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Ganny McVagflaps

Preacher's Divinity
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Posts posted by Ganny McVagflaps

  1. Just this really:


    i love puppies. i think i'm gonna get a fish and name it trogdor. the burninator.


    Also the best Punisher's name was Dolph. The best Punisher movie was War Zone (All heil McGinty, Irish, Rasta, Parkour-Superstar). The Tom Jane one is atrocious.

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    [Part I. The Hangover Mass]


    I'm sorry, Mama, but I've been drinking again.

    Me and the old man got us a head start on the weekend,

    And rest assured, tonight I'm going to be in Kevin's basement with all my friends,

    provided we can get, get our lazy asses down to Bottle King by ten.


    And the walk home is going to be a real shit show.

    I'll be picking up half-smoked cigarette butts all up and down Rock Road,

    And then to throw up in the warm glow of the traffic light.

    But I'm gonna put the devil inside to sleep if it takes all night.


    So let's get fucked up, and let's pretend we're all okay.

    And if you've got something that you can't live with,

    Save it for another day, all right?

    Save it for another day.


    I'm sorry, Mama, but expect a call from the neighbors tonight.

    All of my asshole buddies are coming over and they're feeling a little too all right.

    I'm sick and tired of everyone in this town being so goddamn uptight.

    But don't you worry, I'll do all the talking when they turn on the flashing lights.


    When I'm an old man, I can be the quiet type,

    and I can go without a moment of fun for the rest of my life.

    I can read a good book, and I can be in bed by ten,

    and I can get up early, go to work and come home, and start it all over again.


    But while we're young, boys, everybody raise your glasses high,

    Singing, 'Here's to the good times, here's to the home team.

    Kiss the good times goodbye, oh yeah,

    Kiss the good times goodbye.'


    [Part II. Grandpa's Old Cough Medicine]


    I need a timeout, I need an escape from reality,

    Or else I need eternal darkness and death, I need an exit strategy.

    down in North Carolina, I could have been a productive member of society,

    But these New Jersey cigarettes and all they require have made a fucking junkie out of me.


    So give me a Guinness, give me a Keystone Light,

    Give me a kegger on a Friday night.

    Give me anything but another year in exile.


    I need a whiskey, I need a whiskey right now.

    God knows how many times I've said this before,

    But I really don't feel like doing this anymore.


    [Part III. Song for Tretiak's Movie]


    So hey, Andy, let's turn into dirty old men,

    Close down the bar every night at the Glen Rock Inn.

    Talk about our grandkids as we stroke our grey bears.

    Funny we're still doing carbombs after all of these years.


    And I know there are bicycles waiting to ride,

    But I could swear I heard voices from the other side, saying,

    'Wait until you see the whites of their eyes.'


    And now that I'm older, I look back and say,

    'What the fuck was it for anyway?'

    For those dreams are lying in the still of the grave -

    What the fuck were they for anyway?

    So let it be on a stretcher if I get carried away -

    What the fuck was it for anyway?




    Concept albums don't need to suck, kids.

  3. Back when he was in Cleveland, he had the #23. MJ's number. He made a big stink about how he was going to change his number because no one else should have Jordan's number. I agree.


    That was how the epic 2t/LeSham courtside fuck you off reached it's zenith. Fuck that fuck. Also fuck the Heat. And fuck the Brooklyn Nets. I'd like to add retroactively fuck Dwayne and Shaquille. In light of all this fucking fucking I would sure like to fuck Brigitte fucking Bardot in Cannes in 1950fucking3 and so the fuck would Kirk Douglas so it fucking seems: http://www.retronaut.co/2011/08/brigitte-bardot-at-cannes-1953/ Fuck.


    If Wee Hughie plans on taking Butcher down he's gonna need some serious fucking help. Where's Annie at? I can see her showing up at the last minute and bailing Wee Hughie out.



    I can't believe there's only four issues left :misty:

  5. Did you ever hear the interview Howard did w/ John K. and Billy after Nickelodeon fired John K. from the show and Billy took over Stimpy's voice? If not, seek that shit out. Radio gold.


    I sure have. That's some real uncomfortable shit.


    Are you DL'n and listening to Stern currently, Flappy? The AGT talk has died down a bit, I think mostly from the fan complaints.


    Even a little AGT is too much for me. I'm finding it very annoying and I've not been listening as much as I used to. Before I'd never miss a day but now I've not been too pushed over the last few months. The three day weeks and AGT shit is just to annoying.


    Bubba, I've never listened to his radio show but I've always liked him on Howard's show. I like Brent as well. They were on a month or so ago w/ a non-update on their divorces.


    Agreed, they always were good on Stern and shocking the puss? WOW.


    When's the last time Gilbert was on. Him sitting in on the news is always fantastic. Another guy who Artie worked great with.



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