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Eternal Usagi-Chan

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Posts posted by Eternal Usagi-Chan

  1. I've decided to start this new topic because of the fact that nobody has really posted in this part of the forum for a while.


    I also wanted to inform those of you that have never heard of this anime what it's about.


    Ayashi no Ceres is also known as " Ceres Celestial Legend". Atleast that is what they call it here in america. Based on the comics of Yu Watase (also known for Fushigi Yugi) this anime is basically about a girl named Aya and her twin brother Aki separated because of an ancient legend. Her family is trying to get her killed because of a spirit that lives inside this poor 16 year old girl.


    I love this anime for the reason being that anyone can watch this anime. It has romance, nudity, blood, death, and many other numerous features.


    I still haven't finished watching the whole series. I'm collecting it little by little.  I just thought all of you should know. Especially for those that are too sshy to ask about anime!! :D

  2. The only reason I think I would even get near the X-Box ( Shit Box) would be for Odd world. I'm a big fan of abe's oddysse (whatever I can't spell right now  :p )


    But the PS2 woops Microsoft's ass!! It's like putting a little guppy into a tank of Oscars!! :D  :D

  3. I think that is the hardest question ever brought up to me...

    I really can't say... I like so many of them!! I love the FF saga's, Chrono Trigger and Chronicles kicked ass, then there's Zelda for nintendo.... :baa:  :baa:


    I can't think... ???

  4. I've always been a fan of blood and guts...


    I was having difficulty though trying to decide over Scorpion (just because I would play with him all the time) (also because I found him one of the most easiest characters to use because of the known fact that I suck when it comes to fighting games) and Sub-zero. His fatality was designed better than scorpions.


    And I alwas thought that Sonya's kiss of death was kind of lame... ???

  5. Is there anyother anime freak other than myself out there that has Lain and would lend it to me?? Or atleast to have a movie night and watch it...


    How long is the series anyway??

  6. How about the latest from Blink 182? I don't know the name of the song, but it goes something like this:


    :D (fast tempo)

    " Suckin,and fuckin, and touchin

    suckin, and fuckin, and touchin

    suckin, and fuckin, and touchin...

    It's mother's day!


    Or how about:

    :D (fast tempo)

    " Shit, piss,fuck, cunt, cock sucker, mother fucker, shit,fart, dirt, and twat...(3X's)

    I fucked your mom!!!

  7. I never said I didn't want to watch... I just thought  it looked really depressing and I wanted to hear about from others that have seen it so that I had a reason to watch it or not.


    Now I probably will watch but I need to ether rent it or ask someone that has it to lend it to me :D

  8. I must admit they are all hot :D but it isn't all that true... I guess a girl needs an "in-betweenie"


    He has to be rough and protective of what is rightfully his, but yet gentle and understanding!!


    The only guys you can find like that nowadays are probably gay... ???

  9. I would have to say " Galapagos" from Smashing Pumpkins. (Atleast for right now). It reminds me of the past and how I need to move on with my life. Everytime I hear this song, I think of all the people I loved, the one's that back stabbed me, and the one's that have sticked with me through thick and thin. I guess it's always been an encouraging song! :D



    "  Too laate to turn back now, I'm running out of sound

    And I am changing, changing

    And ifwe died right now, this fool you lov somehow

    is here with you"

    " I won'tdeny the pain,

    I won't deny the change

    and shoud I fall from grace here with you

    would you leave me too?" :D

  10. Actually I used to watch Maxx alot!! And I believe the last wo pics are from the animated version and the first one is from the comic. :D


    I really don't remember too much about it and I don't have any recordings or anything like that!! Sorry :D

    But I must admit it was a really awesome anime!!

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