady and Beebop are gonna look like. I've always wished they had used them in Secret of the Ooze.


    I don't think I did the spoiler-thing right...


    YES! Thank you.



    This is my one big complaint about the first movie! Splinter's Hamato backstory is one of my favorites, so I was really bummed that they changed it. And I just can't suspend disbelief long enough to believe you can master ninjitsu from reading a book.


  17. Ted 2. Not as good as the first one, but funny. Comic Con scene was great.



    Seeing Patrick Warburton as the Tick during the NYCC scene made the entire movie worth watching!



    Just watched The Naked Gun on Netflix! Recently rewatched Airplane! for the millionth time and now I'm on a Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker kick.

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