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White Line Nightmare

Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by White Line Nightmare

  1. -Macaroni & Cheese.


    Hate the smell, hate the taste, hate the consistency, hate the texture.


    In pre-school we were forced to eat it, and I've despised it ever since. Doesn't matter if it's the bright orange shit from a box, shells with Velveeta, or fancy penne pasta and gourmet cheese, it's all fucking nauseating. On a bad day, just being around it makes me gag.



    -Cold savory foods (salad, cold cuts, sandwiches, etc.).


    If it's savory, I eat it hot. I have no problem with vegetables if they're cooked (I actually really like them), but when they're raw and cold, I just feel like I'm eating leaves. And I stand by the saying, "Salad isn't food, it's what food eats." Just give me a piping-hot rare steak, right off the grill, thanks.

  2. Does anybody else find Chelsea Handler painfully unfunny?


    I've seen her stand-up, her talk show, and read her "comedy writing," and I'm just embarassed for her... but everyone else seems to think she's hilarious... I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!


    Oh, and let's add Dane Cook to the list, too:







    PS- I consider Hicks, Pryor, and Carlin the high-water mark, just so you know what kind of scale I'm working with here...

  3. Does anyone remember these books? I loved them but the illustrations used to scare the shit out of me when I was younger and they're still rather unnerving.


    They're still available-- I bought a hardcover collecting all three books for about $15.


    Once, as a Christmas present for a friend, I framed black & white copies of the artwork to hang on the wall. The one of the skeletal dead girl with no eyes came out awesome.

  4. Been a few months since I've gotten anything specifically for the collection, but here's my latest score:





    The much-sought-after, but still new and rare Snake Eyes from the bad-ass Joe cartoon Resolute (snuck into the movie line), snagged online.


    Because I feel like gloating (I'm an asshole :wank: ) , product review from my online buddy General Hawk:


    City Strike Snake Eyes Review


    Man, I can't wait to start my new job and catch up on the stuff I've missed this summer...



    *Photo courtesy http://castlegeekskull.blogspot.com/

  5. Ever watch Planet Earth after ingesting chemicals?


    Gives you a new appreciation and allows you to really think and digest what you're watching. The footage they've gotten is unbelievable, for sure, but watching some of it, and seeing how some of the animals are interacting, you notice how evolution happens.


    I love to watch that show (and The Universe) with friends, and we have the best conversations after.


    Gonna have to check out Life. Sounds fuckin' cool.

  6. That NOM NOM chick's belly looks like the face of a sock puppet.


    A disgusting, stretch-marked sock puppet.


    Credit where credit is due, though... at least she didn't photograph herself from one flattering angle and post it on Myspace. What a psych-out that is in person. Uncomfortable.




    me and my housemate Mischa got slurpees the other week, the face in the cup ammused us so... if only it knew it had a few seconds to live :sad:




  7. Silent Bob and I were both agreed though, it was still much better than Temple of Doom


    For real.


    Indy 4 will always be superior because of its distinct lack of Willie Scott, who is, arguably, one of the worst and most annoying characters in cinematic history.


    Why Spielberg decided to tap that and put a ring on it, I will never understand.



    Sure, I've got my problems with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and do think Lucas just needs to stick with coming up with stories, then give them to capable writers, but it's nowhere near as bad as the fucking fanboys bitch about (the Star Wars prequels are another story).


    Also, how are aliens any less realistic or believable than AN IMAGINARY MAN WHO LIVES IN THE SKY?

    • Upvote 1
  8. Sauron's a lich. The ring is his phylactory. It can't be destroyed except in the fires of Mount Doom. Sauron can't be destroyed unless his phylactory is destroyed. Sauron wins.


    ...But the Death Star can destroy planets.


    If the Death Star blew up Middle Earth, everyone-- hobbits, orcs, elves, and all-- is fucked.


    Even if Sauron somehow survived, he'd be alone with his dick out drifting in space.

  9. If you're talking about the Daphne Rosen pics, then yeah I agree; not much to look at in the face dept, but body-wise WHOA-MAMMA!!! Talk about some SERIOUS T&A!!! :ohface:


    She's alright face-wise. Pretty eyes and nice skin. Her eyebrows have a good shape, too. She's just doing a weird thing with her teeth/smile in her photos that isn't sexy at all. I think if she did a subtle little smile, she'd be more attractive in the pics... but that's the fault of the photographer for not directing her.


    On a slightly related note, have you ever seen nude pics of a girl, and while she's attractive, she just doesn't exude sexiness to the camera? I see it every once in a while, where a model is trying to look seductive, but ends up coming off goofy.

  10. I wanted something along the lines of Batman: Year One or The Dark Knight Returns.


    I ended up totally disappointed, just like I was with DK2.


    Batman is my all-time favorite comic character, and I've come to accept that there'll be great storylines (DKR, B:YO, The Long Halloween, HUSH, etc.) and bad ones (Broken City, Officer Down,etc.). With any character with as rich a history, it's to be expected.

  11. Fair enough, you like your titties big, but ass? She's facing front, do you know where the ass is on the female body?


    I certainly do.


    And it's been my experience that if a girl is built like an 11 year-old boy (or skinny enough to wear a kid's Halloween costume, anyway), she ain't gonna have much in the back.


    I'm just used to Miami girls, man. Nice and curvy. :birf2::ghost:



    But enough yakkin'. Back on topic:




  12. Well, what if I was feeling festive and playful? LOL...


    That's perfectly understandable.


    But I honestly can't imagine being serious while putting on that song... it would be one of those things that you play in an attempt to be cheesily seductive, then end up actually having sex. A female friend of mine actually had a guy play that song in a for real attempt to get her to sleep with him.


    This isn't limited to "Flex," either. I couldn't keep a straight face putting on "Let's Get It On" or anything Barry White in the bedroom, no disrespect to Mr. Gaye or The Walrus of Love. I'd end up having flashbacks of Jack Black in High Fidelity with his band-- and when I want to fuck, that's one of the last things I wanna see.

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