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Hondo's Bar


Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. Ahem!....



    Custer shat vegemite and ate Italian Sausage covered lovingly with snot. Meanwhile... the flaming hedgehog "bukkake" on Custer's face started spurting hot lovin' in mangina then Mr. Smithbrownsonvilletonstein circumncised his man-servant Chewbacca using rusty scissors which cut cheese like rollerskates wind blew leaves up his shorts and that made him crap big time! All shitty turds were soggy and gave him hemmorhoids so he had gotten them popped. So leaking he cummed all around his fast growing made him hurt even harder thrusts were flatulent! As fuck spiders attacked Mufasa's cock which caused tickles through his urethra fungus granting a pardon by total fortune cookies used by midgets invading space camp between where nobody discombobulate. Surprised by gigantic beachballs that have orange penises growing bigger with singing because aliens manipulated feces with 300 Drmels that altered my nipples 20 times before I started plugging batteries directly into my children, dude.

  2. So, my house is like... a damn zoo.


    We have 3 small dogs. Two weeks ago, a little stray cat (who seems to be the avid huntress around here) came around and I made the mistake of feeding it b/c I love cats.


    Guess what. Today we picked up a baby golden lab who had just finished getting into a fight. SHE IS THE SWEETEST THING! But I can't keep her. Anyone want a potentially huge dog?

  3. Oh, right, this coming from the fan of a game that uses the SAME DAMN SPELLS EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I bet I can list at least 10 off the top of my head.


    Lightning 1

    Lightning 2

    Lightning 3

    Fire 1

    Fire 2

    Fire 3

    Ice 1

    Ice 2

    Ice 3


    Meteo :D

  4. Quick one.


    ::DJ Ario-Assault spins the instrumental, BIG f Meth - F* the World::


    I used ta' chase the girls fo' the tits, now they try to

    flee from the dick, but silly chickens can't escape this.

    I'm harder than the ce-ment-mixed up with the water

    got the 'kake aimed right at yo' daughter...

    Smell that? Wack MC's just took a shit cause

    when my crew hits I'm droppin' bombs like banana splits...

    in a lactose intolerant tummy, think you funny?

    Leave you hoppin' like the Easter Bunny.

    That must be you I see your pink thong a mile away.

    Come at me wrong, I leave you burnt like on Friday.

    In my day, we used to scrap at the park on the corner

    now the fools leaving people at the coroner.

    They say to be the best you gotta go and beat the best.

    Well if you try to beat the best you better bring a vest.

    Because I don't take chances, while I was rockin'

    shows, your crew was dressed in pink doin' dirty dances.

  5. :D

    It's funny. Once, at the Roney Palace on South Beach, I was walking through the lobby and nearly bumped into Raekwon. He really didn't want to be noticed so he hurried his ass up the elevator to the penthouse. I'm guessing there were more Wu in the building.

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